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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. Honestly, I don't get all the times I hear people say a carrier tries to delay a product launch to keep sales of the iPhone isolated. People who are going to buy an iPhone are going to buy an iPhone. A Samsung or LG anything won't change that fact.

    That's not true. As a person who sells phones, there are still people that come in open minded. There are also people that are already decided on what they want, but I honestly try to make sure a person gets the best phone for their needs.


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  2. Sprint has announced the phone, and like several phones in the past they haven't announced a date. This is not new. The LG G2 was announced by LG a long time ago. Sprint just recently announced the pre orders for it. They still haven't announced a release date. This is SOP for Sprint.


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  3. There is one possibility that I don't think anyone has mentioned;


    That this single band note 3 is for virgin mobile.

    OEMs do not generally manufacture separate variants for Virgin Mobile. From an economy of scale standpoint, that does not make sense. Instead, for Virgin Mobile, they may lockout certain capabilities via firmware.



    Also Virgin has never sold this high end of a phone at launch. They didn't get the GS3 until after the GS4 was on the market.


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  4. Sprint doesn't use SIM cards for their LTE service...but I agree we should get to know this guy appears to have connections , if he is legit. It could be a sham but he appears to have a decent seller rating on ebay and the pictures of it look legit

    Indeed Sprint does use SIM cards.


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  5. I am balancing between 3 phones currently, the LG G2, HTC One Max and Nexus 5. I am really intrigued with the LG G2 because its got a nice big screen, huge battery in 3000 maH for a screen that size, optical image stabilization, IPS HD display, etc. But I am concerned about the software support for the LG G2. I would expect the software support to be better on the LG G2 than on the LG Optimus G since its going to be launched on all carriers. The Nexus 5 looks ok to me but my only concerns with the Nexus 5 is that it only has a 2300 maH battery according to FCC docs and just the overall quality of the Nexus phone. The Galaxy Nexus wasn't that great on Sprint but I realized that it was released much later in 2012 than the Verizon variant and by the the specs were just meh.


    The HTC One Max is intriguing but I am concerned a bit about the screen size not just because its 5.99 inches but the stereo speakers adds additional height on top of the already tall screen. When the HTC One is taller than the GS4 by 1 mm even though the HTC One is 4.7 inch screen vs. GS4 5.0 inch screen its a bit depressing. Also the uncertainty of a stylus type feature on the HTC One Max is also a concern of mine.

    I am of a similar situation, see my post in the G2 thread, but I understand exactly where you are coming from. Although the screen size on the One Max doesn't really bother me much.


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  6. Ahhhh gotcha. Are you interested in getting the LG G2?

    My next phone will probably be the G2.

    With a few maybes thrown in. If the HTC One Max is announced by November (and has stylus support), or if the Nexus is available through the Play Store at a competitive price it may make me rethink things a bit. I am not going to keep chasing the next big thing, so basically these other options have until the the actual launch of the G2 to become more official. I am not in the mood to keep chasing rumors. I will have a triband phone by the holidays.


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  7. Wait why did you go back to GS3 again? Is it the lack of support? I know the LG Optimus G was only available on Sprint and AT&T last year but I am hoping that since the LG G2 is going to be available on all 4 major carriers that the software support will be better this time than the original LG Optimus G.

    It was a loaner phone.


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  8. As far as speed and responsiveness, the LG Optimus G is much faster and fluid than the GS3 in my occasional use. I used the LG every day for a week and was sad to go back to my GS3. If the current year devices compare like last years, it is no contest. The biggest problem with the Optimus last year was that it didn't say Samsung on the front.


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  9. The really creepy part is that the always on Google Now is going to record and process all of the words and noises that follow. Hey, we all know that massages lead to...





    Brown chicken, brown cow.


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  10. Fortunately Indy is getting LTE 800 earlier than most markets, so it will effectively double capacity instantly at each site when it is deployed. And each LTE 2600 carrier will effectively triple capacity over each LTE 1900 carrier.



    Did I miss a memo? Indy 800 LTE earlier than other markets? Tell me more? Why? Time frame?


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