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Posts posted by nahum365

  1. You might also run into trouble with that.  But iCellularInfo gets no hits on Google search.


    Great work!!


    I just don't like putting i in front of things. :P I'm sure CellularInfo will be fine. A search in Cydia & the App Store doesn't produce any results that could cause an issue.


    EDIT: I don't seem to be able to edit my original post, but can a mod at least change the title to something like "CellularInfo for iOS: Coming Soon"?

    • Like 2
  2. An awesome start! What do you think is causing the weird bandwidth measurement?



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1

    Probably just my interpretation of the data I got from iOS. It was just giving me one number, so I assumed I needed to split it in half to get a download/upload measurement. I now realize that that's not the case.


    That's a beautiful sight. I actually like the layout of that widget. Do you have any shots of the actual app?



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    I do, but Tapatalk image uploading seems to be broken, not sure why. The app looks exactly like the widget right now though.

    EDIT: Imgur'd it: http://i.imgur.com/qmvRJUTl.png


    It ain't pretty. Not yet at least



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. iOS has long needed an app to display info about the cellular connection- we have Field Test but it's rather hard to type in *3001#12345#* while driving. ;)

    So, I made CellularInfo. Supports all iPhones on iOS 8.2 and below.

    For now it simply displays most of the information from the "Serving Cell Info" section of Field Test.




    It's in a (closed) beta at the moment.

    • Like 16
  4. Anyway to get the tower ID on there? I'm sick of seeing numbers in field test. If there was a way to display it/convert it, that would be great.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    I see a value for "Cell ID" and "PID" (Physical Cell ID) but only when connected to LTE. Are either of those the "tower ID" you're looking for?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Sorry, my extreme nerdyness came out right there. You are forever know as "nahum the iOS Signal Check guy"




    Edit: By the way, if you would like someone to help beta test it, you've got a willing participant right here :)

    Right now it crashes more often then than it works, but when I get it working enough for some testing, I'll be sure to put it up on a beta repo.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  6. I also wish one of our members could code a "SignalCheck" clone for jail broken iOS devices. All these members, and nobody writes programs? ;)



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    I actually started working on something like that a while ago. If there's interest, I'll definitely put some more time into it.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    • Like 4
  7. I've been experiencing this on three particular sites here in the Baltimore market. Also have seen it on one site in an area that might've been in the DC market.

    One of them is a site I use a lot, as it covers an area with WalMart, Chick Fil A, and Starbucks. Bit annoying that the problem is in the exact area where I spend a lot of time waiting in various lines. :(

  8. New Loyalty offer from Sprint:


    Looks like long-time customers on SERO or EPRP don't get anything extra, but that's to be expected.

    I'm on EPRP and I had no trouble getting the Unlimited minutes added to my plan. I was hoping to be able to upgrade two of my 4 lines to iPhone 6 with the $5/month lease. Would that be allowed?
  9. Does apple pay require a network connection to work? With Google wallet, once the app is unlocked you can still use tap and pay if you lose connection in the store. You just won't be notified in the app that the payment went through until you reconnect. I ask because some stores around here are rf black holes.

    I've been wondering about this too.

    I've used Apple Pay in places where I know the 3G is normally unusable, and the payment always goes through immediately. So I think it's safe to guess that it does not require an Internet connection?

  10. I should note that Target and Walmart are also part of this competing standards group. It has nothing to do with data, it has everything to do with trying to avoid paying merchant fees to the credit card companies.

    Which actually hurts the consumer a lot- a good chunk of those fees goes towards fraud protection, which you lose completely with this QR code system. Once people start to realize that, it'll die pretty quickly.
  11. I actually connected to 1x800 today... I noticed a 5 bar signal more than half a mile from the site (this never happens unless I can physically see the cell site :P) so I checked field test and sure enough the Band Class said "Secondary 800 MHz". Then the light changed to green so I couldn't get a screenshot. :(

    • Like 2
  12. Did you purposely post a speed test from Tmo from 4 years ago?

    Woah, not sure what happened there. :P

    If you click on it it'll show the correct speedtest...

    EDIT: Tapatalk isn't letting me edit the other post, so here's the correct image:


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