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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Have not quite mastered using the microwave in the dark.

  2. A toilet that knows when you're going to shit before you do...

  3. My resolution for this year? Figure out how to make enough money to buy acreage with a cave on it. #batcave2013

  4. You know @ebay, you're making me wait 30 days to sell my TV when it never sold in the first place. The order was cancelled. #irritated

  5. Ah, the rednecks have brought out the fireworks.

  6. Bought new jeans and alcohol.

  7. Wait, there was a Dragonlance movie where Kiefer Sutherland did the voice of Raistlin?

  8. Might go see The Hobbit tonight. By myself. Daring, I know.

  9. Oh, Pitch Perfect is out already. Damn, I wanted to see that. *looks on http://t.co/F86Xw2cT*

  10. I really want to hear a song mashup of Blackstreet's "No Diggity" and Johnny Lee's "Looking for Love"

  11. I'm considering the feasibility of going back to college in 2013. Again. Never too old to learn something new.

  12. Last night of work. Off tomorrow. Might do something exciting like laundry. Woo.

  13. So, I've got another 39 hours vacation due me. What to do with it...

  14. Huh, I didn't know there was a cam on the Saturn V rocket at the space center here. http://t.co/Hqd3jejU

  15. If I roll over or turn my head the other way, she'll get up and come around the other side.

  16. I've never had a mincemeat pie that actually had meat in it. Yes, it's 3am and I just scarfed 2 pieces of pie.

  17. I think minimum wage was $3.15 when I started working at 16. You'd think that 25 years later it'd be a lot higher than it is.

  18. Chance of snow today. People in the South don't know what to do with that. Here its still exciting.

  19. Back home where it's warm. Relative to outside anyway. 4 hours to kill before work. Nap?

  20. Looks like my over the door coat hanger thing will arrive tomorrow. I'm excited to finally have a real place to hang a coat. #easilyamused

  21. I now have to rise early twice in the next few days. Blasphemy I say.

  22. Yuck. Miserable weather.

  23. Well, that was easy to find. $37 for a bit of felt is NOT easy though. Ouch.

  24. . @kierstenwhite my very literal mind wants to know what kind of seasoning makes a seasoned author. Salt, pepper? Rosemary or thyme?

  25. Dog the Bounty Hunter wedding special..i have no words.

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