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Posts posted by nahum365

  1. From what I can tell there's not a huge difference between downtown DC and up north in MoCo as far as 3G goes. I don't have too many complaints in either place. Where there has been LTE deployed downtown though... that's a different story! Hop on the red line and get off at Chinatown. You'll see.


    I didn't see much LTE on Saturday at the Auto Show besides in the convention center itself. 3G wasn't bad in MoCo though. Had no problem using Tapatalk while we were at Chipotle in Silver Spring.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  2. Don't worry about RF performance. It's great.

    Can't say the same for battery life. I'm a heavy user, and I'm currently at 6%. What's so bad about that? Well it's been in Airplane mode from 8AM to 4PM. But I've been using it abnormally heavily since Monday because of the jailbreak.


    TLDR: Signal is not a problem, I would worry a bit about battery though.

  3. What features are going to missing this time and the crippled features as revolutionary?


    Here's the revolutionary radio chipset that can't do SVLTE or SVDO... Ooooooo... Ahhh.... Wow.....


    Sent from my little Note2


    Hey, there was a valid reason for that. There has been one incident in the 4 months I've had this phone that no SVDO/SVLTE gave me a problem.

  4. Hold the phone! Apple is going to release iPhone 6 this year?! No way! That would only follow the schedule for every iPhone released thus far.






    Actually, it wouldn't. The release cycle has been, so far:

    1.) iPhone

    2.) iPhone 3G

    3.) iPhone 3GS

    4.) iPhone 4

    5.) iPhone 4S

    6.) iPhone 5


    So the pattern is:

    1.) Revolutionary new iPhone.

    2.) Same iPhone with revolutionary new features. (Speed in 3GS, Siri in 4S)

    3.) Revolutionary new iPhone.

  5. Works great, the stock wheather app is broken but there is already a fix on the evaders site if you don't want to wait for them to fix it.


    Mine works fine. Anyway, the fix will be incorporated into a update if the evasi0n 6.x untether package in Cydia. And the Apple Weather app is horrible anyway.

  6. Cool.. nice to see 2 things. 800SMR and they finally fixed the 3G roaming that has been messed up in with CSpire in one of their SIDs for YEARS. I've even tried to open a ticket on that a while back but I'm sure it fell on deaf ears.




    Geo:2 SID/NID 22431/65535 Sprint Nextel - Auburn CA; Bakersfield CA; Fresno CA; Gardnerville NV; Modesto CA; Redding CA; Sacramento CA; San Francisco CA Added with:

    Pref RoamInd:None EVDO-Enabled:Yes

    1X: S/476 S/526

    EV-Scan: Sprint(0084:0AC0) P/25 P/50 P/150 P/475 P/550 P/625 P/650 P/375


    So SMR has been added to the official PRL? I wonder whats in my 55012 PRL...

  7. Cydia. Apple's Appstore black market. ;)


    Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 2.


    Too bad the load from the thousands of jailbreakers is bringing it to its knees right now. It should be working fine in 2-3 days.


    Once it is up, these are the tweaks to download.

    1. Monocole- run any app in full screen.
    2. Auxo- amazing multitasking alternative. Must download.
    3. AnyLockApp- change the slide to open camera on the lockscreen to any app you want.
    4. Flux- changes screen warmth to match light in room. This is one of my favorites.
    5. iFile- browse iOS filesystem. My absolute favorite jailbreak app, bar none. You'll need this to flash PRLs (once someone or I figures out how to do it).
    6. SBSettings- access Settings app toggles from home screen or anywhere. Must download.
    7. Winterboard- this isn't compatible with iPhone 5 yet, but it allows you to theme your device. Must download.
    8. SwipeBack- simply swipe to the left on the screen to go back in a menu, rather then press the back button.
    9. Accellerate- make iOS animations faster.
    10. Activoice- Open Google Now (yes, Google Now) with a simple gesture, whether it be a shake of the device, or another gesture.

    There's a lot more that I love, but those are my favorites.


    EDIT: Wait one more!


    BiteSMS- Alternative to the basic Messages App. Adds tons more features, including Quick Reply.

    • Like 2
  8. Well you might be able to sideload a certain super awesome PRL.


    I tried to load a PRL. Failed. Even with my advanced knowledge of the iOS filesystem.



    Is there any good reason to jailbreak?


    Yes. Makes the phone on par with a S3 or Note 2 minus the super-large screen.


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