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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

    LG G3

    That being the case, I'm not sure what my next handset will be. As of 8/01, I can do my 2yr ...I'm thinking about a Note 4, but not jumping for joy over that one either. I really wish the G3 was not such a "meh" upgrade from the G2... I mean, a quad-core processor upgraded to......a quad-core processor... Just doesn't scream "feasible" to me especially when the biggest factor for my use isn't really getting an upgrade --- the camera. It's going to remain a 13mp with better OIS than current. Not sure there'll be enough bells & whistles to negate not getting more of a jump in processor/ram and camera. Guess I'll check it out on launch day and decide then.

  1. I'd like to use a crystal ball and see where the US data prices are going...

    If Son keeps his drive and competition, then others, ideally, should be forced to lower prices once Sprint becomes an absolute competitor in all markets nationwide...If he starts giving into stockholders wanting ROI, and raises prices to be even with others, we may never see death star and the guy who said "we'll never compete with others on price" be fearful for their cash cow and going forward, we'll be paying egregious prices just for data.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  2. It doesn't though. With Instant-On enabled it uses 15W while "off" waiting for the voice command, and keeping the system in a sleep mode for a faster startup (That's really all it is, it's a sleep mode like your computer). Actually off in standby mode (controller will turn it on, but not "Xbox On") it uses <1W.

    That's a lot considering a remote control for a tv uses less than one watt, only when you press the button too...


    “If left unchanged and all Xbox 360 models are replaced by Xbox One consoles, this one feature will be responsible for $400 million in annual electricity bills and the equivalent annual output of a large, 750-megawatt power plant–and its associated pollution.”


    my wife told me one unit at their plant(unit 5) is a 900 megawatt. Her plant produces ten percent of the power for the state of Alabama. (Also, unit 5 is considered super critical). Just for reference on power production and how generation works.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  3. Considering where the xbox 360 and PS3 were in terms of power usage, the new consoles aren't just a jump backward, they are a huge LEAP backwards...especially in the "green" era (we all know how global warming ....nm)..

    But realistically, unless I'm doing something with my console, I don't want it sitting there sucking down power as if it's turned on. That's just not economical, or practical.

    If I were an xbone owner, I'd really think twice about letting it sit and suck down electricity because "I might decide to holler out TV ON instead of pushing a button on my 1watt TV remote."

    • Like 1
  4. See but that all comes down to personal opinion, and preference. I would never chose a system just because of the controller, or for such a minute detail, that's just insane. The truth is that the sale of the XBONE are lagging, the supply is out there. Almost every store I have called in Miami, they have XBONE in stock, but the PS4 flies off the shelves. Now, every store is different, so I can't say with certainty that is true for all of the US.


    This. I made a point the other day to a friend, who stated that loyalist to the XBox will always get the next gen. I disagreed because it's easy to defect with consoles. Unlike phones where all your content is digital and can be transferred to a newer phone, old games aren't playing on newer consoles. I loved my XB360, I was so ecstatic when I got it. I loved playing Mass Effect on it, but simply because the PS4 has identical hardware for $100 less, I would go with the PS4 over the XBONE.




    It's pretty common in gaming circles to see Xbox lagging behind Ps4 in sales.



    " However it’s hard to tell exactly what the gap is as Microsoft refuses to release exact figures. The best guess, based on the most recent shipping data, suggests it’s about 4.3 million for the Xbox One compared to 7+ million for the PlayStation 4."


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  5. I've seen it mentioned here that sitting on a tower and running speedtests virtually non-stop is not the greatest idea in terms of congestion and stress on a tower...and they are doing it with 8 phones at once...?


    What's the consensus on this method?

  6. I noticed while visiting the Sprint store, Bham AL..last night that they have a Netgear (like, N6100 or something like that...without googling to be sure) but, it boasts LTE on 3 bands, wifi and router all in one.

    And a price tag that isn't far-fetched, $199. Anyone tried this, or know if they are worth it?


    Google showed me it's Netgear 6100D.


    I gotta wonder how this works...say for instance..if I hooked it up in my house, where only LTE 1900 is available (but I can't get it without driving 10 minutes or so to town.)

    No 800smr or b42 anywhere near me, lest Atlanta being closest.


    Looks like a business solution..but how does it generate its signal..using a broadband backbone...?

    LG G3

    I wonder if the 3k mAH battery is removeable...as the notes behind it on that pad state?

    Got my wife the S5, after my daughter made her HTC One take a swim...

    I think she may have grabbed it fast enough to not harm it too much, but the screen was still flickering a little when I put it in rice last night, less than 5 minutes after it went swimming. Probably wasn't immersed but +/- 2 seconds...and it was also nearly dead when it happened...so just after putting it in rice, it went off on its own. Rushing to Sprint store at 6:30p when they close at 8p to try and get her a phone...then had to take it to her at work....without her knowing she was getting it. She thought i was bringing her HTC to her, and had no clue until I handed it to her.


    I'm holding out though, even with all the fancies I saw on the S5, it doesn't have enough for me to jump from my G2 to something else. I didn't see much at the Sprint store last night that really caught my eye, aside from the Flex...but, with the exact same specs as the G2 and just a bent screen, it's not worth me upgrading yet.


    I have a 2 year coming on 8/1, so I'm thinking I may hold out until then and see what we got going on in the phone world...by then, G3 should be out, maybe the  One+1 or whatever it is.

  7. Does anyone know if the reason you get the charging differences (slow versus fast) is because some cables are USB 2.0 and some are USB 3.0?I need to buy a couple new cables, and I'm finding that when I charge my galaxy tab 3 in the van, it just charges for a few seconds and cuts off...then comes on and charges....loop. I have a dual plug and I can't charge my G2 and tab at same time...and the prob is the cable. I can use the cable I got with my G2 on the tab 3 and it charges fine, but I don't seem to find any more of my cables that will do that.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  8. Ledgehair is petitioning for carriers to follow suit and do away with overages. Doesn't mean free data/texts/etc though, details below:


    T-Mobile stops overage fees, starts petition pressuring other carriers to follow suit

    Most of us have been hit with overage charges at one point or another in our smartphone-owning years. It hurts. The penalties for exceeding your allotted monthly data, texts, or voice minutes can be outrageous. So T-Mobile capped off its week-long spate of Uncarrier announcements with a new campaign to abolish the industry-wide practice of overage charges.

    T-Mobile CEO John Legere started a petition Monday...





  9. There are documented side effects with that method discussed by Google Android developers. I never recommend messing with system files, especially if you don't know everything they do. The GSF is a core system app that manages everything related to your devices UUID, among many other things. This is why it can cause the update to appear (GOTA servers use your UUID for update availability). It also will adversely affect any other application that utilizes your UUID, some of which simply will need some time to update to the new UUID, some may need to be uninstalled/reinstalled, some may require a complete factory reset. Every downloaded application is different, and there's no way to tell what resetting GSF will do for every person.


    It is irresponsible to tell people to do so without properly educating them about the possible issues they may encounter by doing so. If after being educated (or ignoring it), people decide to anyway, that's on them. Not disclosing possible issues they may run into though is irresponsible.

    But if you do a factory reset, then SCRTN once it's reset, that should make it mostly safe if you've used this method? Just curious, I was thinking about a factory reset anyway just to make sure there aren't any rogue apps with the update.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



  10. I don't understand how there are so many probs with this phone...initially I DID have a problem with the earpiece being jacked up, and once I exchanged it and received this new phone (refurbish), I've not had even one issue. GPS has led me all over downtown Birmingham in rush hour, during Christmas...several times a week for the entire holiday season...My niece almost passed away in children's hospital and stayed from 12/16 until 01/17 at children's...so we made trips every day, sometimes twice a day. Granted after a little while, we knew the route well enough, but still would use the phone to search for places nearby to eat, stores, gas stations, etc. And since being given this second G2, no earpiece problems, nothing at all the least bit odd with it at all. Maybe a bad batch of printed circuit boards got into LG's stock....but definitely weird.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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  11. I decided to use my MSL and enable the bands manually...but I left the proirity where it was. I'll wait and see if others had this, and what they did to theirs if the update didn't enable the other two bands before I mess with anything else.





    checked on the DATA>LTE>Band Priority and without me doing anything, I have:


    Band 25: 1

    Band: 26: 2

    Band: 41: 3

    • Like 1
  12. Hello y'all i now have the update here in Houston mainly because i forced it ..I went to settings- apps- then all found the Google service frameworks pushed it then cleared the data ....went back to update page it had a weird date from like 1970 pushed update and bam i got the update...and yes i tried several times the normal way before hand for days now...Anyhow if you havent received the update try that ...


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



    I wouldn't recommend to people to do this if they don't have the update yet....this has been discussed, actually in this thread, and in a couple other places, that a Google engineer listed why you shouldn't do this and it can actually make the waiting for update push even longer. And like posted, it can also cause some serious, irreversible problems that only a factory reset will cure.

  13. What are we doing about the update not enabling the other two bands? Checked mine and 41, 26 are still disabled. Restarted again and still not enabled....


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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