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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/21/4862300/google-tries-to-bring-business-data-down-to-earth-with-google-maps-pro



    Some highlights include:

    -updating maps by updating/importing a spreadsheet instead of the map.

    -share maps privately

    -available separate android app for viewing maps on phones/devices easier. (Ios comes later)

    -only $5 per user. I would pay that (+Overhead) for a well built app.


    I can imagine this might be a lot less work for Robert especially if he gets all his info in a spreadsheet form anyway.

    I'm not sure how it's done now but sounds time consuming.

    Just thought I would throw it out there since it was announced today. Sounds interesting.



    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk



  2. As much as it sounds interesting to have a white Nexus 5 option, I doubt that will happen.  The Nexus devices are usually very plain.  One color, one battery capacity, usually 2 storage capacities.  Being exciting is not one of the Nexus strong suits.  I would be very surprised if Google decides to launch an all white Nexus 5 option.


    Well they also released a panda Nexus 4. So maybe after the panda 5 maybe an all white isnt that much of a stretch. The back is already done mass produced. We'll see.

  3. You better be praying hard and sacrificing a lamb if you expect a pink color to all of a sudden contain triband LTE support.  Samsung and Sprint are done with hardware modifications to the phone.  All Samsung and Sprint will do at this point is just make maintenance and upgrade software updates.  There is no precedent of any smartphone ever where a later release of a new color of the phone caused a change in the internals of the device.

    Someone over in the s4 thread must've sacrificed a lot lambs. Ppl in here better start doing the same I guess.

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  4. I'm guessing Google called all the major tech sites and reminded them that they are under an NDA because they have review units on hand already. Plus everything about the device has basically been leaked already except a. the actual release date and b. what channels the N5 will be sold through.

    Speaking of nexus 5 nda



    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk



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  5. Judging by the link that showed up when hovering over the Nexus 5 (https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=nexus_5_black_16gb) it looks like it might come in black and another color (white?) as an option.


    Just posting some speculation as color doesn't appear in either the Nexus 4's, 7's, or 10's URLs.



    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk



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  6. I want google monies. I haven't found a single one that gives you google play credit. Where have you been finding yours?




    I've seen the specially marked android ones in walgreens and 711. The prizes were front loaded though. So many winners last week. This week very few.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  7. I think the white pins only appear when ppl post pictures of the towers. So more white pins in an area may just mean more members taking pics there, not necessarily more actual tower development going on.

    I think the white pins in certain cities were also permits that were various stages of approval. I think that was the case for the city of sf and their white pins. They've been around since almost the beginning of the map. It's funny cause most of the cell sites in sf now are approved. So I guess there should be alot more white pins on the board. But looks like not much movement going on in the city. I've visited a couple of sites with permit approvals and I've seen no new equipment or sign of work being done. So who knows what's going on in sf.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  8. Still very little progress in San Francisco for LTE. The rest of the bay seems to be moving right along but San Francisco has not had many acceptances in months. Nobody has any insight into what's going on?

    Yeah its been months since any movement. I did some research on permits and it seems many many untouched sites have permits approved. So who knows what the hold up is.


    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk



  9. Looks like the party is coming to an end. Alot of people are reporting they aren't getting the credit on the first try anymore. And since you won already I think you are only eligible for one prize. So you have to redeem those other ones under yours friends and family or by other means that I won't talk about here. ;-)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

    ok reports of this being dead are wrong. If you buy just 1 specially marked kitkat you have a really great chance of winning a $5 credit for Google Play. When you do more then 1 is when you run into problems. Go buy signal check pro! Found them at walgreens.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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