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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Don't get me wrong, I love my @tassimo coffee maker but their shipping department sucks. I waited 3 months for coffee once.

  2. Here, is this creepier? She's really a sweetheart. http://t.co/y74CwxfY

  3. All the stoners are now packing to move to Colorado.

  4. Nothing on TV tonight. Help I'm steppin' into the election zone.

  5. Heh, Alabama's 7.19% of felons that can't vote is almost as high as Florida's 10.42% http://t.co/hy5rS4F7

  6. All I see on twitter is Election Day and @rachelcaine. Can we just elect her president and get it over with?

  7. Libra: you might not be able to prevent your mind from wandering all over the map right now... As if I ever could.

  8. Having googled "kissing bugs" I am thoroughly horrified. The name is because they usually bite people near their mouth while sleeping.

  9. Red Bull and Snickers for dinner. Mmm.

  10. It seems the only liquid sugar I have left is chocolate mint and cinnamon. Not sure why I have cinnamon.

  11. Mental note : do not yawn with a cat 3 inches from your face. *spits fur*

  12. Well said. RT @BurningBunnies: Radio Interview link and my non partisan thoughts on tomorrow's election. http://t.co/1fuVZXRt

  13. Either @Darynda is going to have to write faster or I'm moving into her head. Finished Death and the Girl Next Door as well as Fourth Grave.

  14. My subconscious keeps changing the lyrics to Birdhouse in Your Soul. Funniest version yet, 'blue canary in the alley by the White House'

  15. My best friend broke up with her girlfriend and texted me after no contact for a year. Still good to hear from her.

  16. Kind of wish I had a solid white short hair cat to compliment my black cat. Nice symmetry.

  17. I don't feel like I got an extra hours sleep.

  18. I feel like I just started reading @Darynda's Death and the Girl Next Door and I'm done. Ahhh, what happens next?!

  19. By the time I got to work I looked like a puffer fish.

  20. I think I've corrupted enough people now. My 74 year old mother pulled a "that's what she said" joke today. -_-

  21. Most parents bring home groceries etc. Mine brings home a flu shot. At least she didn't stab me with it this year. #practicemakesperfect

  22. My cats are arguing over who gets to lay on my chest. This involves slapping one another in the head randomly until one of them gives up.

  23. It is OMG early. Wtf is that, daylight? Argh!

  24. As many times as I've heard it, it wasn't until yesterday that I realized Birdhouse in Your Soul was a song about a night light.

  25. Not sure what to think about this new TMNT that Nickelodeon is doing.

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