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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. My point of my post was to play devils advocate and to get you to stop focusing on that article which by the way is several months old and think outside of the box that the BOGO summer promotion was not due to poor GS4 sales but rather a vehicle as a way to drive more Sprint service subscriptions by offering their most popular smartphone. I wasn't trying to butt heads with you. Sure increased GS4 sales is a secondary benefit of the BOGO promotion but I saw the primary goal of the BOGO promotion was to get more Sprint service subscriptions.


    You are correct in that we both are speculating and there could very well be a glut in December but I think Sprint is smart enough to forecast this back in July/August if sales really slowed down. I doubt Sprint or any carrier preorders a massive order 3 months of new GS4's especially in Sprint's case if internally they intended to upgrade the GS4 later on in the year to be triband LTE.

    Yeah I don't mean to dwell on the article it was just something I remember reading about. And we have little evidence to assume otherwise. But it is interesting that the timing of the article is in line with the bogo promotion. Who knows it one has anything to do with the other.


    What's also odd if this best buy blue variant is not triband, why order more single bands at this stage in the game? Or are they just changing the casing to get rid of old stock. Just sucks there is no peep on the triband version except the FCC doc and number "6" that sprint has mentioned.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  2. I wonder if this is going to be the new S4 Spark




    Best Buy this morning announced that it'll carry a "Blue Arctic" (no, not Arctic Blue) Samsung Galaxy S4starting Nov. 18. Preorders begin Nov. 10. You'll be able to get one for use on AT&T, Verizon or Sprint.

    Here's how pricing breaks down:

    • Verizon: $249.99 with a two-year contract.
    • AT&T and Sprint: $199.99 with a two-year contract.
    • Outright: $749.99

    The phone will be available online or in stores.

    Anyone check best buy today for the blue variant?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  3. No I disagree. You are thinking of it backwards. You are assuming that they are doing BOGO on the GS4 because GS4 sales are bad and are trying to find a way to sell more. I tend to think that Sprint did BOGO promotion on the GS4 because it is the most popular smartphone and a BOGO promotion is the key attraction to get least 2 customers to join Sprint. If 2 customers in a family both want a GS4, then they can join Sprint and only pay $100 each vs. $199 or $249 for each one on another carrier. This is also not on top of $100 in savings for porting over your line from another carrier. The purpose of the BOGO promotion on the GS4 is to help acquire new Sprint subscribers since based on the quarterly statements that Sprint has been losing customers not only because of iDEN but simply some are fed up with the Network Vision progress.

    You are speculating just like me. Backwards thinking? Really?

    All I'm saying is sprint might have a glut. Might not. I supported my speculation with an article at least.

    The triband phone might come out next month. might not.

    Sprint wouldn't surprise me either way.

    I want this phone to come out just as bad as anyone.

    I'm just trying to temper expectations.



    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  4. Yeah but don't confuse the overall GS4 sales with other carriers to be reflective of those on Sprint. Keep in mind there were a ton of Wimax customers like myself that are coming off of our 2 year contracts in 2011 which were dying to switch to LTE phones due to getting faster 4G speeds but also better battery life. Anyone with a Wimax phone would know how poor the battery life was on 4G. I think the GS4 sales on Sprint have been great and not to mention that during all of this summer, Sprint was promoting a BOGO free promotion on the GS4.


    There are still plenty of folks out there that still want the GS4 out there and are dying to get their hands on one with triband LTE.

    Maybe the sales on Sprint were great. I'm just going with that report. But you also don't do bogo if sales are great. Maybe it will come out tomorrow. But I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out after xmas either.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  5. I sure hope not. Sprint should have been offloading their single band GS4 stock since mid October. The longer Sprint keeps stocking up the single band GS4, the worse it is going to be since that would mean more devices that are released on the Sprint network with single band LTE. I would love to see the GS4 triband come out by the first week or second week of December.

    They may not be stocking up. They may have been stuck with this stock for awhile. Slow sales were reported early on.



    So maybe they've been stuck stock for awhile.


    And who knows. Maybe they might make the s4 spark available in the spark markets only at first. Seamlessly sneak it in with the old stock.



    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  6. I wouldn't mind the icon being animated when there is actual traffic active, but yeah it would definitely get annoying if it always animated.


    Hopefully the google approved icon on the n5 will be a little more subtle.

    In the HTC one max video on Android central it's not animated the whole entire time. So hopefully it's a data transfer thing only and not just an indication you have band 41.



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  7. So how accurate is this map on the main page anyways? As it would seem I should be able to get it easily just don't have the money for the phone at the moment. But I just wanted to make sure before buying a phone.

    In the dark purple zones, very accurate. For now. Once the new bands come into play who knows how that will be handled. But once that happens things might get a little skewed depending on which phone you get (single vs tri band) and what market you are in. But as of right now you can trust me he dark purple.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  8. While sitting at home in sf I connected to another cdma 800 site in Daly City. This time 8 miles away. The previous one I connected to was 6 miles away in DC.


    I saw someone was mapping on a flight out of sfo on sensorly. Tsk Tsk.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  9. My wife might agree. It's one of the phones she's thinking about getting. Her old Samsung Seek is starting to crap out and she HATES my S3. She'd love to have a phone with a slide-out keyboard like the Photon Q, but I'm not getting her that dog of a phone. She does endurance horse riding so having something small enough to put on an armband that's not too uncomfortable or can fit in the saddle bag is important.


    Nearly impossible now to find a nice phone with a physical keyboard.

    My wife felt the same way. She'd rather have a keyboard then Android or triband. So she got the q10. It's not bad and quite snappy. Just sucks it's single band lte.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  10. Correct. That was my understanding, too. The only ambiguity was whether the SMS notification or the actual SMS itself is tunneled through LTE. But I think we have plenty of solid evidence for the latter.



    Does anyone know if voicemail notifications work in the same way?


    Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2



  11. I had a feeling it was a Google voice issue because every time I leave the G voice or Gmail website open and I get a call, the website always "rings" first before it gets to my phone. So I always know to get my phone ready. About a 5 second delay give or take. Phone calls aren't as big a deal to me. So I don't mind having the delay. And when I am in the subway or no signal at least I know if I have a missed call with Google voice. Especially since some people don't leave voice mail.


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  12. Does anybody have any knowledge (or rumor) of the new release date for 4.3 for the Sprint GS3?

    May take longer than we originally thought. Seems like the international version is no longer updating to 4.3 and the update may have been pulled due to various bugs and poor battery life. So sprint might be holding off too.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  13. Oh I hope so. I got so sick of the Sprint CSFB LTE/1x issue that I went and got a T-Mobile Sim card last night. Popped that in my nexus 5 and been using that until Sprint works out this nightmare.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Damn. I hear ya. I was thinking when I get a n5 to also have a tmo SIM as a backup too.


    I don't know if you're following the g2 thread. But a couple of users have connected to b41. So maybe you might have some luck around town too using their methods. Good luck!


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  14. Anyone having any issues with 3g data today in or around sf? It's not even slow 3g data for me. Intermittent 3g data for me. Cuts off for minutes or much longer. Then it's fine. This is on my s3. Not in 4G today. I hope this is related to upgrading to 3g NV.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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