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Everything posted by gusherb

  1. The only thing worth this much hype would be free unlimited service for life or something...
  2. That sounds crazy. Doesn't T-Mobile have an insanely dense grid there compared to others too? They must be incredibly popular there. Sounds like AT&T in Chi, whom runs the densest network, with 60 MHz for LTE but you wouldn't know it most of the time because it's usually running around 5-20 Mbps. T-Mo is gonna have to start refarming PCS here soon too. I would say Sprint definitely overall has the jump on everyone in my market as far as actual deployed spectrum goes, up to 80 MHz in places.
  3. Yeah right here at home has an oddly dense network in an area that has been fully developed for years and not expected to grow. I could never see it slowing down here, but a few miles in any other direction where there's more people it's slower already. I don't check T-Mobile in the Chicago anymore (quite frankly I don't care, and am happy with my present carrier) but I'm sure it's ok to bad around there. Are you in NYC? If so did they upgrade to 20x20 yet?
  4. It's apparently under: profile < media settings. I wouldn't have thought to look under profile when I was trying to find it. T-Mobile speeds have remained unchanged here at home. Would probably take ALOT to make it slow down as I believe there is quite an excess of capacity here. Just pulled 42/25 which is better than usual actually.
  5. Does everyone here have a second T-Mobile line or something? I didn't realize so many Sprint users were using T-Mobile side by side. (Thought it was only me and a few others!) Seeing this makes me very happy I didn't choose T-Mobile as my new primary carrier when I was shopping. Just yesterday I was out driving around and pretty much anywhere that was even remotely dense in this suburb of mine was running a little on the slow side (was usable but walking a fine line where adding just a few more users would make it crash). As I got closer to home, where population density drops down a little but network density stays the same, it got back up into the 30s-40s. I wonder how T-Mobile is handling the added traffic in Chicago. It was already teetering on the line between usable and unusable before...
  6. Maybe it will vary across areas but I've been in a good bit of the "fair" coverage spots on T-Mobile and received better than what I would consider "fair" coverage. 1-3 bars LTE usually. Sometimes even indoors. So perhaps maybe "fair" isn't trying to be ultra optimistic like AT&T's "fair" where it really means "NO SERVICE". I am happy to see they fixed the maps. I still liked the 2G/LTE layers on the old map better though.
  7. If she got just the 15 gigs (or 20 via Retentions), 1 line and signed up for freelancers Union for the 22% discount it would be $93 before adding in any extras like insurance or device payments. If she wants she could have her iPhone 6 unlocked and bring it over to save some money. It sounds like she needs to re evaluate her reasons for wanting to leave. Those issues can be fixed with: Not wanting a Blackberry anymore, and figuring out what the MMS issue is or just getting a new phone. If service is great moving would make little sense to me.
  8. The 15 gigs for $100 isn't bad, and if you get a discount that helps too. The Freelancers Union discount isn't hard to get and it's 22%. If she calls retentions she can get them to bump that 15 gigs to 20 gigs for the same price, which is what I have. Our bottom line comes in at just 1 dollar more than we were paying Sprint on an EPRP plan for two lines.
  9. The T-Mobile forum is the busiest these days, and IMO it's full of trolls and people asking mind numbing questions. Not a whole lot of interesting stuff posted. The AT&T and Verizon forums I don't think have really changed much in the last 4 years that I've been over there, not a whole lot of interesting stuff posted there. And the sprint forum I never even look at, its always dead. All the good Sprint discussion is over here ????.
  10. Where are you testing it at? In the Chicago market AT&T has all the kinks worked out of VoLTE and have found it to be incredibly reliable. Dropped calls on it are nonexistent, even walking indoors to places where LTE would drop, the phone continues to hang on tight while in a call. Ever since getting VoLTE working on my Sprint iP6 (long story turned out to be an easy cheat with AT&T's system), I have taken to not even using the landline anymore because the clarity is so good, especially intra-carrier calls (HD voice).
  11. Was there no cap before? I honestly never thought about if data stash had a cap or not, just knew it had a 12 month expiration. Talk about sneaky sleazeballs. May as well name uncarrier "re-carrier" now. Next uncarrier will probably be a pitch about how sending out a vacuum to suck your pockets and savings accounts dry is the best thing since sliced bread and how you couldn't live without it.
  12. When I hear "free candy" and see the coming price hikes (even if it is doubling data, but let's face it, data is cheap to provide especially if it's left unused) All I can see is that people will be paying for their "free" candy... Just a reminder that absolutely nothing is ever free. And this "uncarrier" is the most transparent yet, (to me anyway) and not transparent in a good kinda way, more like transparent in T-Mobile showing its true colors kinda way (you know, red and orange). It's amazing how Insidious the carriers have been the last two years, especially T-Mobile.
  13. Ok does it look better if I put it like this?: "If anyone I know, knows anyone . . ." My points sometimes don't come across as intended and rather come across as making me sound opinionated and trollish. Usually why it's best to take anything heard over the internet lightly until further questioned... Because points don't come across as easily. Anyway, Arysyn understrood what I tried to get across. People I know pretty much all hate Sprint based on the old network and would talk anyone out of it that was considering them. I try to level the playing field by talking about the improvements, but I don't like to give any more credit then is deserved either as that could easily backfire if they try it and happen to work/live in one of the several places that is still some sort of dead spot near me. Which leads me to this: The network isn't bad in my corner of the suburbs, or the part of Chicago I spend my time in, but it does trail everyone else, including T-Mobile (for the most part). Verizon and T-Mobile are better choices here. AT&T is a decent choice too, especially since the latest upgrades they've done. Sprint is ok... Your experience with the advertising pretty much reflects mine. T-Mobile has billboards in random spots all over the city. I've seen more Sprint advertising along the expressways.
  14. How could it be BS when that's my experience and observation? Everything I said in that post is based on observation and experience. I'm not really making a blanket statement or putting words in anyone's mouth either. Perhaps it's this that you didn't like: "If anyone knows anyone that has or used to have Sprint then they'll probably try to talk them out of it." Well let me clarify, again that applies based on my experience and observation. I don't know anyone with Sprint that actually likes them, at least enough to recommend it. Except of course my National Sales rep contact who is also a lifelong family friend. She would never say a bad thing about her employer but she also tells it like it is. Not to put this in a bad way, but anything is an improvement from T-Mobile. All four are very close but they remain number 4 here, so my previous sentence would be technically true, mainly in terms of indoor coverage which can be and is a real pain in many buildings in the city compared to the competition.
  15. He's clearly not been with Sprint before, or in a long time. Every single person I know that used to have Sprint say nothing but bad things about them. So the word of mouth thing would only be working with people that haven't used them before. Maybe several years from now when the good word outweighs the bad then it'll start "converting" all the bad mouthers over to good mouthers. If anyone knows anyone that has or used to have Sprint then they'll probably try to talk them out of it. I personally won't recommend any carrier, but will tell them to try it, and present as many facts as they'll listen to.
  16. No but close. I spend enough time in Chicago though... Definitely tied for first. With whom is the question, it may even be a three way between them and ATT/VZW. I'd be surprised if T-Mobile made it past fourth. 30 Mhz of LTE spectrum while everyone else is now using between 60-80 Mhz is a sizeable difference (AT&T just refarmed more band 2 and made the area 10x10 in that band now, giving them 3 10x10 LTE carriers in Chi). Still that makes them all pretty much the same, the real make or break for people is whether they have good LTE coverage where they spend most of their time, so I think from now on for awhile that will be the differentiator unless Sprint can finally put it's LTE800 to it's intended use and fill in any holes.
  17. For us that do live here, most believe that AT&T is the best carrier in Chicago. It's mostly true, downtown is packed with small cells everywhere. Indoor coverage is the force to be reckoned with (only sprint comes close followed by Verizon). Everyone I know that had Sprint were more budget minded. Most of them fled to T-Mobile, one to Verizon, and another fled to Verizon after Sprint bought out the US Cellular assets here. All the AT&T users I know are still with AT&T and would never leave unless the network just literally melted down one day.
  18. Well this is interesting... Any other company would've been able to weasel out of this. Especially Verizon.
  19. Oh yes! I almost forgot! Good riddance! Can't wait to hear about the 3rd carrier popping up. I'm sure that will only be in super busy areas at first and slowly work its way out.
  20. Just this past spring I considered Verizon the benchmark to be beaten in the area. Now at&t and sprint have done that. T-Mobile in Northwest, IN has remained steady since they went to 15x15 in June. I think they are or soon will be the slowest carrier in the area again.
  21. Thanks, that's what I was looking for. If they did the testing for 2H2015 before yesterday (which it sounds like they did if you say results will be out soon), they'll be missing the widening of band 2 for at&t, and make them look worse than they actually are as of yesterday. Not that I really care, I hate AT&T as a company and only have used them because they're the best balance of price and service for me.
  22. Ok maybe I wasn't specific enough. I particularly wanna know what the typical peak, average and low speeds are. Not across the whole city either, just in personal use for various users. With AT&T for me, the peaks would be between 80-105mbps, average around 20-40mbps, and low about 5-7 Mbps. Just a few months ago it could barely break 30 in most places in my suburban corner. Although maybe bringing comparisons up in terms of speed is a bad idea cuz some people take that as means to start a pissing match. What I get from the Chicago Premier thread is that things are going very well for the sprint network, I wanna know how they're comparing to others right now though.
  23. I'm more interested in real life performance. Not necessarily just what they have deployed. When I was using sprint performance wasn't nearly as good as it should've been considering what they had deployed at the time, so that's why I wanna know what real world is.
  24. How has everyone's Sprint experience been in Chicago lately? They just got extra competition from AT&T yesterday. They finally bumped band 2 up to 10x10 giving Chicago 3 10x10 LTE bands and NWI 2 10x10's and a 5x5. I've finally broken the 80, 90, and even 100 Mbps barrier with AT&T now, plus fringe service is a lot faster. I can't test Sprint cheaply so I'm curious as to how at&t is comparing now.
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