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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. So you can get full LTE signal and still not be able to use data? That's insane...

    Completely useless. Can't even ping anything. Full lte signal. I will walk around the whole block where the site is located and nothing. Several sites. Been like that for weeks. Even been on higher floors with LOS and nothing.


    At this point one or 2 sites won't even help that much. They almost have to turn all of the remaining sites on at the same time. Triband phones can't come soon enough.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  2. Would getting a $18 cheap one off ebay do any harm to the phone? i'm not too trilled by wireless charging, but under $20 i'll consider it since i'd get two (one for work and home)

    I would read reviews on it. Especially how well it worked with the Nexus 4. Some of them are not good cause the sweet spot is so small. And some don't charge fast enough. Placement is key.


    This new Nexus 5 one is supposed to have magnets like the old palm pre. The palm pre wireless charging has been the gold standard up until now.


    Since Matias Duarte designed the palm pre and now the Nexus 5 I'm guessing he made this new charger work very well with the Nexus 5. Putting magnets in both items. None of the old ones have magnets so if they slip off you don't know if it charges or not. Probably won't do damage to your phone. Just might not be optimal.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  3. Ok so supposedly Google debuted a new wireless charging pad yesterday along with the Nexus 5 and it was supposed to be available yesterday according to Engadget:




    Does anyone know anything about it? Cant find any mention of it on the Play Store etc.


    On another similar note, instead of this if I get the Nokia wireless charging plate, it should still work on my Nexus 5 correct?

    As long as it's the Qi standard it will work fine. There's about a dozen different ones on the market. Some better than others.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  4. Its not just him. I have the same troubles downtown.


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk

    Me 3. In sf I can only use lte in the Richmond and sunset neighborhoods. Imagine a year ago when these first started popping up how excited we were. Ah memories.

    Seriously I wonder what the hell the holdup is. It's almost comical how useless it's been downtown.


    Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk



  5. Just a quick note about the sim card. These first orders won't get it shipped with them. But last year after the first batch you had the option of including a tmo sim with your nexus 4. And then later on att was an option. Maybe down the line Google will include sprint Sims with these phones.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  6. Wonder if you guys have the spark status icon in your phones already. Someone must have fished around for in the system files by now.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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