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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. Soooo sprint can also turn up the power in the phones? Crank up existing towers and add a few picos to extend coverage 30% ??? Hmmmmm Didn't know you can adjust the power in a phone
  2. Things are different nowadays as far as the talking smack goes. It's something JL started and used effectively to gather support. Hesse was quiet so was the t and vzw while he ran his mouth. Many took to the fighting underground movement of JL followers. Marcelo came in and "professionally" (using that loosely) fired back at JL.. It's like a pep rally. It was a matter of time before VZW/Att start firing back. We my friends get to sit back and enjoy !!! Shots!!! Fired!!! Now sprint should do a "tour" with all the ex vzw commercial people at the round table sharing their "new " experience with Sprint!!
  3. Clear had 40,000 towers? I thought sprint decommissioned alot of those and theirs a long time ago where they could? How many towers does sprint actually have? I thought the total number was around 50 including Nextel/sprint/clear
  4. What a turnaround if Dt bought sprint??? I believe the next few months will be a show all. If sprint doesn't make significant gains in the network by say end of Sept it could be a very long winter for sprint. Half off has been running a over a year now??? Hoping for change.
  5. That is good news for sprint no doubt. I will say that it could be current customers are satisfied, and that is where it starts but most people still believe outta the 4 sprint is the worst. But I agree it starts in the inside then moves out. Hopefully the new marketing Dept comes up with some kick ass ideas to get people interested.
  6. This is the part I don't understand about sprint. ^^ Most of our frustration comes from the ever changing deployment plan. I get it things change. However, even in our beloved forums it's still hard to watch these other carriers deploy in what seems like a blink of an eye while we wait on permits and so forth. What are they doing to make it look so easy? I recently saw an example of sprint wanting a 50ft small cell and waiting for a permit while the town bylaws already approve a smaller size so the others are getting permits at a faster rate instead of waiting for all the bs to get a special permit for what sprint wants. To me it seems like one day the network is number 1 priority and the next it's not. Marcelo stated sprint would be 1 or 2 in 18/24 months network wise. It seems that might not come true due to more bumps and bruises from deploying again. We will see the next 90 days as summer is here and a lot of work should get done.
  7. I am not sure how any billing for Eq and things go. That said my thought of putting money into the densification program would allow for potential ovt, getting Eq on order and hopefully deliverd to locations so there are no delays on sprints side. ..... (Maybe payoff a few towns to get these damn permits passed very quickly !) Any small wireless companies to buy usable spectrum from? Or buy the company period??? If sprint/Tmo are worth 20-30bil each someone might be out for a bil or so. Just thinking
  8. I didn't know SoftBank couldn't directly give sprint cash. However, as you stated they have other companies. I am not sure but don't they have one that's dealing with the 600? I was under the impression they were creating some company to buy/trade/lease spectrum?
  9. So do you put 8billion towards sprints debt? Or towards the network and try to get this densifying done faster? Or invest in 600 spectrum? Or try to buy one of these little guys? Will be very interesting to see what son has in mind Sprint is on track to save 1-3 billion in cost cutting and possibly get 8 bil from Dad, that's gotta make sprint stock go up with a 11bil swing... Or is that money to start making payments due soon?
  10. They should definitely deploy more in any big market It would make for a huge advertising campaign and future proof the additional customers jumping ship. But only big markets
  11. I sometimes encounter slow speeds in the city. The speed difference to me is fine. This relates to previously mentioned speed tests and root scores. My question is could this be some sort of cost cutting measure sprint has implemented by reducing potential speed/cap on certain towers? It doesn't make sense to max out @ 100 here where maybe there's 1000 sprint customers when say 60 is fine and saves $150 a month. We all know about the massive amount of spectrum. But 2xca should be keeping us at speeds better than 20. For a second sprint speeds were faster than the others. But now seems to be falling back. Only 1mil adds nationwide cause that much havoc?
  12. I am in a rural area with 12000 people, los to 2xca, In Sept I was always 90+ Now I can only max out at 60~ huge difference. Feels like I am only on one carrier. No matter what time of day I can't max out than that. Using a 6s+ and a note 5. This is why I suggested some type of network management?? Or part of cutting cost as far as the scaling fiber line?
  13. I don't get that. If 2.5 is so glorious why with ca is he getting those speeds? Outside of signal strength, b41 is supposed to handle that traffic. I have seen and experienced slower speeds as well. Could this be network management? How do other carriers not cripple their network with more customers? Especially since sprint has 40+ MHz running in most markets? What are they running? I know the speed will vary and conditions and such play a huge role but when you take the amount of customers + spectrum at given ratios I think sprint should be running faster. Not just the same or worse
  14. Would it make sense for sprint to buy 10x10 or 15x15 of 600 Sit on it densify, with small cells then when it's ready to be deployed (600) trade or sell the 800?
  15. You may be right but if he said anything but that the stock would fall to free.. Do you think he is happy with a 27% hit because of sprint? What SoftBank has lost is probably more than what they paid for sprint
  16. You are absolutely right. The only issue is why did it take soooo long? As we see it was mostly due to poor execution. Waiting to get permits then delayed by those same permits, and so forth. Sprint should have been mostly completed with that at least 1-2 years earlier. Not saying fully complete but much faster than what it took. Sprint has come along way but at the cost of many customers and the potential loss for new customers. Tmo wouldn't have gained so much momentum if sprints network was where is it now 2 years ago.
  17. That's ok use the Print your own money method as suggested by someone... Jk Didn't vzw get some spectrum or something from special treatment from the gov? If sprint pays it back we shouldn't worry and if they don't the gov will make much more in wireless auctions.
  18. Of course they do. Get the money to payoff debt at cheap interest rates as well as money for a quick rapid deployment. Especially since they weren't allowed to merge with Tmo when they had the finances. Investors will feel better as its backed by gov. Sprint will bounce back like the automakers. Yes it sounds crazy and almost impossible but it would probably help that contract along with small cell on government property. Also, the gov wants 4 players and this market is slim pickings So help sprint out! I bet they wouldn't need it too long just like the auto industry
  19. What we think and say here is almost irrelevant to the avg customer. What they know is Tmo is fast and most improved. Vzw covers them everywhere and has speeds that are fast enough. Att is a little better than Tmo Sprint well... Slow speeds, always dropping calls or no service compared to vzw. That's what most people will tell you about cell providers. Capex/churn they don't know all they know is what they've heard about carriers or experienced. The only way for sprint to improve is to get this network up to par asap. That's it, proof is in the network and they don't have enough places blanketed to sway people. Do what it takes to get this done. Or continue to fall behind. We are rooting for sprint but masa needs to make a serious push to get this done.
  20. I was unaware of the other 15 billion, 50 billion spent and SoftBank acquired sprint for 20 billion and clear was 6/7 billion in total? Yeah sprint Nextel was a huge mistake. It all started there.
  21. Looking back, the Nextel merger wasn't a bad idea or a bad thing. It combined the number 3 and 5 together. The issue was how they did it. They kept 2 Corp headquarters basically called it a partnership ... Remember "Sprint with Nextel" ? That's where the screw ups began. The biggest hiccup was the WiMAX experiment. Truth be told if the world adopted WiMAX sprint would be in a much different position. Instead lte became the standard. Which had sprint bought alltel/metro it would have helped the with spectrum and 3G would not have be as bad as it became. Add in the fact there would be more customers more towers and so forth. Sprint could have deployed lte on some of their stuff first, making NV 1.0 an easier transitions!
  22. Just thinking, if sprint would have bought metro where would they be now? Where would Tmo be? Wow...... Altell, and metro if only sprint would have when the chance was there!
  23. I hope you're right. However just looking at the report about small cells in Orlando is kinda deflating. Only time will tell and sprint has come a long way just not far enough yet. Hopefully this summer brings good weather and no misfortunes which could cause further delays
  24. Why not just say we have put aside 10billion for capex? Just saying 3 billion makes everyone go "oh no, here we go again"
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