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Everything posted by gusherb

  1. Two years ago their network seemed like a ghost town around here. HSPA+ was never congested anywhere in the summer of 2013. I think many many Sprint customers jumped ship over to them as well as some VZW users. A lot of AT&T users around here have been with them since at LEAST the Cingular days (we were originally with them since Cellular One) and aren't going anywhere. Going up to 15x15 probably won't be as good an improvement as some might hope for. I'm curious myself to see just how much an added 10 MHz helps considering things are already overloaded. Wouldn't be surprised if they had to start refarming PCS in the next year or so like they did in Bloomington, IN where B4 was only 5x5, with an added 5x5 B2 layer.
  2. I would say 6 Mbps average would be more accurate where I've used T-Mo in this area.
  3. My dad was paying AOL 24.95 a month for a good 8 years after they got DSL. As soon as I found out about it I cancelled it. What a waste that was! I still have and use my aol email address but have been transitioning to Gmail at a glacial pace. I see no point in dropping it all together cold turkey cuz it's worked for me all these years, continues to work, and I only view emails on my phone anyway so the web interface doesn't matter to me.
  4. I was a customer less then a week and I mentioned the new Verizon 15 gigs for $100 deal to retentions and they threw the same plan at me no questions asked.
  5. AT&T customers get a 22% discount through Freelancers. It's the easiest thing to get put on too. Just log into your freelancers account, find the link for the 22% off AT&T, click on it (should redirect you to an att login) and then to a form already filled out and submit it. My discount was processed and added within 30 minutes.
  6. If KC is still as good as it was a year ago, which is a good bit better then Chicago was just one month ago, then I give KC the flagship status for Sprint until further notice. No doubt Chi is on its way but they still have one VERY important thing to do first (optimization!)
  7. No. They need a rip and replace of their systems and management too... What good is a good network if nobody will come to it because CS stinks? (Which is the other reason besides "the network sucks" for their reputation) I consider myself blessed that I didn't have to contact them too frequently...
  8. All of that should've been done BEFORE the announcements were made. It makes absolutely no sense to announce something and say it's available when it isn't! And to everyone else about the RT-AC66U router, I've had one for two years now and it's been an amazing router. It just has a couple of bugs with the wifi that require me to reset the NVRAM occasionally, and another one that requires me to reboot it. I think it's some kind of a hardware problem as I've re flashed the firmware and done everything possible to troubleshoot and have come up with nothing besides that it's probably the HW. The 2.4Ghz range is amazing, my iPhone will stay connected all the way to the neighbors house 2 doors down which is about 200 feet. In the house it works at every corner including the very opposite end in the basement about 70 feet away from the router. The 5Ghz range is pretty good too. The 66U is the predecessor to the 68U which is what t-mobile uses for its "Cellspot router"
  9. They don't have enough spectrum to operate AWS HSPA, and wideband LTE. Which is why June 1st they'll be shutting AWS HSPA down and bumping LTE up to 15x15 from 10x10. There is also currently DC-HSPA which is two 5x5 channels on PCS.
  10. This is great news (now that it's official), just in time before Chicago starts noticing just how slow they've gotten. I will definitely reevaluate them once this is done.
  11. And then on the contrary you have Chicago where they've just upgraded AWS to 10x10. Can't find a lick of congestion anywhere that they've completed that upgrade so far.
  12. This is exactly what I had a problem with ever since I first upgraded to a dual band phone March 2014, then when I got my Tri-Band iPhone 6 it seemed ok for a bit then got real bad over the winter/beginning of Spring. I'd like to know what Sprint did in KC a year ago because they had everything running PERFECTLY then, in terms of optimization/load balancing. (IDK how it is now I haven't been back) I hope for the sake of everyone having problems in Chicago that Sprint gets this fixed ASAP, a year is too long to wait with those kinds of issues IMO.
  13. Verizon has a total of 60 MHz deployed, AT&T; 50 MHz on the Illinois side and 30 MHz on the Indiana side, T-Mobile; 20 MHz, and Sprint; including the second B41 carrier, 70 MHz.
  14. I was lol. Never hurts to talk about what the competition is doing!
  15. AWS is 10x10 In Orland too, I'm here today and getting fantastic network performance.
  16. I would post some screenshots but that appears to not be allowed in this thread. Most of my speed tests are coming in with pings under 40 ms. One speed test on CA today came in at 23 ms!
  17. It must be, and I'm the first one in the area to report on it. I was just at Canal & Roosevelt and AWS is 10x10 here too so I'm lead to assume that it's the same across the city. The funny thing is they haven't deployed the Leap AWS in NWI yet but they clearly have in the city. They have a grand total of 50 MHz of spectrum deployed on LTE on the Illinois side of the border but only a total of 30 MHz (so far) in NWI. The network has been fantastic for me, I'm actually impressed, and surprised a little because when I left them in September of 2012 my experience had grown quite bitter at the time. B17 has impressive propagation, seemingly stronger then band 5 WCDMA in some places. Edit: I just found an article from January with a list of Leap markets to be shut down April 15th 2015 and Chicago was one of them: https://www.telegeography.com/products/commsupdate/articles/2015/01/09/att-confirms-september-shutdown-of-cricket-cdma-network/ So it appears AT&T wasted NO time at all putting that newly vacated AWS spectrum to use.
  18. AT&T is now running AWS on 10x10 in Chicago. The engineering screen on my phone confirmed it up the Skyway and around Bridgeport. They must've shut down the Leap network already.
  19. I have to find where I saw but just last week I was reading that Sprints ARPU was the lowest partly due to the "Cut your bill in half" promotions.
  20. Yeah I am tempted to use only LTE when I had unlimited and good signal, but that would only bump me to maybe 8-12 gigs from 3-5, not up to some obscene number! Without tethering IDK how one can manage to rack up 50 gigs let alone any more then that. In order to do that I'd have to be watching movies all the time or always streaming video content, which I don't have the time to do, nor do I want to do on a small phone screen. Not to mention that would drain the battery too fast.
  21. Last I read, it was much lower then everyone else. I'm honestly not surprised that momentum is picking up in terms of ports away from Sprint. They may have the network going for them but customer service is still very lacking, plus the masses are always 2-4 years behind what's actually going on. Everyone I know that had sprint either ditched them for VZW or T-Mo and haven't looked back. The last person I know with sprint can't stand them because of their awful CS. (She truly has had bad CS just from what she's told me) I personally left for the same reason.
  22. Yes, and a few others have reported it. If you look up the numbers with the whitepages number lookup tool they're sprint numbers. Have you called any of them back? I've seen Kansas City numbers in my call logs too. I honestly don't believe it's fraud but rather some stupid bug between wifi calling and billing.
  23. Luckily for Chicagoans on AT&T they've managed to keep it steady the past year and a half or so, thanks to CA. Hopefully soon they refarm more PCS from WCDMA over to LTE, widening the B2 carrier to 10x10 and get that Leap AWS spectrum refarmed. After that we should be good to go a bit longer. If not, hopefully AT&T's congestion holds out until Sprint gets optimized and I can head back over to them when that happens. Meanwhile AT&T's speeds are quite decent here and only slow in fringe areas where only weak B17 can be picked up, which isn't many.
  24. So after I paid off the ETF and final bill I called sprint to see what they had as my unlock status and naturally their system still shows as locked. Tech support and International said the same thing. I'm concerned this may stand in the way of getting an unlocked replacement down the road from Apple if need be. I let international "submit" an unlock request just to see what happens. Does anyone think that status from sprint will be a problem with Apple later on if I have to get a replacement?
  25. That is quickly becoming not true. They are working on turning up the backhaul at sites now and I saw my first ever speed test break 70 Mbps last weekend at a high traffic area here. Prior to that the highest I ever saw was 50 mbps from that same site, and nowhere else in the area. Back on my home site (in a lower traffic area) B41 never broke 33 mbps.
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