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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

  1. Reporting on the news before its news...heard it here first..."Take off the Edge" event is gonna be announcing the new Sharp + Softbank phone. I'd really like to see the 5.5" version in the US, but if the 5" comes, it'll be what I get for my sis-in-law in Nov when she is eligible for an upgrade.


    This isn't going to be what I'm looking forward to though...I want to see what Marcelo has lined up in the current customer retention area... I'm a 6+ year customer of Sprint who's needed an Airave since day 1...and I stuck it out, going from 1 phone that never worked, to now having 5 phones ...still need the airave (wifi calling with more than one phone on the same network can really be a burden...calls SUCK if you get 2 wifi calls at the same time on the same network -- thanks AT&T for having sucky DSL here)...


    But I'm curious to see what else is up the proverbial "sleeve"....

    • Like 2
  2. I just posted an article about Softbank and Sharp bringing a new phone out..I like the bezel on it (virtually non-existent)...it's in the General area. But I wonder if stores are closing early and they'll get info on this during the meeting as well as the new plans that are coming?

    • Like 2
  3. "Sharp and Softbank have announced a pair of new Android phones initially confirmed for Japan that quite literally have to be seen to be believed. If you like the idea of no side and top bezels on your phone, then this is the one for you. The Aquos Crystal follows a more TV-like design with all the non-screen parts of the front of the phone dropped to the bottom leaving the rest to be all screen. And it's pretty stunning looking. Better yet, it should be coming to the United States…"



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    LG G3

    I found the brand... :D



    The brand of what?


    I think you may be referring to the router that I said I was beta testing. While I am connected to a TP-Link router/modem in this screenshot, I disconnected from the beta router's 5ghz channel and purposely connected to the TP-link before taking a screenshot. This is not the test I'm in currently...but you are correct...I am on a TP-Link Archer in that screenshot.


    I was connected to FBI-SurveillanceVan but it only has 2.4 bands....

    • Like 1
  4. Crap...I bought one at the $399 price when I had the HTC issue..SGS5...etc...and had to buy the S5 and couldn't get the deal...I knew I should've waited.

    My daughter loves this speaker too..and it does get pretty loud, I don't care 'bout features on a speaker. Long as plays some musack and sounds good...which this does pretty well in both areas.

  5. Pretty sure that deployment was not affected by the merger rumors. In fact, during that time period I believe it increased significantly across the country. I know my market went insane, and has now cooled down unfortunately :/



    I'd love to see just ONE tower here that's converted from a ground mount to LTE full-build. I'm really dreaming in hopes of seeing 800LTE on something near me ...but I know that's far-fetched...I'd settle for some b25 LTE though.

    I don't even have a glimmer of hope for seeing b41 around me, except maybe Birmingham, AL within the next couple years... But, I'd love to be proven wrong and shown-up by Sprint..if they would just rush to convert GMO sites as soon as possible...that would help tremendously in "somewhat rural" Alabama.

  6. I think they should start hauling backhaul provider in to court for causing them undue harm ..or financial burden via churn...whatever they want to use...I know for a fact AT&T in this area is in no hurry, whatsoever, to run some fiber for competition to start hitting at their numbers here. Sprint has 1 tower on LTE, and another tower that's sitting dark just waiting and has been waiting for 3-4 months now. It's not even turned on because it has no backhaul to it...

    • Like 4

    LG G3

    Here's a vid that I shot, in 1440p on youtube (change the settings to show 1440p, unless you're on Auto).


    The last few vids I've shot have been 1440p.


    • Like 1

    LG G3

    And to add to that, I have a 210-250$ router that my work provided me with.


    When I had it with comcast, I would get download speeds of 50+ every single time, and would practically never EVER have to refresh or reboot a video. Now, it happens every single time. I also time out while playing gta online... So it had got to be bright house? They always give me issues...


    This is the router. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16825390004



    Edit: I'm sorry, this is incredibly off topic



    I wish I could discuss my router right now, but an NDA has me tight-lipped on it. Let's just say for instance that someone I know uses an AC2400 with 4x4 T/R antenna and gigabit ethernet. I can't find much on google about the AC2400 standard (technically, AC2350)...but that's just a "rumor".


    I will say this, it's in the FCC database, but i can't really say who makes it or any of the numbers tied to the model.

    LG G3

    YouTube update just now on play store. Might be the issue?

    Actually I tried playing vids before this update and the highest was 1080. Just tried again after the update and 1440 is there now, it wasn't before.


    But that is not made to be a signal booster. It's a home router with its own service plan. You can't connect to it with your Sprint device that has unlimited data and expect to be able to use unlimited data. It's completely different than an Airave.




    Thanks for pointing that out. I must've forgot.

  8. As long as you get decent native (not roaming) 1x recpetion inside the house, you shouldn't need the airrave if your phones all can use wifi for their data. Airraves are really only useful for providing a 3G connection. They are never going to make an LTE airrave because it would simply be easier/cheeper to do wifi callilng.


    Not exactly an Airave...but nonetheless, does the same thing:



  9. One thing that wouldn't surprise me though is if CSpire divested their Memphis MSA PCS and customers to Sprint and sold its AWS outside their footprint to T-Mobile; they're gonna be fifth in the game to launch LTE in Memphis (maybe even sixth; dunno if MetroPCS or Cricket launched LTE in Memphis before they were merged), and I don't see how they stay competitive in that market when they can be far more profitable focusing on areas where AT&T and VZW are weaker and Sprint & T-Mobile are largely nonexistent.


    Besides which, if they wanted to be bought out in whole I'm sure they would have sold to Verizon years ago; for the longest time VZW didn't have any native coverage south of Batesville or so... it was all extended network on Cellular South.



    I had a family reunion in Mississippi a couple weeks ago, and in McComb...where I stayed for 3 days, I could've killed my G3 a couple of times. Sprint LTE in city (McComb)...but on outskirts, wonderful voice without any data whatsoever.

    Showed the 3G icon, even saw it spinning ...but the data session was DEAD. I think the tower was *splat*. Every time this happened, SCP showed C-Spire as the connection. It really did me some damage, as I needed my GPS to work, and unless I got my coordinates before losing LTE inside McComb city limits, or I used wifi before I left the house I stayed out, I was out of luck until I just "luckily" hit LTE for a few seconds on the rural areas.


    The data was SO bad on C-spire (so bad = non-existent) that I went to walmart, bought a $30 belkin router, used my Ubiquiti Loco M2, and extended some wifi coverage inside the house to get better wifi signals just to be able to use GPS and have directions without driving around on a hope and prayer.


    I've never seen a data connection quite like what I saw with C-spire....the connection was established...but even web pages were errored out...

    Was totally new for me to see a great signal but a data session that was mostly dead...i assume they were working on the tower I was hitting, but who knows....

    But voice side was OK. No problem making or receiving calls/texts.

    LG G3

    Has anyone seen this on their G3?


    It kept popping up over and over..for about 45 seconds, then just went away on it's own. I didn't do anything ..



    LG G3

    You may have to re-do Hands Free Activation. ##SCRTN#. I had that problem, but going through reactivation fixed it.


    I think that should be part of the instruction set for phones receiving an OTA that brings Wifi Calling as a feature. Maybe they could even add it to the end of the code once the OTA is installed somehow, because it appears that most all handsets needs ##SCRTN# after an OTA installs wifi calling...

    LG G3

    Maybe traveling had an affect, from central Alabama to Slidell Louisiana, but I noticed my PRL was 55019 just now. I did the PRL update and it changed to 51101. What's everyone else on?

    I'm back home in central Alabama, so I don't know when or for how long it was running 55019. I'm going back to Laurel, MS next week to pick up my oldest daughter and I'll see if PRL changes in that area of MS.

    LG G3





    On 8/2/2014 at 12:47 AM, Dkoellerwx said:

    skid beat me to it, but the recent apps button doubles as a menu button, just as the home button doubles as a Google Now launcher if you long press it.

    Same button, just slide-up instead of long-pressing it.


    Also, since we're talking shortcuts, press the home button then slide up toward the top. I took a screenshot of the shortcut it brings up...but it's Google (search), voice mate and quick memo+. I think you can change this to different things but I'm going to check on that before I say for sure.

    LG G3

    By the time you got done fiddling with the s5, you would of been a 1/4 mile into Mississippi ????


    And I think they look pretty damn good.

    Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk

    I said that exact same thing when I told my wife that I was taking pics without really trying to focus. The s5 would have never allowed that quick of a reaction.
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    LG G3

    Granted they aren't perfect, but a throw-up photo from lock screen...I think they are excellent under those circumstances.

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