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Posts posted by nahum365

  1. I'm looking to buy an unlocked Sprint device to both allow me to learn a bit about Android development and to use AT&T and T-Mobile.

    My main concern is whether Sprint will activate it. Will Sprint activate the device regardless of where it was purchased or do I need to make sure of the origin of the device before purchasing?

  2. The SIM isn't the issue because in the iPhone 5 the SIM only handles LTE provisioning, not 1x and 3G.

    Shot in the dark here, but try reprovisioning it by dialing ##CLEAR#. If that doesn't work, I'd try "Reset Network Settings" in Settings -> General -> Reset (please note this will remove all your saved WiFi networks). And if that still doesn't fix it, a restore in iTunes is the only other option I can think of.

  3. Anyone familiar with MD-295 in AA County?


    There is a 8t8r tower very near MD-295 and MD-100.....I get parked on 3G there every single day. Drives me crazy, because that towers 3G speeds are awful for some reason.

    Haven't been there in a couple months but last time I went it was mostly LTE from I-195 near the airport all the way down 295 to the mall. Im not sure if it was B41 but it worked well enough for streaming music.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. I was able to connect to Boingo's free WiFi at BWI after answering a two question survey. I'm 99% sure it wasn't the free Sprint WiFi because I did have to connect my phone manually and it was throttled to 5Mbps.

    As far as LTE.. not as good as I thought. B41 in the departures area but the lower floor is a mix of roaming and 1x800.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Weird seeing all the BWI complaints, I had never been to BWI until 2 weeks ago. I downloaded 2 movies using Plex Sync to watch on the plane over band 41 sitting at my (Southwest) terminal. It wasn't super fast, but about 8mbps, way faster than the airport wifi. I was bouncing between a sprint and clearwire b41 though, but both were about the same.



    I second this. It's not bad at all right now. Service throughout the terminal, B41 on the upper level. Heading there again this weekend, should be even better now with the automatic WiFi!



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  6. I seem to here that performance in CLWR equipment is impressive and that b41 on sprint is not. I have first hand experience on the sprint equipment and I am less than impressed with coverage, speed and penetration.

    Sprint equipment usually doesn't have as much backhaul provisioned as the Clearwire equipment. In addition the speed decrease might also be because of how the Sprint equipment also shares the backhaul with B25 and B26, while the Clear equipment only shares the backhaul with the relatively unused WiMax.

    Once they enable the 2nd B41 carrier they'll definitely increase the backhaul to get you the 70Mbps speeds you're looking for.



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  7. What changes would have to be made for iPhone to have this?

    Baseband changes? iPhone has wifi calling and wifi to volte.

    Only special thing is if SIM card. Doesn't seem like modification is required.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well the biggest change necessary would be for Apple to allow for this. Which is possible but unlikely because there's not really any benefit for Apple.



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  8. After some further investigation.. I have some bad news. iOS now checks if the app is running as root before returning the information from CoreTelephony. 
    The error is:

    "Caller not allowed to perform action: TelephonyApiTest.240, action = sandboxed lookup, code = 1: Operation not permitted, uid = 501, euid = 501, gid = 501, egid = 501, asid = 0"

    and it returns no info. This kills all hope of a non-jailbreak CellularInfo. If an 8.3 jailbreak is released I'll be sure to release an un-sandboxed version for jailbroken users. 

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  9. Well, maybe not so surprising. A week ago or so, when I reported the site was live, I could barely get it below the -90 dBm necessary for a report to be accepted. This morning on my way in, I saw -76 dBm while casually walking by the building. So I'm guessing they turned it up by at least 10 dB.


    - Trip

    I didn't get the GCI, looks like you saw it though. Was it working alright down by the trees?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. I miss CellularInfo more than I thought I would, but love how stable 8.3 is. I was looking around the app store and came across an app called Cellular Info. I haven't spent the 2.99 to see if it really works but I'm curious about it since it claims to show the data we're looking for and is being distributed in the app store. My point for bringing it up is not so much to encourage replacing this app, but more so to explore how it might be working (if even it's just an oversight by the app approval God's).



    All it does is show your carrier and the current connected technology. It also includes the max speed for the connection. No band info, dBm signal strengths, or any other "geeky" info. All the information shown is available in the iOS SDK.


    Nahum, if I were you, I would trademark the name "Cellular Info", because when I look at the release notes for that app, it was updated on April 11th and the update notes say "Application renamed to Cellular Info".



    Not sure of the process for that. I'll look into it soon.

    For now let's just assume that no App Store apps can reproduce CellularInfo's features.



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