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Everything posted by RedSpark

  1. T-Mobile acknowledges its patronage of Trump’s Washington hotel increased sharply after announcement of merger with Sprint “T-Mobile’s patronage of President Trump’s Washington hotel increased sharply after the announcement of its merger with its Sprint last April, with executives spending about $195,000 at the property since then, the company told congressional Democrats in a letter last month.” “Before news of the megadeal between rival companies broke on April 29, 2018, the company said, only two top officials from T-Mobile had ever stayed at Trump’s hotel, with one overnight stay each in August 2017.” It’s the way things get done around here...
  2. https://newsroom.sprint.com/digital-transformation-update-leveraging-ai-and-analytics-to-move-at-speed-market.htm “We are leveraging AI through AI-assisted chats, where nearly 30 percent of chats are handled by virtual agents — up from only 4 percent just a few months ago.” 💬🤖 😮
  3. For a preliminary launch, it’s a good start. Assuming Capex isn’t the obvious limiting factor here, Sprint may be limited by available 5G equipment, by regulatory/permitting process or by work crew availability.
  4. Sprint announces buyer of Overland Park campus https://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/news/2019/03/01/sprint-occidental-management-overland-park-campus.html? Oh man...
  5. Chicago is a Samsung market for 5G and it’s already on-air and being tested/optimized for commercial launch in May. https://newsroom.sprint.com/sprint-announces-commercial-5g-service-to-launch-in-may-starting-in-chicago-atlanta-dallas-and-kansas-city.htm
  6. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/t-mobile-claims-merger-sprint-will-enable-96-coverage-for-rural-america If you believe it...
  7. Technically true but misleading? Not sure what that means. He was either telling the truth or he wasn’t. There isn’t a middle ground here. He was either telling the truth or he wasn’t on why Sprint passed on the 600 MHz spectrum. He was either telling the truth or he wasn’t on the deployment timeline for 600 MHz... or maybe he was completely wrong, which is a whole other issue. My opinion: if Sprint is now talking about needing $20-25 Billion from banks/bonds to go it alone with a network build should the merger fail, it could have afforded less than that for 600 MHz. T-Mobile spent nearly $8 Billion for what it got, and it got a ton. Furthermore, Sprint would have realized much greater cost efficiencies on its national 5G build because of it being low band and it wouldn’t be in the position of having to borrow $20-25 Billion.
  8. Cool! Thanks for the info. Really nice find.
  9. Very interesting find! May I ask how you found it? Were you testing different URL's?
  10. Perhaps a test for "Verified Coverage" like T-Mobile does?
  11. Only using two layers of Massive MIMO and without dual connectivity.... Lots of headroom here... Samsung’s equipment is capable of supporting over 1.5 Gbps.
  12. Perhaps it will be supported in the next iPhone? EDIT: Isn’t it supported here? Intel XMM7560 Modem Specs: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/wireless-products/mobile-communications/xmm-7560-brief.html Carrier Aggregation LTE FDD/TDD/Hybrid DL 5CA UL 2CA Modulation LTE UL-64QAM; DL-256QAM 4x4 MIMO
  13. Good points. Wondering why these aren’t included? Looks like National Harbor isn’t depicted in the initial coverage area either. ☹️
  14. The fine print in the “Chicago Drive Test” video said this test was over two MIMO layers and that speeds at commercial launch will actually be faster with additional MIMO layers and dual connectivity. Some good info here: https://www.sprint.com/en/landings/5g.html And here: https://business.sprint.com/5g/
  15. If this whole wireless thing doesn’t work out, Sprint should release some club hits... DJ MIMO...
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