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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. a few perks and special pricing on easy pay or lease? Half off iPhone or Samsung lease. Or easy pay With qualifying "new" plan that will have some perks in it acces fees cut in half?, roaming fees cut in half? Overages cut in half on high speed? Rollover half unused data? All phones half price on easy pay/lease for Black Friday
  2. Where have I have been??? I dunno. I know CA has started. But wasn't aware or of the 4x2 hmmmm thought sprint was going to do 4x4 or something different Tmo already does 4x2? I thought it was gonna be something else? Anyways, has anyone seen any of the NGN up and running from the project?
  3. We have all these hopes for NGN and beam forming etcetc. Has any of it started??? Now that the great rip and replace is done we need something to get that old S4GRU feeling back!!!
  4. Speed cap would kill sprint. Love the idea but the network isn't stable enough. Maybe use it as a trial in certain markets. But those paying for higher speeds will be complaining. it would force sprint to drop prices even more. If vzw and Tmo/art avg speed of 15 with 10gb for say $100 How do you price 3 with 10g.? $50??? Great idea but sprint isn't ready yet.
  5. Totally agree. If they bought sprint and got the 2.5 I could see unlimited at with tiered speed. Or data buckets prices on speed as you stated but definitely something different that would rock the top 2 Speaking of that maybe sprint should add features to separate themselves from others
  6. Lol very true, But if Apple offered a $100 rebate or account credit people would come running
  7. Well.... Buyout sprint, or be majority owner buy 600 rename it iwireless or imobile. Byod and sell Apple stuff on the cheap. Bam!
  8. This auction is going to be interesting. I do expect sprint to enter auction if not they will partner with someone after. Verizon claims it may interfere with what they have now. Lol, everyone is jocking for position and JL thinks he is gonna be golden on 600. Why would Tmo want a large slice if their network is running fine? Building penetration, range I get it. But if the do get it wouldn't make sense to take off the 700 panels once 6 is up? I think a lot of companies are secretly looking at the cost. Even vzw is thinking 5g and refarm to lte vs 10 billion + just for more spectrum- not to mention how much to rollout. I would love for sprint to get some, however that is a hefty price tag. By the time Tmo gets it deployed sprints network should be completed.
  9. The Facebook guy is planning on building. Wireless company?? Rama???? The 600 auction is heating up. Potential players Tmo Att Vzw Dish Comcast Rama And some others of course Smh
  10. Hopefully they do it by region or places where ngn densification are complete first. The more I think about it...... Sprint has made HUGE strides however a lot of little things and some big things just make me smh. I feel like they are jumping around still never getting something truly finished. I believe masa has an out plan. If he is truly staying why not bring his Japanese experts over put the cash in and put the foot to the floor with a massive rollout? I understand things take time but small cells should be popping up all over the place. Every shopping plaza, mall, downtown metro area should have them already. Get those up fast make it look like you have coverage. Put the macro up later and take down the small cells afterwards if called for.
  11. For a "simply" plan what you suggested is way to complicated. The idea is good but there is too much after the simply part for most avg consumers to understand.
  12. Sprint should talk to masa buy/merge with us cellular out with the name sprint. Back into 3rd place with expanded coverage. Roaming deal with Tmo, swap useless spectrum or sell to whoever, buy the spectrum in pr/vi release a new map tout best network. Hurry up and get all the major metros with 2xca before the name change takes place. Yes it will cost some cash but it's what sprint needs. Then buy Tmo after the election
  13. As much as we want to know what sprint is doing. It's best they don't. Why not secretly keep moving and let the work speak for itself? Tell us and our expectations are for next week. Keep us in the dark and it's like merry xmas when we get it. That said I would love to seem some of these small cells that have been actually been deployed
  14. If sprint moves slow 2017 still won't do it. Didn't Verizon announce 5g deployment next year?? So by the time they get 2xCa everywhere still might be to late . But honestly sprint just needs to density b41 to make a lot of noise. IF they could buy USCC That would get the ball rolling for sprint publicly. I am sure all the analysts would start swinging back to sprint as that would be the best news in years as well as a smart move. The numbers just might put them back in 4th
  15. Sprint could be putting all eggs in basket with this. Remember he claims to get better input with barely a signal?? Sprint opting to density instead of buy??? With all the spectrum and this what's the point of buying?? It takes care of capacity issues on 800/1900 when it comes. Essentially turning into 20x20. Then add in b41 with densifying??!!?!!? IF this works sprint sprint b41 would be insane
  16. I swear its network managing thing. I have been on upgraded towers, gotten and average 10-15 immediately done a retest and hit 80-100. It's almost as if the phone has to recognize it and switch to CA. But I have done this several times whereas my test show normal speeds then shoot up and stays there after .
  17. As much as I would love to see it I am sure that it would get shot down unless the trades/swaps are part of the trade. Sprint would get shot down due to having to much spectrum. The others led by JL would be in DC crying
  18. I really don't know what people's expectations are supposed to be. Sprint must expand while trying to be profitable. That's not easy in their position. For those talking expand do we mean rural, suburbs, or boonies? I am now located in a much more suburban/rural location. As far coverage I get b41 throughout most of the house, never see speeds below 60. Issue at hand is we have mountains so someplaces are 800/1900/26 others are 3G. Sprint would be STUPID to start putting small cells on telephone poles out here to cover mile stretch. I would much rather blanket the metro areas where there are thousands of customers. When they are done if they have any left over they can hook us up. From a financial point start in the cities and move out. HOWEVER, with all the delays and permits get them approved everywhere and if a delay happenes in the city the move to the next. Get as much down without wasting time
  19. I like everyone's idea however I must say with SoftBank in Japan I don't know why sharp/Sony don't have exclusive deals with SoftBank/sprint USA
  20. Honestly I don't understand why any growing company would want 5x5 it would just get bogged down. I am sure there is a very large amount of subs that work during the day and use their phones inside buildings. I am sure this has a part in slowing down 26/25. That brings me back to if sprint can't buy 10x10+ in markets what's the point? Off load from 800 to 600? Wouldn't it be cheaper to add a second carrier to 800? Spend the 5x5 money on densification? I DO really wish sprint would get in and get a nice chunk. However I believe they are playing to be bought or merge with Tmo. Look at the speeds of 2x Ca! Can't wait till they get to 3xCA. That should be more than enough capacity and speeds for everyone. So again while I do wish sprint would get some 600 I just don't see the point if it's only a 5x5. That being said, I do suppose in very dense urban areas 600 would help. Then again I also agree companies should do more spectrum swaps where possible.
  21. Where I get 2x Ca b41 I average 75-100!! It's like omg!!! Then I hit a tower that doesn't .. Then it's like whoa!!
  22. Maybe sprint is after the 700. Since all phones have all bands it's probably more cost effective to push coalition hub buddies than drop 20+ billion in purchasing and deploying 600 At the price tag above I am sure than can put up enough small cells for us all
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