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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Skip In-n-out. It's just another run of the mill fast food joint. I tried them in Vegas, Phoenix, LA, and Austin and I leave disappointed everytime due to how so many west coasters hype it up. You go in expecting something great but get a regular burger and subpar fries. It's no better than any other west coast eateries such as Jack In The Box or Del Taco. Try local restaurants instead. Don't waste your time at In-N-Out. You don't go vacationing only to eat fast food you could have back at home.
  2. No. Not at least when I asked since I was trying to buy the phone directly from Apple to avoid paying Sprint's shipping fee. As far as I know, Sprint will only allow you to buy your phone early if it is done through tele-sales and you have a good excuse (I.E., people can't hear you or your screen is broken beyond repair). They didn't even want to budge when I asked if I could buy directly from their website. They did give me the option to go to one of their corporate stores, but they did advice me that it would be up to the store manager to decide if they'll let me upgrade early or not. I guess calling and asking wouldn't hurt, but I doubt they'll let you upgrade early from Best Buy.
  3. If you enjoy experiencing other cultures, I would head over to Olvera Street for an afternoon stroll. I've never been to a place in the US that felt like I was walking in a Mexican street market until I walked Olvera Street. It's creepy identical to actual Mexican street markets.
  4. They allowed me to upgrade two weeks before my contact was up on the iPhone 6s, but 2 weeks =/= 2 months. Try it and tell them your current phone is on its last two legs and you really need a new phone. Make sure you bring up offers from competitors and that you're just fed up with your current phone and don't want a lease.
  5. I ended up calling and they put me on hold because of this. They didn't know if they could replace it or not since it was technically mine now. After some minutes, they offered to send me another one and I almost accepted it before I was reminded by the rep that the new router would belong to Sprint for 1 year. Since I'm likely leaving Sprint this Fall, I figured I would just buy a router online instead.
  6. Mhh, I may give this a try. My guess is that they'll ask for the old one back.
  7. Are you stating that as a fact or opinion??? Wait, I could of sworn I blocked you! Didn't we have a mutual agreement to stop replying to each other's messages as per your request? I guess you couldn't resist. That's ok, I'll just head over to settings and fix my ignore list. I'll honor both our requests properly.
  8. Oh, they are here and there. The Sprint fanboys are like a doctor's note. Their only purpose is to excuse Sprint for every fault the company has. Whether it's here, the comments section of Sprint (and even T-Mobile) articles or Reddit; they're there apologizing and/or excusing Sprint for every little thing. All fanboys are annoying. All fanboys are aggressive. Are there more T-Mobile fanboys? Probably. But that doesn't change the fact that all fanboys are annoying, including Sprint fanboys. Ever seen a John Legere's bashing online? They get vile, nasty, and sometimes even creepy. (Whether those insults are warranted or not is an entirely different discussion ????) Quite frankly, I never understood how someone could live vicariously through a company just because they are customers. Sprint and T-Mobile don't see people, just money. The faster everyone understands that, the faster we can accept criticism for T-Mobile or Sprint. But enough about fanboys...back to topic please.
  9. I've never had Textra lag. I especially love it now that they have added the feature to create any text into an MMS message. So now instead having a long message split into two, you can have textra convert it automatically into an MMS. Very cool feature that I've looked for so long and never found. The only thing that bothers me about Textra is that it doesn't accurately tell you when SMS are sent.
  10. Not irony. But I would like to point out that you described ALL fanboys, not just T-Mobile's. That includes some Sprint users on this site. In these fanboys' eyes, Sprint (or whatever carrier they follow) can do no wrong. Not going to name the White Knights of Sprint on S4GRU, but y'all know who you are. They're just as bad as T-Mobile fanboys.
  11. Yeah, I figured I got one of the few defective units. I drew the short straw. But considering that straw didn't cost me a cent, I'm happy. I may look into another Asus just based on the fact that this router had pretty decent range.
  12. My Sprint ASUS is on its last legs. It is requiring too many reboots as of late. Also, the 2.4 GHz band has stopped broadcasting at least twice now while the 5 GHz band is fine (very odd issue). Sorta disappointed by the lifespan of this router, but then again it was free so...time to buy a new router I guess.
  13. While I do agree with your overall message, you do realize Verizon has some coverage gaps along I-10 west of Kerrville, TX? Sprint has better coverage on I-10 in Texas than Verizon.
  14. Has anyone else tried to use 1x data on their Nexus 5x? Ever since I got this phone, I can't listen to a 32 kbps stream without a lot of timeouts or browse the web without seeing a 'Website Not Available' message while on 1xRTT. Data seems to work fine for about 5 seconds before my data meter goes back to 0 and I buffer until my stream drops out or a webpage times out. It used to be that 1x would allow me to listen to a 64 kbps stream without any issues and do some light browsing. But now I can't do much. Anyone else's phone do this as well? My Galaxy S5 never did so I'm trying to figure if this is a network issue or a handset issue.
  15. LTE is a more delicate standard than 1xRTT or EVDO. While Verizon has the best LTE network, there is no way they'll get their LTE network to match their 1x coverage foot by foot by 2019. Eventually? Yes. But not in 3 years. They have a lot of rural and highway gaps to cover in which 3G handoffs from tower to tower perfectly fine but LTE gaps for a brief moment.
  16. The day their network becomes VoLTE-only will be the day they lose their claim of "most reliable". The "Can You Hear Me Now" dude should come in handy for Sprint at that point.
  17. By 2019, a lot of the phones not capable of VoLTE should be phased out. I think phones such as the Galaxy S5 are VoLTE capable via a firmware update, so a quick FCC certification for Band 2 and Band 5 should give the phones roaming capabilities with every major provider. Data shouldn't cost any more as well since Sprint will likely keep a roaming limit and they'll now have the chance to negotiate deals with T-Mobile and At&t. Verizon would no longer be the only major network Sprint can roam on.
  18. Wasn't it done due to the spectrum swap with At&t in a select number of markets? Sprint may have snuck some roaming changes in there, but it wouldn't surprise me if all they did was make changes to reflect the new location of their CDMA carriers.
  19. Absolutely true. My Evo 3D was a superb phone. It was smooth and never slowed down after years of use unlike some other phones (cough, cough Samsung). It's probably the only phone I've truly enjoyed using with apps. The Sense interface was welcoming unlike TouchWiz. Unfortunately, it was useless on the network side of things as it dropped EVDO faster than the iPhone. Side to side, an iPhone 4s could stream a constant 32 kbps stream driving around town on 3G while the Evo suffered from constant buffering and timeouts (initial buffer time was about the same). It's the only phone I have loved and hated at the same time.
  20. It's still hard to deny that they have less congested sites than At&t, T-Mobile or Sprint. Verizon's aggressive pricing on data, superb nationwide spectrum holdings, and tight cell spacing throughout most major Metros make them hard to beat.
  21. Getting your old phone back will be next to impossible. Your best bet will be to take the fight to network management.
  22. Sorry, but Texas is full. ???? Pick another state to move to. We ain't got room for more out of state transplants, I reckon! ???? Just don't expect an awesome network here in Puro Pinche Spurs Country. Clearwire B41 is ver hit and miss. 2nd B25 carrier has helped, but Sprint still has a lot of room to improve.
  23. Some small regional carriers which Sprint uses for voice coverage only offer 1xRTT. West Texas has one of them (name escapes my mind at the moment) Also, Verizon EVDO roaming is only in select areas. As of this 4th of July weekend, I could only call and text when roaming on Verizon (no 1x data).
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