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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. You are correct my area isn't the tell all. yes you are correct using "bus loads" because the numbers aren't much more than that. It's still positive but not anywhere near convincing. I guess we will see next year when many of the leases are up. The next 12 months will be very important for sprint. Remember sprint used test scores to advertise. With the others doing so well how long before its used against sprint?
  2. Dish is trying to block vzw "Verizon also leased XO's wireless spectrum (via XO unit Nextlink Wireless) with a purchase option. The moves would give Verizon near-exclusive control of 5G spectrum, Dish Network argues. That would hinder competition overall in the 5G market, as well as current/future competition between Verizon and XO in fiber/wireless mobile backhaul, Internet transit, and enterprise and wholesale markets. Verizon structuring the deal as a transfer lease avoided some scrutiny, Dish says, but the spectrum is the key to the deal." Taken From seeking alpha....^^ Just seems they are always a step ahead planning and executing. They see their grip on lte getting looser so they say f-it lets jump to 5g.. Start the engines. Sprint is stuck getting permits for lte vzw is being sneaky setting up for 5g. Sprint will finally get their permits then a few months later vzw gets permits for 5g!!
  3. I think masa wants to sell. We all know he wanted to before why not now for the right price? Hello Comcast? Time warner? Sprint is doing better, but Tmo is still racing ahead. How much longer will it take sprint to show some serious gains at this pace? Another 3-5 years? Very risky and if the stock takes another dive.... Well there isn't much left. wouldn't surprise me at all if someone buys sprint
  4. It just seems some how some way sprint always has issues somewhere when it comes to their projects. Like the kid who can never catch a break. Hopefully these local presidents will take a real personal initiative to get on these towns to get permits done.
  5. The half off promo is getting boring. Tmo 10gig $35 family plan has a lot of people leaving att for Tmo around here. Sprint should come with something crazy to attract younger crowd on a tight budget. For example iPhone forever and galaxy forever plans include waive access fees... Or just all in one pricing... No access fees! Change the game!
  6. Seems that way but churn fluctuates yes? That may be temporary. In my area people still cry horror stories with sprint after the upgrades are done.
  7. Good point! But if we are then Sprint needs to read this and get their @@@@ moving faster! Just like the competitors are. Realistically , once sprint has 2xca going then should win on download. But I bet a lot of them aren't fully optimized yet. Towers should be optimized within 30 days of going live. Honestly, we should ask Marcelo to come in and answer some questions..... Seriously how long does it take to get the job done?
  8. sprint/SoftBank really needs to buy someone give people real hope. Generate some good buzz and some more revenue problem is who is gonna sell? Well, all the hype and early momentum has shifted Tmo is in a solid 3rd place. Those new Verizon commercials seem true.
  9. Are you sure? They could be like Comcast wifi routers.. Everyone with an account can connect. Someone from sprint made a comment of being smarter than giving them away for free. Maybe this is how they plan to cover some buildings with band 41 inside?
  10. Sprint is owned by SoftBank as we all know. Couldn't SoftBank USA buy USCC know and say merge later? Everyone is worried about sprint and their debt and so forth. Why not buy USCC after the auction, stay on the same path, once sprint gets out of these hard times announce the merger and become USCC ?? No more bad rep for sprint leap back into 3rd expand footprint bam!
  11. Not sure if you were answering me? If so, I wasn't talking about other carriers. I will edit my original post
  12. So the 3rd carrier is showing as it's 2xca + another 20mhz carrier card for a total of 3 carriers on a site? Not showing as 3xca because the the tower needs a software update? Is the 3rd carrier card active as a single 20mhz? If so does that really help? Who gets the one carrier card and who gets the 2xca if phones are equal? Is this another form of network management? Will that affect testing if say root metrics gets the 1 20 MHz vs the 2xca?
  13. I thought 3xca was already available on new phones?? New Sammy was supposed to have it?? Do they mean completed?
  14. Yes and no. I constantly hear the argument of coverage. Often many on here point driving coast to coast and other examples. So I say yes and no. Coast to coast? How about in between cities/towns and outskirts of cities/towns? They fall in the coast to coast examples yes. But does sprint have coverage like the others no. I don't need to drive from mass to Cali. But when I leave the populated areas and highways all I see is 1x, extended 3G or roaming. My data is unusable. Here we have hills and mountains so I know geographically it's different but this is where vzw/att make their arguments if I break down or have an accident I may be SOL. I don't care if they have coverage in western Montana, I don't visit there. But I do care that my area is blanketed. That's the insurance the others sell.... We got you covered. Using Montana as an example because it's so remote to my location. I do understand the cost to cover small numbers, however extended 1x/3G is useless let us roam on lte as a add on or something. Nothing worse than losing gps in the middle of nowhere
  15. I can totally see that. Lets go a step further, Maybe so type of microwave/antenna setup that sprint installs for customers who have LOS to the tower? Honestly speaking, its a good idea. Hopefully there is some incentive for the customer or else its not such a great idea!
  16. I agree with you and get your point on which way to spend 10 billion. My only thought is would 10 billion in towers cost more long term with leasing and whatever goes with towers? Vs adding 600 to existing towers? I do realize there are cost with both however small cell might actually be the most cost efficient for 10 billion. Follow that up with Sprint signs on people's roof tops with built in femocells/micro cells.
  17. Interesting to say the least? To smart to give away routers? Meaning we will pay for them? Prolly not a good idea. Meaning they will attach a little mini something on my house? Offer me free internet ? Free cell service? Hmmmmmm, I do like the thought but how many neighbors across the country would complain? Claiming 2.5 causes cancer or something else? Maybe there is something going on with Comcast again....
  18. It's a great idea, although sprints problems still remain. --- the network is still an issue even though it has made huge gains. Hopefully these guys will keep the pressure on to get these upgrades and small cells going.
  19. Wasn't it not so long ago vzw said they would be moving to all Lte devices? Could this HTC be the first?
  20. True but I would pay ovt. Sprint can't afford to miss this target date. It would be another fail. Sprint is probably the only provider that would be held the exact time frame. Ever since Tmo came out and lit up Lte in such a short time frame no matter what sprint says it's considered an excuse and a badly run company. Marcelo needs to get this done after all he did say it.
  21. I vote no. With this type of industry you should be planning for the what ifs ahead of time. The 18-24 is still what he needs to be held to. If everything went perfect it would be 18 months this 3 month delay still falls in the 6 month window he gave himself..... Now if other things start happening.......
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