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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. He sold you a phone with no back cover? Sounds a little fishy to me. I guess the tether was too difficult to remove at the store..


    What was this price? Also why no back cover?

    Sounds pretty stolen


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  2. Generally speaking, if you get Sprint 3G at your house you will probably get LTE. When LTE on 800 is deployed on your tower you should see a stronger signal. These are general observations based on what has happened so far with NV. However, every site is different and may perform differently than other sites. Also, you should be using wifi at home.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  3. Heck, signal strength is weak is bad, bad news to hear. The reason I did not go for the S4, way before the G2 was announced, was all the talk about how weak the signal strength was on that phone. I need a strong signal strength as Sprint is not the best network where I am at. Not too concerned about internet, much more concerned about actual phone calls and holding onto the call when talking instead of dropping a call.


    The short review is not good at all.

    Lack of picking up LTE on 1900 is not necessarily related to picking up voice on 800.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  4. Is anyone yet certain that Best Buy will have the 32gig version of the Sprint G2? When about to pre-order it there for $99 (for existing Sprint customers) the cust svc person via chat said it was the 16gig model. Of course I had thought only 32gig versions were to be used and tried to tellthem that. The BB Cust Svc person said they were sure their G2 for Sprint will be 16gig though. Does anyone here know for sure that this is incorrect and that Best Busy will sell the normal 32gig version? They do not have the memory size posted anywhere on their site so I just can't be sure. 16gig and no mem expansion is a no-sell for me, so reason for me delay. I dont want to pre-order with BB until I can tell what memory is on their G2 for sure. I am almost certain reading here and around that it will be the 32gig, but since they said otherwise, I want to make sure. Thoughts???


    It's 32 gig. Don't listen to customer service, they most likely don't even know what a "gig" is.


    Sprint LG G2 is 32 GB. LG even has it posted in their specs on their website.http://www.lg.com/us/cell-phones/lg-LS980-White-g2
    I have used the Sprint G2, it is most definitely 32GB. sa7y5ujy.jpgSent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  5. I believe I am in a market (Seattle) with some TD-LTE so I'm excited to try out the LG G2. Is the G2 expected to be able to connect to TD-LTE out of the box or will it require some special update that Sprint will have to push out first? It is looking like this will be the first handset to have this capability unless the One Max release date ends up being sooner.

    That is the million dollar question.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  6. A few quick thoughts on the G2.

    It is fast, but we all knew this.  Almost all modern smartphones are fast.  The hardware on top end devices pretty much makes sure that everything flies.  The G2 is no exception.


    The notification shade is a wee bit cluttered.  With Android now natively supporting quick settings via a second page on the notification shade, there is very little reason to clutter up the pulldown with with all of the toggles.  About 1/3 of the notification shade is already full of stuff before you even get a notification.  From what I understand some of the other carrier versions allow some of these to be disabled to clean things up a bit, I have not had the opportunity to dig into setting to see what the Sprint version allows to be disabled.


    Odd annoyance regarding notifications.  It seems that even if the screen is off if an application is running in the foreground you will not see the notification if you pull down the notification shade.  You will see the notification in the status bar, but if you pull it down to see more details it is gone.  All of this is if the screen is still locked.  I only noticed this when using Google Hangouts.  I am a very active user of Hangouts so this really stuck out to me.  My common practice if I receive a Hangouts notification is to pull down to see a quick preview to see if it is something I need to unlock the phone and respond to.  With the G2 the notification disappears when you pull it down.  Like I mentioned earlier, this only seems to happen if Hangouts is the app running "under" the lockscreen.  If another app or the home screen is where I left the phone before I locked it the notifications seem to work just fine.  


    I really enjoy the knock on feature, it is very convenient and somewhat necessary because of the button placement on the back.  As most of you know you can wake the phone by double tapping the screen, this also works to turn of the screen by double tapping an empty space on the homescreen or double tapping the status bar. Note if you use a different launcher (I usually use Nova) you lose the ability to turn off the screen by double tapping on the homescreen.  It will still turn it off by double tapping the status bar, so you don't lose the functionality completely.  


    The camera seems really good in limited testing.  I obviously am not in an environment to test many different scenarios, but it seems good in limited testing.  LG has their own version of Photospheres called VR Panorama, it works a little differently than the stock Nexus version, but seems to work well enough.  I for one am looking forward to taking some photospheres without having to use some crash prone hacked version of the apk that I currently have on my current phone.  All phones should support it at this point.  


    I will follow up with more impressions as I notice things going forward.  Keep in mind that I am using a phone that is almost a month away from release, there still could be software issues that will be addressed prior to release.

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  7. You know what is odd? On the Best Buy website, when you select the G2 and it lists all the carrier versions, each one lists wifi as a bullet point except for the Sprint models...


    Obviously I know the G2 has wifi since I read the FCC docs, the manual, and simple logic, but I do like poking the embers of the Chicken Little crowd.. I'm such a bad person.

    I have personally connected the Sprint G2 to Wifi. Worked wonderfully.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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  8. I was told by our Sammy rep "You can take a hammer to this thing". If that's true, even without being actually flexible in the wobbly manner, that's pretty awesome.

    I hope your Samsung rep is better than ours. Ours showed me a "secret" photo of the Gear about a month before it was announced. It was not a picture of the Gear. It was one of the Internet "leaks" that was debunked. I didn't have the heart to tell him his picture had been debunked several days before.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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  9. My intent was never for you to actually activate the device but to inquire someone who might know this information about whether it uses a CSIM or USIM. I just would imagine that there would be some major hint of CSIM vs. USIM usage especially if you get a nice inventory of fresh CSIM cards within the next week.


    I would never ask you to do something that you were not allowed to do. I know what you have already presented thus far is a great heads up. Thank you for that.

    No new SIM cards yet

    Are we sure it is a new card, or is the authentication different via software?

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4


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