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Everything posted by gusherb

  1. So it's no surprise to me but they turned on LTE today and I'm getting more then double what I get with Sprint inside my house. Seeing upwards of 30/15 inside with pings in the upper 20s. B41 isn't even delivering that outside my house. (And I get B41 almost none of the time inside) Not bad T-Mobile! At my home they're only behind Verizon in LTE speeds.
  2. Yeah 30 MHz AWS here, 20 MHz allocated to LTE and the other 10 allocated to HSPA. And then DC-HSPA is on PCS as is GSM. I think their PCS holdings amount to 25mhz here.
  3. Last I checked a few months ago they were 10x10. The highest I've seen is 45 Mbps. Do you have any data that it's 15x15? I confirmed 10x10 back in August when my friend was using T-Mobile on her GS3. and I normally see around 15-30 mbps on average, which seems to be on par with B41 where backhaul isn't turned up.
  4. I'm in northwest Indiana so that'd be part of the Chicago market.
  5. FINALLY after MONTHS of waiting I saw workers in a bucket lift adding RRH's to their site on the water tower by my house. I'm excited to FINALLY get strong LTE signal and do an apples to apples comparison with Sprint from the comfort of my own home.
  6. So I after I reinstalled the offending apps my standby time is now back to normal if not better then normal - I dropped only 3% overnight last night.
  7. My standby life has taken a hit too, when I look at what's been using the battery it's things that never used to be much of a battery hog even when closed out, like Gmail, Facebook, speedtest, etc. it shows the primary usage of those apps as "cellular radio active" or some such. Anyway I used to drop only like 5-7% overnight now it's around 11%. My actual usage time doesn't seem to have changed but it wasn't bad for me to begin with.
  8. It can be a bit alarming at times that T-Mobile is doing a much better job filling in all areas with band 4 (with virtually same site spacing and density as Sprint) then Sprint is doing with band 26. The thing is, unoptimized B26 hasn't really been a whole lot better then B25, and as of right now the only thing it's really helping with is capacity and some indoor coverage issues. We're very glad that they've got B26 and B41 plus a second B25 carrier live across the market just about, but now we're waiting on optimization so we can actually take advantage of B26's capabilities....and we've been waiting awhile...
  9. The only difference I've noticed is from the leaves falling off the trees. Now that I've brought it up and you mentioned that, I'm doubting that optimization has occurred widespread if at all. I still have all the same LTE deadspots I've had since B26 went live, I've just gotten used to them and stopped noticing. Perhaps theyve been waiting for 8T8R to be live across the market, which it appears to be considering it's ubiquity in my travels across the area. Thinking back to my visit to KC in May, we're close to what it was like over there but not quite yet.
  10. I spent the day in Chesterton and Portage and thought with B26 on, and should be optimized by now that these two places would have had its LTE gaps filled in and found this to not be the case. I found myself on 3G fairly frequently, sites so few and far between that even B26 isn't filling in all the gaps. I found this to still be the case in Valpo yesterday too. OTOH I found B41 when I was closer to each site!
  11. I'm seeing unlimited bonus anytime minutes now too, and it draws from that instead of the original 1,600 minutes now.
  12. I just checked my account and both lines on our Everything Plus plan have been given the "unlimited" minutes! Not that we ever came close to using the 1,600 we had but it's neat to see.
  13. This Lollipop update took a few minutes to get used to, I'm glad I read about it from others first. I'm typing on it now and I actually like this new keyboard better, I'm not making as many typos as the KK keyboard. I'm sure someone's mentioned it but I haven't read too far back, I don't like what they've done with the signal or WiFi status indicators! They've dumbed it down and essentially made it useless. OTOH I think I'm holding onto LTE better, though I've only got my T-MOBILE SIM in here so I can't say for sure. Overall I think I like the update! But I feel like they've copied iOS on quite a few things that I wish they hadn't because they essentially destroyed some things that made android android. (Like the new notifications)
  14. Android vs iOS is moot to me, I have both and love both. I love Apples continuity features and messaging service, and I love Androids flexibility plus it just has a "fun to use" factor for me. Both are very well polished and run exceptionally well. (I give the reliability award to Android lately since iOS 8 has been a clusterf*ck of bugs since day one)
  15. I haven't noticed any problem since Sunday. Back to normal here!
  16. So for a third day in a row I'm having issues with LTE. Today not even speedtest would load, then poof! It started working again. Glad I reactivated my AT&T line on my Nexus.
  17. I'm still having problems with LTE all over town today, I had to switch off LTE and use 3G in order to get my music to stream and browse the web.
  18. No SMS issues for me but I was having terrible lag loading webpages it seemed all over town today, yet every time I ran a speed test while having the issue I was getting 50ms pings and nearly 10 Mbps both ways. It was like traffic shaping went haywire. I was pissed.
  19. Something is terribly wrong right now. I'm sitting in my driveway and my phone is locked onto B26 and data isn't flowing at all. An airplane mode cycle fixed it briefly then it went back to this:
  20. I just checked the map for Northwest Indiana and the coverage it shows is accurate with what's actually deployed. For the first time in two years the right hand is in coordination with the left! (the new coverage just went live and they updated the map promptly thereafter) I also got my first above 50 Mbps speedtest from an 8T8R site just yesterday. and for the first time in two years I proudly recommended Sprint to someone!
  21. I had an interesting experience with my iP6 yesterday, while driving up to the city my phone decided to just lose signal all together and then connect to only 3G! All the while the iPhone 5 sitting right next to it stayed latched onto strong B25. I didn't get LTE back until I cycled airplane mode. Has anyone confirmed yet if the iP6 utilizes eCSFB? Cuz this experience I had sure sounds like what people's experiences are when eCSFB fails.
  22. gusherb

    LG G3

    Now that SMS over LTE is ubiquitous I don't have that complaint much anymore, texts send/receive very fast now! I thought they fixed the bug as all I have to do anymore is switch off imessage In the iphone before deactivating it and then making sure to uncheck my phone number from the "you can be reached at" options in my other iOS devices and it reverts back to SMS for other iOS users right away. I had many problems with this 2 years ago though...
  23. All of Chicagoland is pretty much a B26 success story. Everywhere I go that's not within a mile of a sprint site has been 'saved' from 3G Hell by the all reaching band 26. Now there's still a few places that need optimization cuz I'll still drop to 3G if the wind isn't blowing right that day. The days of the B25 islands are over. Sprint has effectively outdone the big two in LTE coverage in this area.
  24. It's both, and to a lesser extent runs up the whole left side. Have the same thing on my MacBook, iPad, and Nexus 5 to a lesser extent and I don't even notice, yet on the iPhone its driving me mad. Must be cuz it's an iPhone lol.
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