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Everything posted by RedSpark

  1. More news about Sprint’s network improvements for the Big Game: http://www.wirelesswednesday.live/single-post/2019/01/24/Sprint-Super-Bowl-upgrades-are-here-to-stay-as-5G-arrives
  2. Here's what AT&T is doing to prep for comparison: https://about.att.com/story/2019/att_boosts_atlanta_coverage.html Verizon hasn't posted yet, but when they do, it'll probably be tagged with "Super Bowl": https://www.verizon.com/about/news-tag/super-bowl
  3. More news on the Stadium Preparation: https://www.mobilesportsreport.com/2019/01/mercedes-benz-wi-fi-and-das-ready-for-super-bowl-liii/
  4. Good point. The downtown network core is really saturated given all the new construction and daily/permanent population surge. Upgrading the rest of the sites would make a huge difference. Hopefully Massive MIMO isn’t being slowrolled through the merger... which is by no means a done deal.
  5. Thanks! Checked out the Permits. Massive MIMO is coming! Hopefully a few are placed at/around National Harbor. Congestion in that area is terrible.
  6. Pretty neat! 👍 I'm having trouble entering the search criteria on the page. Where do I actually put in "Sprint"?
  7. Is MCC/MNC under Field Test? How do I view the LTE Band under the new Field Test? The new Field Test seems much more comprehensive than the old version.
  8. That's great news! I'd love to look more, but.... This online application (https://acaprod9.dcra.dc.gov/CitizenAccess/Default.aspx) will be down for maintenance from Friday January 18, 6:00 pm to Monday January 21, 7:00 am. ☹️
  9. Apple nailed it with the iPhone XS in terms of "universal" network support for the time being it seems.
  10. Thanks for the info! Is this something I can see in Field Test?
  11. Is Washington DC one of those areas? I have roaming enabled on my iPhone XS.
  12. For comparison, here's what T-Mobile is doing: https://www.t-mobile.com/news/super-bowl-network-enhancements
  13. T-Mobile announced a merger needing Trump administration approval. The next day, 9 executives had reservations at Trump’s hotel. T-Mobile CEO’s first stop after cutting Sprint deal? Trump’s DC hotel, report says https://twitter.com/JohnLegere/status/1085640606443958272 A pulse check from the T-Mobile Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/agz5c1/john_i_trust_regulators_will_make_their_decision/
  14. Interesting read about a lawsuit associated with the installation of the DAS: https://www.mobilesportsreport.com/2019/01/corning-seeks-dismissal-of-ibm-claims-in-mercedes-benz-stadium-das-lawsuit/
  15. https://newsroom.sprint.com/sprint-corporation-schedules-fiscal-2018-third-quarter-results-announcement.htm Predictions?
  16. Pretty big development: https://newsroom.sprint.com/apple-business-chat-now-available-to-sprint-customers.htm
  17. News Release: https://newsroom.sprint.com/massive-mimo-in-atlanta-sprints-mvp-for-big-game-and-beyond.htm
  18. Pretty significant milestone. More details in the linked news article: https://newsroom.sprint.com/sprint-completes-worlds-first-5g-data-call-using-25-ghz-and-massive-mimo-on-commercial-network.htm
  19. I've used Rootmetrics to do quite a few Hexes in the Downtown DC area and up into the Northwest stretches out to Bethesda and Rockville. It works well and updates quickly. When I'm out walking around, it actually encourages me to go some extra steps to get to the slow or blank hexes. If you don't mind slamming your device or the network pretty hard and you're plugged into your car or a power brick, you can set the Speed Test to continuous mode. Sensorly feels completely abandoned to me.
  20. There’s definitely some interesting history between Legere and the President. Wonder if this has any impact on the Merger. From May 2018: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-02/t-mobile-ceo-checks-into-trump-hotel-on-fence-mending-dc-mission
  21. Government shutdown suspends Washington’s review of Sprint/T-Mobile merger: https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article223821080.html Wow!
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