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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. Posted Image


    These android kitkat bars are gonna be huge in Japan. I expect a green tea android kitkat bar to follow. They already make the flavor. They make about every other flavor. Maybe a key Lime Pie kit kat bar to make the disappointed happy.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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  2. I'm actually contmeplating getting the SGM for my mother. She needs a phone with a big screen, and I am tired of watching her struggle to use her Nexus S, with its old-school mini-screen (damn presbyopia!). I don't think it would be worth the extra money it to get her the latest and greatest tri-band device, since she really dosen't use data all that much, and these will still support 1x800 for voice/text improvements. I guess I'm just not sure what device would be better for someone who has trouble seeing close up objects, the giant screen on the Mega, or the near-giant screen on the Note II with s-pen (which will likely drop in price very soon). Any thoughts?? Thanks!

    I remember reading about a 3rd party launcher for ppl who have trouble seeing. I forget the name.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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  3. So far Engadget, Verge, DroidLife, phandroid, phonedog, anandtech and Mobilesyrup has given s4gru credit for the story. Everyone else gave it to Engadget (which is fine since they credited back here)








    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

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  4. I posted this article in another thread, but it kinda makes sense here to. Its an article on google's strategy on updating android devices regardless of what the carrier does. So even if the CDMA chip used to be an issue updating the CDMA nexus is the past, this goes a long way into alleviating customers need to update. So maybe Google doesn't mind getting into bed with Sprint again. (not sure why they are leaving Verizon out though)



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