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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. I actually thought of this a few years back when HTC did their spiral patent. But enhanced it with making it a three screen hybrid.

    As the HTC Voyager 4G



    But I really like this new concept much better. Although I would add quad front facing speakers to it.



    TS out (dreaming of the ultimate Note)

    Way to get back on track. We're trying to derail this thread until actual news. I mean regional supermarket Raley's and Trapper keepers. This could have been the ultimate tangent thread! We just need a Cleveland sucks video and we would have been golden.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  2. That was painful to read.



    Sounds like sprint related debates in comments sections on tech blogs. Apparently the LG rep deleted her comments afterwards.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  3. She "even prefer the Note II over the G Flex?" Interesting... As far as screen resolution is concerned, I believe both devices have a 720 x 1280 display, so it will be interesting to compare the G Flex's "POLED" screen to the Note II's "Super HD AMOLED" screen. For me, the extra 0.05" of real estate and triband connectivity alone make the G Flex a very attractive option. I am definitely looking forward to checking it out once it hits the display shelves!

    Apparently my friend got into it with an LG rep. Lol


    Posted Image


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  4. Another good update today. Mostly 1x 800 stuff we knew about but still. I have been getting a lot of dropped calls in the sunset lately though on my s3. Even with solid 1x 800 coverage. My wife's Q10 is having no such issues (which if I'm not mistaken has no 1x 800)


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  5. Was there Spark coverage at the super bowl?  I wonder how it would had performed.



     And, Sprint was using a single channel of LTE, so about half of what our competitors are using today. With the deployment of Sprint Spark, Sprint will be able to aggregate multiple channels of LTE to boost throughput speeds that will match and ultimately exceed competitor speeds."


    Read more: Super Bowl XLVIII: How did Tier 1 wireless carriers' networks hold up? - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/special-reports/super-bowl-xlviii-how-did-tier-1-wireless-carriers-networks-hold#ixzz2sPcLwEW3 



  6. Is LTE live in East Rutherford?  Either way, I'd call it a win.  Who uploads 20 MB files while watching a football game?



    Sprint said in a statement that its network "performed exceptionally well during the Super Bowl on Sunday, besting our competition in voice performance and providing consistent, solid data performance. Sprint saw 4G LTE data traffic increases over a typical game day of 83% and 150% for download and upload speeds respectively. And, Sprint was using a single channel of LTE, so about half of what our competitors are using today. With the deployment of Sprint Spark, Sprint will be able to aggregate multiple channels of LTE to boost throughput speeds that will match and ultimately exceed competitor speeds."


    Read more: Super Bowl XLVIII: How did Tier 1 wireless carriers' networks hold up? - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/special-reports/super-bowl-xlviii-how-did-tier-1-wireless-carriers-networks-hold#ixzz2sPcLwEW3 


    As for the uploading 20 MB files while watching football. I remember 2 years ago an article stated upload data outweighed downloads.




    Probably even worse now.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm trying to figure that out too. It's driving me bonkers!


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Bonkers!! It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the Miller lite pic and this one




    I feel like it just appeared one day without updating Tapatalk. So is it on the server end?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk


  8. Back to 1 x RTT today. Damn teaser tests...

    I had 1x 800 all day today from sfo to sunset. So it was fine for me today.


    I know you mentioned you got 1x 800 around the twin peaks area earlier. Do you know which sites?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  9. I received the infamous text about the network being "largely" completed in the next "few months". This exact text could have been sent out a few months ago without being factually incorrect. So it really means nothing to me but if they can just get me to stop roaming in parts of my house, I'll be pretty happy.

    Yeah my wife got the message last night too. I haven't gotten it yet. Was wondering when it was gonna come.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



  10. I connected to 2 more 1x 800 in South west sf today.


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    The second one is at stonestown mall which has been 4G accepted for like half a year now without broadcasting any 4g in that time. Good to see work being done on it again.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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  11. Handoff between 800 and 1900 is harder, but possible.  It's handoff between an NV upgraded site 800/1900 and a legacy site that seems to be a problem.  If there are enough NV sites, then should be able to find an NV site to switch too, but right now, it'll be a mess.  And it's likely to get worse before it gets better if experience in other markets is any indication.


    Yeah that's what puzzled me. I was switching between 2 1x 800 sites when I was getting dropped over and over again. 

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