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Posts posted by nahum365

  1. My battery life has gone to hell recently. I give up trying to make it better. Maybe a fresh install is in order this weekend.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Same here. Went from 10 hours daily usage to under 5 hours of daily usage in a little over a month. My charging habits have been pretty bad though.


    In other news, I'm trying out Tidal. And the difference is extremely noticeable, even with the terrible EarPods.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Do you have a version on Cydia at all? I haven't updated my new phone yet (still on 8.1.2)

    Not yet. I don't want to upload it there until I can fix some crashes with the jailbreak features.


    Cellularinfo is awesome. I do have a question tho. To use the "show LTE in statutes bar" option is there something else I need apart from having a jail broken iPhone ? I tried it but nothing changed.

    It needs to be running as root for that to work. When installed through Beta/Crashlytics, it runs as mobile so it doesn't have permission to modify the status bar. There's also an accompanying daemon (which updates the status bar when the app isn't open) that can only be included in a Cydia package.

    So in short, that won't work until it's on Cydia.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  3. Not to ruin the moment, but your screenshot shows that your phone was plugged in for some period of time since the last full charge...therefore it's kinda pointless

    In my experience, if the phone is plugged in for longer than 10-20 minutes but not fully charged, it just shows a "—" for the usage times rather than the "iPhone has been plugged in" message. So his phone probably wasn't plugged in for very long.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Finally got the chance to add some new devices. Someone also asked me to show the BID instead of the NID in the widget when connected to 1X, if anyone prefers the previous format I can add that back as a setting in the next build.

    I'm officially under 10 spaces free in my developer account, so I'm not going to be adding any more devices anytime soon. If you're already in, it'll continue working until late August (possibly longer, I'm not sure how these provisioning profiles work).

    Cydia version is still in the works, hopefully we get an 8.2 jailbreak soon.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    • Like 6
  5. Just to let you know, the app seems to still work perfectly on iOS 8.2.




    Good to hear. I'll go ahead and update then. :)


    Quick story on why I haven't been working on the app/adding new people recently. On Thursday, I sold my development computer's processor to a friend (the computer is a Hackintosh) thinking I could go buy my new one from Micro Center a few hours after I gave it to him. Bought it (hell of a line there too), brought it home... and it was defective. Not sure when I'll be able to head back there and exchange it. I can't update it from any other computers because the signing certificate's private key is on the processor-less computer. Sorry about the wait guys!

    • Like 3
  6. Just out of curiosity, is there a call in Core Telephony that you can pull the carrier when our devices are roaming?



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1

    Hm, not sure. I'll check that out.


    nahum, I am getting an iPhone 6 Plus later this week. Would there be any way for you to remove my 5S's UDID and add my 6 Plus's when I get it? Thanks!



    I'll have to do that manually, PM me.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  7. I just had a thought - how difficult would it be to add wifi info to the app in addition to cellular? I have a dual band router with the same SSID for both bands and I'm always curious to know which band I'm on without having to log into the router. Signal strength in dBm as well as the channel within the band you're connected to would be useful info as well.

    I actually have information about Wifi, that would be pretty easy to implement.


    Also, for everyone else: I pushed out another build, it now includes the SNR (signal-to-noise). 

    • Like 3
  8. They used to give you 10 minutes grace for iPhone appointments and 15 for Mac appointments. They must have dropped it. That sucks.

    Sadly, that's their policy. I was burned like that once because of traffic.

    Thirty minute drive for nothing. He wouldn't even reschedule me for Tuesday, said I had to do it at home. Not too big a deal, just a bit annoying.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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