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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. no idea, i think they are using lots of different ones and they have changed over the months (as far as actual tower work goes). Ericsson is the company doing acceptances though, i think there are other people doing final checks/integration work though right before Ericsson comes through to accept as i've seen several towers with un marked normal looking vehicles at towers working.
  2. i'd like to go ahead and throw my suggestion into the hat yes its another alert, and yes i know there are a ton of alerts already, but when i'm out hunting for new 1x800 signals i would love it if it would alert me anytime the BID changes while i'm on 1x800. they tend to bring new sites up in clusters so once you are on 1x800 you will stay on there as you are driving going from tower to tower so you won't get alerts for dropping/reconnecting to 1x800. the only way i'll know if i'm on a new tower is to constantly watch the app for the BID to change. thanks again for the amazing app!
  3. we just recently had 5 new towers go live with 800, i can connect to it just fine, either using the sprint PRL or digi's, but everytime i go to make a phone call it will dial while on 800 but as soon as the call is connected it punts me over to 1xRTT. this is with any kind of signal strength on 800, and usually the 1xRTT that it switches me over to is a worse signal strength. does this mean they are still working on something? testing it? other?
  4. my post was more pointing out what frequencies will have what technologies when everything is all said and done. we have no idea when they will turn on LTE on 800 here, or across the nation as its not enabled anywhere yet.
  5. Congratulations East Iowa Market, as of this morning there are no legacy sites left!!!!!!! :jester:
  6. legacy towers (which 291 is, its the west des moines water tower) broadcast offset coordinates for each sector. If you were to plot all 3 offset locations on a map they would form a rough triangle with the tower in the middle. once sites get switched over to NV equipment they will be updated to broadcast exact coordinates on every sector. since you are a sponsor make sure to check the spreadsheet in the sponsor thread. DSMIowaGuy and myself have entered a lot of the BIDs in the des moines area, so you can use that for a reference to see what legacy tower you are connected to.
  7. yep and no problem we are keeping track of BIDs, both legacy and NV, in the spreadsheet, so if you do track down BIDs to towers that we don't have marked in the spreadsheet be sure to post the tower ID along with the BID that goes with it in the sponsor thread so we can get it added on the flip side, if you connect to a BID that we do already have in the spreadsheet you will then know what tower you were connected too
  8. BID 337 is not one we currently have in the spreadsheet, so i can't tell you exactly what tower you are connected to. legacy towers have their sector coordinates offset so clicking on the BSL location won't show you where the tower is at either. if you want to find out exactly which tower you are connected to you will need to use the maps in the sponsor section to view the tower locations and then go visit one and get as close as you can to it. a signal strength of -70 or better would indicate you are really close to the tower and would then confirm the BID you are seeing belongs to the tower. you Ec/Io and SNR numbers for your EVDO signal are about as perfect as you can get. so that means its not your signal quality causing slow 3G speeds its the lack of backhaul. so once the new equipment comes online with fiber backhaul you will get much better speeds. if you see 1xRTT change to 1x800 that means you are connected to an 800 signal, the location shown from an 800 signal is accurate and will take you to the tower location that you are connected too. the the towers that got switched over last friday we noticed that the BID will change to a 5 digit number beginning with either 11 or 12. so if you ever see your 1xRTT signal show a BID like that then you know you are connected to NV equipment. also if you want to start discussing exact tower locations and what not you really need to move the discussion to the sponsor thread so you can reference the maps and spreadsheet.
  9. i don't think it was so much you being harsh as it is that complaining is pointless. everyone here knows the legacy network sucks, so complaining about it is akin to beating the dead horse. if sprint is that bad for you your options are to switch to another carrier or wait and deal with it until NV is done. anything beyond that is just a waste of time and energy
  10. unfortunately because of samsung having to change their acceptance routine because of the tri-band device issue, no one knows anything past verifying equipment is installed on towers. being in iowa city you will know before most the day you look down at your phone and see it connected to LTE. anything prior to that is just people guessing
  11. no, 1x800 is voice going over the 800Mhz range instead of the 1900Mhz that it used to. there will be no "3G" (EVDO) on 800, just voice and eventually LTE. 800 = voice and LTE 1900 = voice, 3G (EVDO), and LTE 2600 = LTE usable 3G speeds will come when LTE gets turned on as that will mean the fiber backhaul is hooked up instead of T1 lines. the exciting thing about seeing the 1x800 signals is that means the new NV equipment has been accepted and is now broadcasting something at least.
  12. make sure to check out the sponsor thread, i've picked up 1x800 from 5 towers today, posted them all in there. the merle hay tower was broadcasting 1x800 when i drove by over lunch too. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4711-nebraska-iowa-market-spreadsheets-and-maps/
  13. as always, where everything new is posted, you can find out in the sponsor thread.
  14. there is a cluster being worked on today! picked up 1x800 from 4 new towers this morning
  15. now that the "fat pipe" jokes have subsided anyone know the answer or have any guesses on this?
  16. nice! what time were you there? i drove by that one and saw there was someone there but didn't stop did they specifically say if 4G was going to be turned on? or just that the tower was going to get accepted?
  17. wow, that is some interesting info...... assuming 2 things here 1) i'm understanding the info in that post correctly and 2) we get an acceptance sweep like the quad cities where all the towers get turned on over a few days and everything gets switched over to NV off of legacy. with those 2 assumptions i would say no, we won't have any issues with the tri-band phones once our towers get turned on.
  18. so does anyone know how they are defining the "top 100 markets" for spark deployment? are they sprint defined markets as we know the markets to be? are they top 100 cities? top 100 metro areas?
  19. we are waiting on installs to complete so they can come through and accept all the sites in one swoop. they don't wait on backhaul for anything. The only thing backhaul will affect is if they turn LTE on at a tower or not when they come through and do initial acceptance. *side note* most of the towers i've been to have backhaul in place, even ones that don't have equipment yet. there are still ~16 towers in the metro that don't have the equipment installed yet. instead of looking at the spreadsheet in the sponsor section just check the map. as soon as all the white pins change to the yellow ones they will be ready to send the crews through to accept everything.
  20. its causing a delay in the sense that previously they would come through and turn 4G on when a tower was ready but leave everything else off on the NV equipment and the legacy equipment would still be running 1xRTT and 3G. there is not a delay in sites getting installed, that is still going full steam ahead. they are just waiting until all of the sites get installed and ready to go before coming through and accepting them. when they do that they will accept and turn on everything on the NV equipment. 4G if new backhaul is there, otherwise at least 1xRTT, 1x800, and 3G. since you are a sponsor if you haven't already check out this thread http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4711-nebraska-iowa-market-spreadsheets-and-maps/page-1 we have a spreadsheet and map of central iowa with the status of almost every single tower in the market
  21. my car - 04 Infiniti QX56 wife's car - 04 Infiniti QX56 my dream car - i already had the pleasure of owning my dream car, it was an Infiniti G35 coupe, then kids came along and it had to go bye bye
  22. nope, there are towers that have been done and with fiber since july that still aren't broadcasting. samsung switched gears and appears to be waiting for all towers in an area to be ready and then they come through and accept them all at once.
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