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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

  1. I thought the admiral was one of the devices listed...You also have to add dc on your Sprint account so it gets provisioned for it, otherwise it won't ever connect.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  2. I've read some not so great reviews of direct connect now, I'm curious to see it in action. I shouldn't have a problem since I'm on an airave, I wish they would add more devices though...never understood why the flagship gs3 wasn't added when it s was new...it's more than able to and uses the same chip as one of this Kyocera phones I think.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  3. Cool...I got it and set it up, but don't have anyone right now with dc...wonder if they'll add the HTC one...anyway, we can trade numbers and try it out tomorrow, my daughter is sleeping beside me so I can't make too much noise. Glad you told me about it, I had been watching and checking every month or so.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  4. Try out direct connect how? Last I checked in the play store, you couldn't download the direct connect now app, which is what you need to be able to do that. Unless it's been added to the very short list of compatible devices in the last couple weeks....


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  5. Yeah, I spoke to them about it, briefly...I was sorta hard-pressed for time when I called that day, and they gave me the generic "you'll need to bring your device in, you have the insurance...etc"...so I didn't really push the matter.

  6. I'm wondering what Sprint will do in the southeast now, with SoLinc coming to some sort of nationwide agreement with whoever it was they were in talks with...I'd really like to see Sprint acquire some of the SoLinc holdings to use it...


    Heck, I'd be happy if they would just Co-Locate on the tower that's 1 mile from my house, which the fiber under my driveway feeds. One can dream I suppose.

  7. I'm in a pickle with what I should do with my G2....the nearest Sprint store (corp) is an hour away, on 280 in Bham....

    Since Dec 15, we've had my 6 year-old niece in PICU at Children's Hospital and been driving by the Sprint store on the way to see her, needless to say, sadly, she almost died on Christmas day. She came up with Staph in both lungs, and a chest tube + ventilator + paralytics for +/- a week ...but thankfully she finally started doing better and we're not traveling up as much as we were...


    But at any rate, I'm still seeing the awful sounding earpiece speaker. Speakerphone sounds excellent...if I plug in my HTC or Samsung earplugs...they sound excellent....bluetooth thing I got from State Farm in my vehicle....sounds great too for a vehicle btooth speaker...

    But the earpiece...it's the holy grail of sounding like crap when I try to talk to someone. It's really been a tedious thing during this child being sick because I couldn't hear people when they would call asking me about her condition...and you can't always put people on speaker to discuss a child's condition...my kids would be listening or near and I would have one hell of a time trying to explain stuff or answer questions without my kids hearing it (I'm one of those who think children should not have to think about their mortality, and should be kids...and worry about "kid stuff")...to a certain age, obviously...


    But, I wonder should I wait on this update, or go ahead and stop in the Sprint store on the way to see my niece today...

    It's really somewhat of a hassle to get to the Sprint store because Bham traffic on 280 ranks some of the worst in the nation...and this is where the corp store is ....

    Someone had the wise idea to put in these stupid "u-turn" lanes, so you can't just turn into a business from the opposite side of 280 anymore...you gotta go up to the U-turn light, turn around, then come back...


    I wish the modem was leaked already so I could maybe see what happens when it's updated...so I know whether or not the phone gets better earpiece performance.  I gotta say, of all the phones I've had, this has been the worst as far as a single problem that causes issue with calls....

    Luckily, for me, when there isn't a kid in PICU in critical condition for nearly two weeks, I never use my phone to talk...the occasional phone call for my computer/laptop repair is all I might use...if I had more time spent speaking on a phone..I guess this would've needed a solution sooner...

  8. I'm stuck on what I should do...the earpiece problem is seemingly worse for me now, post-update than it was prior to it...


    I haven't had any time to ask around here and see if anyone else is having the same problem...so what's the verdict?

    I can use speakerphone or plug in a headset, and voice sounds just fine...but on the earpiece, I can hardly hear what anyone is saying to me.

    Tried enabling and disabling Voice Privacy...no luck.

    Could it be defective ....?

    Airave, roaming, native signal...it's all the same. Voice sounds like crap coming through the earpiece...but on speaker or headset, it's just fine.

  9. The cracking in the earpiece has got so bad for me that I have to either use speakerphone for every phone call, or use headset. There are random times when it sounds ok though. Hopefully they fix it for everyone.

    I experienced the GPS issue today. Note GPS has performed fine for me, we took my niece to children's hospital on Sunday, and used GPS without a problem, all the way there and also leaving to come home...

    But today I was headed to children's again to visit my niece (who needs everyone to keep her in their thoughts, she will be spending Christmas in PICU, they said she was in septic shock at first, but just narrowed it down to staph. We were afraid at first that we were going to lose this little 6 year old)

    When I hit start navigation, it pulled up my general area, but as I was on 22st s, it couldn't tell me where to turn. I had to yank out my gs3 and get GPS up on it,

    I finally did a data profile update on the G2 and GPS went back to normal working as it should.

    Weird issue. Where i was when trying to use GPS, downtown Birmingham, it should have worked flawlessly.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  10. Well, if you're talking about the One, she's using a case from the Verizon store on her phone, all the buttons seem to be in right places..


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  11. Here is my two cents: my wife got the HTC One, and before we ordered the phone, we went and ordered the mophie for it, she wanted that to get her through twelve hours of heavy use on the One. Timing should've had that HTC One mophie here a couple days before the phone arrived...but when we received it, the mophie was for an iPhone 5, NOT HTC One. So she had a naked, brand new One...

    We decided instead of waiting to return it and get the money refunded, we'd just run in the local Verizon store and grab an otterbox for her.

    The rep in Verizon tried to tell us that the Sprint and Verizon versions wouldn't mix, but then we got him to open it and try it out....worked just fine.

    This isn't about t the G2, but shows what they really know about phones from carrier to carrier. I have the otterbox on my G2, and aside from ripping out the screen protector, it is a perfect fit.



    I still have the mophie, anyone here interested let me know and I'll put it on my eBay seller account or Amazon and pm you the link. I only want exactly what I paid, but only got a couple days before I just ship it back to seller for refund.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  12. I've been more than happy with this device. Only thing I'm wanting now is Spark update which should also increase B25 performance.


    Sent from my LG-LS980

    I think we are all looking forward to that, even myself, in an area that doesn't yet have any 800 or 2600. I still want the ability when it does come


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  13. I got close to twenty hours with heavy use, but was only on airave+ Wi-Fi the entire time, and it didn't do the usual dump off of airave a few times an hour to pull in -110 Verizon tower up the road...I was doing steady Facebook, the battlefield 4 app(battlelog app).

    I was shocked to see it, and I know a 3000+mAh battery can give this, but I think it partly has something to do with the battery tech they used for this phone.

    I'm very happy with this coming from a gs3.my battery life had become atrocious after 14 months, barely 4 hours on full charge in fringe areas.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  14. Back to the topic of this thread...I've seen some really great battery life with the G2, but if you're in a fringe 1900 voice coverage area, or a fringe LTE+ good e-HERPIES area, the battery can go from 80% to 20% in four hours. I thought something was wrong when I had this happened, and actually wish I had switched LTE completely off so it would stopped scanning. Normally at home, in range of airave and Wi-Fi, my battery can go 15 hours with minimal use, or 10 hours with medium/heavy use. Personally I'd like to see a mophie come out for the G2 just for us LTE geeks.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  15. I'll be glad to see any part of Alabama getting an 800 update. Holding out on driving to Atlanta, which is an hour+, to the nearest tower I can find with 800 active over there.


    I don't know where the closest 2600 is active near Alabama, but I think it's a good bit away from here, not worth the drive to check it out...I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be an hour or two drive, it would take a day most likely to get to the nearest 2600LTE signal ...just not sure which city would be closest. I'm guessing there's some in Chicago, I think that would be the closest right now...

  16. I had 60657 last night but couldn't get Qpst to work right. I did try, maybe because I'm not rooted it didn't do right? Phone was in download mode, and even tried diag mode via the menu. No luck


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  17. Which one do you want, the one they released this morning, or 60657? I can try again with my desktop and see if I can pull 55017 if you want it


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  18. Did the update PRL again, and it updated to 55017 this morning...apparently they caught their mistake rather quickly. Still won't be out until later today in definite LTE territory to see what this does for my G2, but hopefully LTE is restored.




    My GS3 updated to 25017...so, **017 is apparently the one they meant to push...and **017 should be what phones are going to. going to check the HTC One right now and update PRL on it. I'm sure it'll roll to 55017 too.

  19. Wife's HTC one u is on 55017, not sure on it but she said she went everywhere LTE was present last night and never picked up LTE. Is 55017 a non LTE PRL too?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  20. Not just iPhone forced off LTE with this PRL, my G2 has it and wife said her PRL updated at work, but I dunno what number HTC one is. Haven't done PRL on my iPhone 4S or my gs3 yet. May not until this gets sorted.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  21. I'm not rooted at all, so hardware is the only way I can do anything right now.


    By the way, the G2 has a fresh PRL, from 55016 to 60657.

    I'm not sure, but if I remember right, the iPhone PRL matches this doesn't it? Wasn't 55016 the PRL iPhone had also?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  22. As an aside, I did have notification of an update when I woke up during my regular bout of insomnia tonight. Installed it already, so I guess the need to sideload has been postponed for now. Won't be able to get out and see what difference it makes until Thursday, but I still see my signal dropping from 5 bars to none, then back to 5 intermittent.


    The spreadsheet says this area should be ok, but in an area I've previously mapped great LTE signal with my gs3, I can travel with my LG G2 and never hit LTE at all. Even sometimes cycling airplane doesn't give me anything but e-herpies.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



  23. Wow...I'm sure hectic doesn't even begin to describe it...


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    You're pretty spot-on. But it's what we do for our family, I'm glad my wife and I are in a position to help her family. They all work, and most likely I'll deed them a small piece of land beside me to put a small trailer on, but not seeing that in the next year or two.


    With all these folks here, my airave and Sprint referral program has benefited from it....so even Sprint makes more because of my extra household members.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk



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