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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

  1. Someone called regarding my email to dan@sprint and also she had called the store before getting on the phone with me...


    Apparently the store is convincing upper-level management of the same thing, because she didn't really give me anything to think otherwise...she said the store manager would be in contact with me to reach a resolution in the matter.


    Personally the only resolution I see is to offer me the speaker, the original reason that i purchased that phone in the FIRST place, for $99. I wanted that speaker and phone combination, and if the entire line of phones is torn up, as they so claim, then 1) they need to STOP selling the damn things to people in the first place...and 2)offer another phone in place of the HTC 1 M8HK with the speaker deal. If there really is something only with that phone, then HTC shouldn't have launched it and they need to charge-back the missed money on the speaker to HTC for a faulty launch. At $300 per speaker, HTC would fix the problem rather quick if it really IS their fault and something is wrong with the radio in the phone...but, I somehow doubt that's the case.


    If this were the case, that would probably mean that all Erricson markets since that's what Birmingham is, would have problems with the HTC 1 M8, and the HTC 1 M8HK....and nobody else in the southeast is complaining...

    I find it VERY difficult to believe their story -- which they've seemingly convinced corporate of as well. So I await the phone call from this store manager..and I'm going to ask him to explain it to me, since I'm no dummy...exactly what it is in this phone that is the problem in this area (and ONLY this area.)

  2. Can anyone come up with ANYTHING at all that would be JUST in the Bham, AL area...and affect ONLY the HTC 1 M8HK (and, according the smarta$$ remark behind me the other day while in-store, the HTC 1 M8 also)???


    I told the guy who was handling my "refund" that if the Harman/Kardon was having this problem then the regular HTC 1 M8 should have it too...and the employee behind me sounded off "yep it is too"..then went back to laughing and talking about the game that was on TV.  The entire ambiance of that store was that of an uncaring, non-customer oriented place of employment. 

  3. I don't have the device anymore..but yes...


    Yesterday, on my FIRST visit to the store...the sales rep -- not the store manager -- took my phone and said "this will solve the problem..." and he put it in CDMA only ...


    Then, just when I came back with the speaker and phone to get a refund and go to another Sprint store up the road (which I ultimately ran out of time and had to stay at this "sorry" location and get a phone I wasn't really wanting....I told them when they said "it doesn't matter if you get another HTC 1 m8...it's gonna do the same thing....and i said " but you put the phone in CDMA only mode and said that would fix it"....their response??? That won't fix it either. It's something with JUST the HTC 1 M8..and it's ONLY in the Birmingham, Alabama area...and its affecting EVERY HTC One M8, and HTC One M8 HK ....

    Wow at the idiots working in this store....and why do they care if I'm stuck in the second device for 1 year or not??? It's MY money, MY line, and MY device to live with...NOT THEIRS.

    • Like 2
  4. My issue was a corporate store - Birmingham Highway 280 Sprint store. I called a number today that's labeled "Sprint consumerist hotline"..which from what I could gather is a direct line to escalations -- because I specifically asked "I want to lodge a complaint against a store, is this the right place to call?"...

    So I explained to this lady, nicely, what I had happen. I explained that eCSFB can't be the cause, since my wife has a SGS5, and I was coming from a LG G2 that worked GREAT on the ONE LTE tower in Sylacauga....

    I told her what happened with the original phone, up to the store BLATANTLY REFUSING to give me another HTC 1 M8HK...

    I also told her that I wasn't completely dissatisfied with the SGS5, but I really wanted the speaker deal...that's the MAIN reason I went back to the store in the first place without the speaker yesterday....I had every intention of getting another HTC1 M8HK...until they told me "NO!!!!"


    I explained that if there was something in the Birmingham area causing that much trouble, it would be noted in the tower ticket system when I called in yesterday, but the reps said they couldn't see ANYTHING causing the problem in this area. The tower I'm on 47% of the time was at 85% yesterday,  and the other tower I'm on 32% of the time was at 80%...


    I also told her that if this WAS, by chance, an issue affecting only the HTC1 M8, then I should AT LEAST be able to make phone calls...because if it's a spark issue with what they have taken as misinformation...and should actually be eCSFB, then that WOULD affect the data side of things, but I should be able to make phone calls. I told her the biggest thing, I should be able to make a phone call while roaming, but the phone was jumping from 1 to 5 to 3 to 0 to none to 5 bars..on roaming.


    I watched the levels on Signalcheck Pro..and the numbers didn't jump like that...only the bars....

    So I assume the HTC shows the voice signal strength on the bars, and not the level of your data connection strength like the G2 and Samsung phones do?? Either way...I would hit 1 to call voicemail and either it would sit on "Dialing" until the error popped up that it failed...or, I would sit waiting for 15 seconds or so and it would finally call VM...but this was rare...it didn't want to hold a connection long enough to complete a call.

    Every attempt to visit a webpage was met with "Page not found"...but it would show 3G in the status bar...the entire time I was trying to open pages. Rarely did I try to visit a site without having 3G showing, only a couple times by accident..

    The lady I talked with told me that I could still get the speaker, and that she would make sure my account got credited for the taxes I pay, plus a couple of months of payments if I wanted to do Easy Pay on it...but I'm not sure I want to pay $399 for it. Getting the speaker for $99 with the phone was a deal...getting the phone with $100 or so knocked off as courtesy just doesn't make it seem worth it...that's a lot of money for a speaker that I might use a couple times a week. I told the lady (escalations today) that I was more disappointed to find out that I couldn't switch my S5 I was forced to get for the G3 when it comes out and let my daughter have the S5...she said I was told yet more misinformation by this corporate store.

    I told her that I asked the rep if I decided to let my daughter have the S5 in a couple months, could I just switch it over to her line and get the G3 on my line...he said "no...it'll wind up making your Easy Pay void and you'll have to pay full price then on your bill"...she said that was wrong, and she asked several of her coworkers, and they said you can move phones wherever you like inside your account, as long as you don't cancel the line. Thats when you have to pay full price up front ...if you cancel.


    Ultimately, when I first got her on the phone and explained everything, she thought I was talking about an affiliate store. When she asked where it was, and looked it up, she came back on the line, and in a shocked-sounding attitude told me that "this is a corporate store"...

    Since this is the case, she said there isn't much she can do to help me ..but asked what I would like to have done. I told her that I didn't want anything for free, and I wasn't calling to try and get something for nothing..I just wanted to let someone know what is going on inside this store. I told her that I'm the customer, and if I wanted to swap my HTC 1 for another HTC one, then that's my decision to make...and if I got stuck in a phone that WAS having problems, then that's my tough luck, NOT the store's...it's my decision to get the phone I want, NOT THEIRS...and they shouldn't be worried about which phone I choose, they don't have to pay for it ....I DO.

    • Like 2
  5. Well I wound up with an s5. I got the HTC one m8 hk edition 3 days ago and things seemed ok at first...but it was short lived. At home, in range of airave, things seemed great. But we went out for our 16th wedding anniversary on the evening of 6/06 and I tried using GPS, which for some reason wouldn't pull up my previous location history. I had also noticed on the drive that places where my wife (gs5) was getting great LTE, but I thought maybe doing an SCRTN would help. So when I got home, I did the SCRTN, and it pulled programming from the airave...and I figured all was well with it.


    I left yesterday morning and went to get some stuff, and the parking lot where I went is about a -95 LTE signal normally (per my G2 and her gs5). I say for 30 minutes in that parking lot doing another SCRTN, and watching signal bars jump from 1 to 5 to 3 to roaming 1, etc. Never held steady at all. I decided to call Sprint, and couldn't. It finally went from native 4 bars to roaming and the call went through, but before I could get through the computer prompts, the thing dropped out signal and call lost. That happened two more times, so I came home. At this point, this is a problem..I'm unable to make calls on native or roaming, even after this second SCRTN. The signal bars keep jumping and switching native to roam...and I called Sprint from home...they recommended taking it in.

    Since I got that speaker, I just wanted a new HTC. When I went to the store, an HOUR away, these people refused to swap my phone. They said they would be glad to give me a different phone, but said if I got another HTC one m8 it would have the same issue, and it was something just in our area. I was hot! I'm within fourteen days and shouldn't be forced into something different, so I left with the same phone I went in with. Came home, called, and the rep called the store for me. They told her "no we won't give him another m8 because it's a problem in our area and a new phone will have the issue too"


    She said I should just get a refund and go to a different store, even though she agreed it sounded like a phone problem with my device. Long story short, I went back to the store, another hour drive up there, and because of time, I had to just get another phone. I'm so unhappy with Sprint right now but what can I do?

    This store was very rude and I've never felt more unappreciated as a customer...no matter if there was a prob with all HTC one phones they should do what I wanted. Had I got another m8, then I could not take it back because I'd be locked, but now I'm locked on this gs5...all because they didn't want to do what the customer asked. I wasn't at all rude either, until I had spent 3 hours on the road because of them...still don't understand their line of thinking. Coming from a LG G2, I didn't have the prob..But I should have according to them since all new phones do. Even though the HTC wouldn't work on native band 25 or roaming either...and the carrier fallback has been patched in this area.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    The phone has some sound chip, but the speaker nails it without any of that stuff. Good, heavy magnet and seems well made. At any rate, back on the topic...there isn't any word on when release date will be on the g3 yet?


    Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    You got that right! Bass Is deep and solid, and the tweets put out darn good mid's and highs. Should sound great with any phone paired with...but this one has some clarfi chip or some mess. Not bad for $99 either.


    Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    Looks like I'm out of the waiting game if I were going to get one of these phones. My daughter took my G2 and decided to go swim with it (she's two). So I had to drop everything and run to Birmingham yesterday. Since there really wasn't anything I was dying to get, I went with the HTC Harmon/Kardon edition M8. Also picked up the huge speaker with it. I had a regular 2 year coming August 1, but I had to take up easy pay or buy the phone outright...So easy pay.


    Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    So is there any other devices to look forward to this summer? Looking at my G2....I just can't jump on the G3 since it's not that big of an upgrade.  I guess I'm expecting too much, but I'd like a revolutionary device...maybe the new Note will be what rings my bell...I doubt the specs will be that much better than the G3 though.

  6. Can anyone tell me anything about an application, "Home"?

    Google isn't finding anything at all, after I've factory defaulted twice this month, I'm still getting a "unfortunately, Home has stopped responding" and the home screen just stays black until it quits and restarts. I can't find anything causing that to happen...I don't have any rogue apps or games. Actually, no games at all.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  7. I should also note...I called them in the "Business office" about converting my first line to a business line of DSL -- which is offered here (we might be rural, but we have two gas stations and a Dollar General, plus the golf course that will be in RTJ tour in the next couple of years)...

    AT&T made me laugh when they told me for business they could offer me 768kbps down, and 400-something upload. The reason for that is on business, they HAVE to guarantee a certain speed, and it can't drop below that. I told the rep that those speeds were a joke, and that if they couldn't guarantee over 768k in this area, then they should get someone to fix their equipment, and get rid of the stupid ATM DSLAM and spend the money for an IP DSLAM..


    A lookup of my IP shows me bouncing from Birmingham...which means this DSLAM next to my house -- close enough for me to hit with a rock -- is el-cheapo equipment. I know for a fact this equipment was pulled from a working hut in Atlanta and brought to our area back in 2008. It was told to me that this is what Atlanta had from 2001-2005, then it was removed (because Atlanta has IP Dslams now). We got the leftovers when they had made their profit margins on the initial install...they bring it here to really cash in...

  8. Wow @ all these low priced ISPs. What do I pay....?


    For bare (naked) DSL on line 1: $65.95 out the door. Speed? 6mbp/s /// .5mbps (1/2 a meg)


    On line 2: $51.00 naked DSL, speed 6mbps down, 1/2 a meg up. Difference is only having the static on line 1.

    Used to, with AT&T, if you had the "highest" tier DSL -- the 6meg service -- you got static IP for free. I was converted over to paying $14.95/mo for the static IP when they changed their rules all of a sudden...

    Just never have called to have it cancelled -- since they don't allow it to be done online. It says you can remove it, but I get an error EVERY single time I try..


    The above is what my bill is SUPPOSED to be..the past two months, AT&T says I've gone over 150gigs of use, then gone over 50 extra gigs and into another 50gig data pack. Each 50 gig data pack past the initial 150gb costs $10.


    For now, I have the phone number of someone in presidential escalations out in Dallas, TX to call each month and have the extra charges removed  from my bill...until they get tired of that and finally decide to FIX their data calculation method used on my line.

    I can't even see usage on line 2. Both lines have been active for quite a while...line 1 since 2008, and line 2 since 2012/May.

  9. I don't understand the big push to hose the Sprint name. Other brands have done way worse and still keep their name...just look at BP. "We're sorry....Sorry!!"

    I keep hearing the South Park voice in my head when I think of the "We're Sorry" campaign. And the CEO and his horses.

    • Like 6
  10. I've gotten over $500 worth of stuff in the last year from beta testing. The stuff I can talk about -- because the test is over and I'm not under the NDA's anymore -- is a Roku box (streaming netflix, hulu, etc), a AV500 powerline adapter w/gigabit, a wifi powerline adapter that doubles as a wifi extender, a wifi range extender that works better than my Ubiquiti Nano Loco M2, and most recently, an AC1750 DSL Modem/Wireless router combo. For doing the tests, the devices were mine to keep and use as I want (or sell). I just keep them all..that last test, the AC1750 router/modem is a $130 value by itself (or more). Since its also the latest in wifi with the AC standard, I'm using it until it blows up.

  11. Even if this is a "white listed" Sprint device -- and that is doubtful -- there is no current benefit to swapping SIMs among Sprint devices.  You still must activate online or over the phone.  And if anything, swapping SIMs can lead to complications.  So, for any new Sprint device, get a new SIM dedicated to that device.  Plain and simple.


    I thought all of this had been well covered in other threads, but I guess not...





    The beta guidelines specifically state that I need to be willing to use my SIM from my current phone in the beta phone. I usually don't get accepted in these phone betas, this is the second one I've applied for that ask to use my current SIM in the beta device.

    I think they usually are GSM devices, like TracFone and the like. I've even seen a couple of T-Mobile beta tests on there. Usually it says "you must be a <Carrier> post-paid customer to be considered for this test" ....but the last two haven't stated ANY carrier at all. Just that you must agree to use your SIM, and they want to know how much data you use per month, and that you agree to use the beta phone for the duration of the test.

  12. I can't answer whether it's a Sprint device or not, I don't even know the manufacturer of the phone. It's possibly a Sprint device that's coming to market and being tested, but it's just as possible that it's a T-Mobile or Trac fone. They won't give that info unless I'm accepted, and even then I can't say what device if I do get accepted, because of the NDA they have me agree to.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  13. So, they really are Magentans.



    They should incorporate spellcheck into their ploy at DT AG:




    Priscilla Tomasoa, spokeswoman for T-Mobile Holland, just told us that the ANP message was not right. The mother company Deutsche Telekom AG is behind the legal claim of the color margenta, and not T-Mobile.

    Reation T-Mobile, Holland



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