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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. I think the M8 also has it beat on the audio side with it's boomsound speakers. The front facing cam is not 5 megapixels for the ones that actually use or care about the front facing camera, and the battery life on the M8 is supposed to be pretty awesome. With it being in almost phablet territory.

    I forgot about the audio. But battery life seems about equal. Well see.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  2. The more comparisons I read about the m8 and the s5 the more I'm leaning towards the s5. Hopefully the radio will be a beast. Aside from materials and build quality seems like the s5 beats out the m8 in most categories. Or at least tie. Let's see what real world results will be.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  3. I was in Williamsburg the other day at the Smorgasburg/Brooklyn Flea (everyone should go by the way) and I had to check if I got into one of my college choices (which I did by the way, it was Villanova) and at first my phone was being slow so I tried using my mother's iPhone 5 but it was too slow on LTE, I tried my grandmother's iPhone 5C and it was on AWS and was super speedy. But then her phone could not interact with the site. I went back to my phone and it had connected to 1 bar of PCS LTE and it was loading pages just as fast as my grandmother's phone.

    I went last weekend too. LTE was pretty unstable. This is the last weekend it will be indoors. The following weekend will be outside by the water so lte will be much better.


    Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2



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  4. Yeah getting stuck in mud or sand or snow is no fun. It's a great feeling just putting my 4runner in 4wd and driving right out of a pinch. Muddy and Sandy Hawaii sounds like a good place for awd.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  5. I was in NYC yesterday and was pretty disappointed with the data again.


    I was inside a friends apartment near the WIlliamsburg bridge on the Manhattan side, just by Broadway and Clinton and had abysmally slow 3G inside.



    My service is great in the central jersey market, where I spend most of my time, so its always a (data) disappointment when going to NYC. I didnt run any speedtests, but I consider 2+ minutes to get directions from google maps not acceptable. The roaming inside the restaurant also was not so great for my battery life.


    I on the other hand love the lte here. I just moved back here from SF and it was abysmal out there. I was there a year and a half and it was downright painful and embarrassing being on sprint. Granted right now I'm in upper Manhattan where the site density is great and mostly NV complete. But I even got some LTE in MSG over the weekend during a game. So I'm impressed so far and am hopeful it will only get better each day. Where as SF barely got better month to month.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  6. I can't tell if that serious or a joke, cause all I see is a square. :P

    LOL, wouldn't doubt if serious. The progress for NV has been a serious crawl in SF.

    I would be lying if I said I'm not stoked to be moving to a home that's completely blanketed in lte. I loved my short time in sf and Berkeley. I feel like was here from the beginning of nv. Now I'm abandoning it before completion. Feels so close. But maybe too far.


    Maybe I'll move back soon.


    Anyway Robert where should I eat in abq? :)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  7. Cool! Did you get a new phone?

    I wish, I was just looking around sensorly while I was in daly city.


    Actually I'm moving out of the area. I got so sick of the sprint problems here that I'm moving. ????


    Actually going back to NYC. I was hoping the entire area would be lit up before I left. Oh well. The progress in the sunset was at least something. If and when I come back it'll be a much better experience.


    Thanks for all the work you did in this area. I'll still be checking in all the time just won't be able to contribute much.


    Now I'm looking at all the maps between here and NY. Southern route :)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  8. Has anyone else noticed issues with 1x 800 in the area? In Emeryville ever since they turned on 1x 800 around Thanksgiving, my call quality has been horrible (cutting out constantly) and texting very unreliable (get stuck sending, sending multiple copies, etc). I have a non-triband Galaxy S4, so it's not a CSFB issue. I verified that calls were indeed using the HD voice codec as well.


    I modified my PRL to prioritize 1900 over 800 for SID 4183, and the problems went away. My phone is connecting to the same towers as it did for 1x 800 according to Signal Check Pro. So the only difference is 1900 vs 800.


    Is anyone else seeing this? What could be the reason for it?


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    I'm having the same exact issues with 1x 800 in San Francisco. Ever since it's been turned on its been bitter sweet. Glad to see work being done. But a lot of my calls get dropped now. Multiple times a day. Whereas before I never dropped calls. Texts are sporadic too. But I blame Google voice for that more than anything.


    I hope it gets better once it's all fine tuned.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  9. Not really unfortunately. There's been some progress in the Richmond district, but the city proper is pretty stagnant still, with 3G clusters still not being accepted for e/CSFB usage.

    Richmond district is still stagnant. It's the sunset that's been getting the love.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  10. Most of my friends use Hangouts for chatting so I normally do that. I leave my phone in 3G mode though in SF so I can get and place phone calls.

    Oh duh, now I see what you mean. I hate that on the s3 you need to reboot to go into 3g only mode.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  11. Yes. I only use baseband .15 now :) When I'm in SF, I put my phone in 3G mode to stop it from trying to connect to LTE, but when I need to download something and I know I'm near a B41 site, I'll click on the LTE and go nuts.


    What do you do about phone calls and texts? Groove IP and google voice?

  12. Posted Image


    I got this on that brand new site on noriega. Pretty good speed test considering it was on my s3 and it's a major city. I haven't seen that fast a test on band 25 in a long long time. Middle of the day. Especially in an urban setting.


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  13. Quick heads up for you Peninsula and South Bay folks. You can order a Nexus 5 (or 7) from Google Shopping Express delivered same day to your door for $25 off. Use the code GMAIL25. free delivery. (it's basically anything they offer with a $25 credit, but I'd figure keep it on topic)


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  14. Nice sensorly markers db! Green!


    I just visited the new lte/800 site on noriega and it was fully operational! Put down some purple. So it went from untouched to 4g/3g/800 in like a week. Hope the rest of them will be this fast. Just not one at a time.


    Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2



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  15. You just can't make or receive phone calls and SMS's while you are connected to LTE.

    Has anyone tried gv App or Google voice for texting? I know gv won't work after may 1st. But hopefully sf will be up to speed by then.


    Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk 2



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