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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Unlikely they offer an upgrade. What is likely going to happen is Sprint will probably offer you to get out of contract so you can switch carriers with no strings attached. I've been offered this before when I had an Evo and could not get data while the iPhone on another line of mine worked perfectly fine. Personally, I would ask if you can get another brand phone. I left Samsung for the Nexus line and haven't looked back. I always thought I would miss the physical home button, but not really. While I would love to have it on my phone, it is a lot better than dealing with Samsung and the feeling of playing Russian roulette with every update they release.
  2. Maybe it's time to switch brands. Samsung has gone downhill in RF quality with each variant they release. The last decent phone was the S4.
  3. The first thing I did after I cut the cord was install an antenna in my attic to wire all the TV's to OTA broadcast. I use it on and off. There's really only so much streaming you can do quite honestly. OTA is now more important than ever for people looking for live events not available online (nfl, local newscast, some college football, etc). The one thing I will say that will decline pretty soon is FM radio. Bluetooth is the FM radio slayer. FM will still be around for a long time, but profitability will continue to dwindle as more people adapt to smartphones and buy cars with Bluetooth in them. Local radio will soon be replaced by voice tracking and jock-less broadcasts in every market. I honestly can't remember when was the last time I used the FM or AM tuner on my vehicle.
  4. I hope this is only happening in small-medium markets. I can't imagine Sprint doing this for cities such as San Francisco or Houston. Too many users to risk call reliability. God forbid a hurricane rolls into the BR area. Because if it does, Sprint may regret refarming those CDMA carriers.
  5. That's Samsung always ruining their phones with the last update. It happened to the S3, and now it looks like it is happening with the S5 now that it has reached the end of life support. It's almost as if Samsung is pushing consumers to buy a new phone...almost! (P.S., the PCA marshmallow update actually made the phone very enjoyable. But from the looks of it, the latest one ruins the phone.)
  6. Whoever is in charge of your market for Sprint is doing one heck of a job. I usually average around -105 RSRP with -10 dB SNR inside my house on Band 25. Unfortunately I see my phone jump back and forth between a congested B26 and a decently fast B25. The network recently won (well tied) for best according to Rootmetrics, so I'm not so optimistic that Sprint will fix the network balancing issues anytime soon. Especially with so many other markets needing attention.
  7. That would be nice and all, but it won't work due to agreements with roaming partners. US Cellular, C-Spire, and other smaller CDMA network users are able to roam (with non 1x advanced handsets) on the Sprint Network, so full 1x Advanced implementation not may be possible if Sprint continues to thin out 3G services. Especially in markets where Sprint only owns 20 MHz of PCS spectrum (not counting G block).
  8. Look at the RSRP. Can't get any better than that. Imagine how bad it gets at the edge of cell. In some areas, B26 can't even successfully attempt a speed test. 3G on the other hand gets me 2 Mbps of DL on the same spot and at least 400-500 kbps on edge of cell. Seattle's problem is the lack of LTE 800, but it won't make a difference if the network is not optimized to shuffle you into the correct band.
  9. Yes it can have outages as well. That outage was something that could have happened to any network (edge, 1x, wcdma, etc.) But while VoLTE may be superior in so many ways to CDMA, it does take a hit in reliability as LTE is a more fragile airlink than CDMA. LTE is still some years away from reaching the same type of reliability that 1xRTT has achieved. Some of the concerns by people about VoLTE moving a bit too fast are warranted, even for a network like Verizon.
  10. It's not like B26 is much faster in places where the network is not properly optimized. Optimization is key for B26
  11. Why not use a small ziploc bag to put your Moto in? If you were going every day to the trails, then I would definitely suggest a waterproof phone. But once or twice a month? Not worth the hassle IMO. In my experiences, mud is the least of my problems when going on an ATV ride. It is sand and dirt that get in through the speakers, especially in desert terrain. *(Make sure to make a test run with it before attempting it)
  12. Lately, I've been having issues with my Nexus dropping service when I pick up Clearwire B41. Unfortunately, no Sprint Zone app means I have to suck it up or go through the mess of calling them. Not worth it.
  13. They've deployed in a few markets and have started to buy advertising for their services in those markets. How successful they've been is still yet to be seen. I'm sure they are itching to expand their services to things such as mobile payment solutions and Video calling. Based on their coverage map, they've deployed with coverage in mind instead of capacity, so they got a long road ahead, especially now with the FCC stalling them.
  14. Call Sprint and verify. It all depends on which roaming plan you're in.
  15. Don't think salesman know much about the product they sale. But yes, T-Mobile could theoretically get peak speeds of over 100+ Mbps today, but the ability and places to do so is quickly dwindling with the surge of subscribers and video streaming. My area had consistent speeds of 35-45 Mbps download on B4, but today it sits at ~10 Mbps. The Deutsche network has been getting more dense with a few macro additions, but they are ultimately going to have to scrap or scale back BingeON. I feel sorry for the the next sucker who takes over CEO after John Legere calls it quits. There's gonna be a lot of unpopular clean up to do.
  16. On my Galaxy S5, that value meant the number of minutes the phone scanned for LTE whenever it was on 3G or roaming. I had mine always set to 1 and would see LTE back on my phone as soon as I came back to Sprint's native coverage. Of course, it will also drain my battery slightly faster, but not by much. Keep in mind that this was on the Galaxy s5. It wouldn't hurt to try it. If you're scared that it may break something else, a simple Profile update and phone reboot will take everything back to stock.
  17. First off, didn't you request that I never respond to another one of your posts? Seems like that road should be 2 ways. Second, coverage indoors is fine. B12 and B26 do an extremely good job of being everywhere. Theres just a big difference between lower band 5x5 carriers for Sprint and T-Mobile and lower band 10x10 carrier for Verizon and At&t*. Third. You just can't stand to not have the last word on an argument can't you? OCD much? Fourth. Not once was I against small cells that were properly installed and camouflaged in existing utility poles. Go back and re-read our argument since your Middle School reading and writing comprehension severely fail you. Or do you want me to just link the post...or you what??? Fifth. Just stop replying to me or referencing any of my posts...(who am I kidding, you can't and won't!????)
  18. They didn't even step one foot indoors. Sure these are real places in real cities, but they aren't real world situations for most people. All carriers are being over hyped, with Sprint and T-Mobile benefitting the most.
  19. These tests are very deceptive and make carriers look better than what they really are (mostly Sprint and to a good extent extent T-Mobile). There was not one single indoor test done. It was all driving to different parts of town.
  20. Not necessarily, but definitely a chance it may be. Austin has the spectrum to do a 10x10 if I recall correctly. There is a new PRL coming out soon so if they are going to repurpose spectrum, now's the time.
  21. Dang. 46 days now? Maybe the equipment installed turned out to be faulty, inspector red taped the site, or they ran out of space magic????????? Not trying to make excuses for Sprint, but I'm pretty positive they haven't forgotten about the site. The very last Sprint B41 install I saw in my area took two days from the moment the crew arrived to the moment B41 went on the air. Those guys even stayed up there installing the panels with a lightning storm passing through close by. I'm sure Sprint has a good reason for sitting on that site.
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