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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

    LG G3

    I noticed it doesn't just fall into place when plugging in like others do, I chalked it up to the otter case. Actually I'm kinda glad it's hard to plug in, I would've enjoyed seeing a plug type like the gs5 has though.

    LG G3

    If there is band 41 in Atlanta then I'll see this weekend. We're going to the aquarium in downtown, I know there is plenty of 800 there, but is 2600?

    LG G3

    I'm seeing great radio performance too. Great thing is I'm going to the Georgia aquarium this weekend with the family, snd I think there is spark around that area of Atlanta. We will be near the coca cola thing and Olympic park.

  1. AJ is right. I'm sure if we wanted, we all could find something with Sprint to complain about or otherwise be negative. Anyone who comes here looking for someone to beg them to remain with Sprint is here for the wrong reasons in my opinion. Most of us have no intention of leaving Sprint or are happy with what we have, and making threads like this is detrimental to the site and new members see this and gather the wrong idea about what should be discussion. Just my thoughts on threads that fall into this category.

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    LG G3

    I've not noticed temp spikes either, even when charging. I've not done much video stuff though. I left the camera settings as they were, instead of the very highest settings possible. Has anyone set it to the highest and used it?

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    LG G3



    Sent from my LGLS990

    Looks like this phone is a real champ in the rf department. Anyone else coming to the same conclusion?

    LG G3

    What's the benefit from running ART instead of dalvik? mine is fast with dalvik so there would have to be great reason to switch over for me.....

    LG G3

    Here's something I did while on LTE. Speed test with a screenshot of the bars showing too instead of just posting the link to speed tests:



    LG G3

    Yep. I used my G3 to tap and pay yesterday with Google Wallet at a PayPass terminal. It worked perfectly. :tu:



    Thanks!! I don't know why this isn't publicized more, as it's a big thing for some. I know NFC payments haven't taken off like investors originally thought they would, but it's still VERY useful. They originally thought that this type of payment would replace plastic cards altogether...just hasn't picked up the right amount of steam yet though.


    I may get it for the boyfriend if he likes it. Its between this and the HTC one m8. I'm not a fan of how he sounds when we speak over his s4. Sound quality is terrible.


    I gotta say, when I first got my LG G2, back in November or so last year, I was wow'd by how great it was...and how fast it was considering the current selection of phones available at that time. I was still using my Samsung Galaxy s3 that I had purchased back in July of 2012...and moving from S3 to G2, it was like night and day. From 4.7" to 5.1"..and the speed increase was dramatic...

    Then I got my G2 dumped in the swimming pool ...thanks to my carelessness and my 2 year-old...so I had to do something -- which at the time was the S5.  Couple of days into my G2...I knew I had made an EXCELLENT decision...but a couple of days into my S5, I was looking for ways to turn off that bloatware sh*t that was bogging it down. And I kept thinking...I'm reduced back to the speeds of my S3 with this phone..that's what it felt like, at least. I just couldn't believe that under the hood of the S5 is a snapdragon 801, which is so much faster than others...

    Then, I heard the G3 released early...and asked my daughter if she still wanted my month-old S5..which she jumped on (coming from iPhone 4S) so we rode off...

    Initially, there was some ...words exchanged when I called in and told them I wanted to switch 2 phones around on my account...as both were Easy Pay phones..But, before I went to the store, I was ASSURED by a rep on the phone that it could be done. I also was ASSURED, a month ago, with the HTC One saga I went though..that it could be done. So i wasn't taking "no" for an answer.


    I finally called the right number -- Google'd Sprint Consumerist hotline...and within 10 minutes, the switching around was complete.

    And within just 1 day, I saw that the speed and responsiveness that I came to love with the G2 was exceptionally built upon with the G3..

    Nobody should be disappointed with this phone. Especially with all the bells and whistles. I'm curious to see how LTE Cat 6 does.

    • Like 2

    LG G3

    I went from s5 to g3. To me, with my usage, the s5 sucked on battery. Granted it would charge in under 2 hours, I would be at 45% by noon or early evening.


    Now using the g3, I'm at 91% and it's 12:06 p.m.. I'd say the s5 could have done better if I removed some of the stuff like s health, but I didn't mess with that.

    • Like 1

    LG G3

    Those backs with 2 prongs are for NFC. Backs that have 4 prongs (EU and others) are NFC + Wireless Qi charging.


    I was just reading that on XDA when I saw the new post here...so I decided to give the answer. Guy on XDA posted pics of the backs and the different prongs shown in circles...


    I thought maybe it was GPS at first, but it's NFC.


    Here's the next question...does the G3 support "tap to pay" style NFC actions? My S5 did, and even had Paypal embedded, which was neat..

    I could use the S5 on Paypass terminals...but I'm not sure on the g3...anyone know for certain?



    Grabbed the XDA link to that post:


    • Like 1

    LG G3

    I got the Amazon app working on my device. It's just not showing up on the playstore. Just made a purchase, too. Transferred my apps backup from the G2 to G3.


    This device works very nicely but I'm hoping to get root soon. I need me my mods.


    Sent from my LGLS990


    I'm curious to know how you did this. I mentioned the Amazon app not working earlier, because it was one of the first apps I tried to launch after I got home with the G3...and I went to the play store via my desktop -- instead of downloading my apps to phone via the phone, I send them from desktop, much easier to get my apps back ...but the Amazon app said it wasn't compatible with my device. I figure they'll release a fix next week some time.

    LG G3

    So I got to see LG g3 and the Sprint store today and it is a lot smaller than I had anticipated I put it side by side with my HTC One max and the max completely dwarfed it. I'm not a fan of the lightness to width personally. I'm sad I don't like it as much as I thought I would.


    It's still an awesome phone, I also said that I wasn't getting it...but once I got the S5, and saw how slow some of the things were on it (mainly..the stinking CAMERA..)..I missed the days of my LG G2 and the amazing camera. Now, on my G3, when I click camera..it opens near instantly and is ready to shoot.

    The S5 was at LEAST a 5 second delay or more for the camera to open and become "ready" to shoot.

    • Like 1

    LG G3

    People were mentioning the hd voice thing...check this screenshot in the upper left side. You see the words "hd attempting"



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