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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. yep, 1x800 is awesome! i connected to the tower in your screenshot there south of huxley on hwy 69. the furthest i've connected to 1x800 is ~60 miles
  2. yep it can be addicting and i'm guessing you are probably just on the edge of the signal reach for the two towers that got accepted. there are 2 towers closer to evansdale that aren't 4G accepted yet, the 2 that got accepted are a little further away.
  3. welcome to the site! and awesome! thanks for the update! we are tracking all the updates and live towers in the sponsor section with our own spreadsheet and maps. if you want to help us gather things like serving cell IDs and confirmation on live towers please consider becoming a sponsor and joining in the fun!
  4. and the map too! you can find them all in the first posts of this thread here
  5. check the sponsor shreadsheet, there is a stats tab, about 1/3 of the towers have already been at least 3G accepted, 1/3rd are in progress and have equipment installed, and 1/3 either haven't started or we don't know their state yet. did you see the acceptance reports? 12 towers accepted in central iowa in the past week.
  6. not saying it won't happen in 3 months, but 3 months seems to be the default customer service response for all inquiries related to NV. and in our case with about 35% of the towers not having had anything installed or accepted yet 3 months would actually be a good guess.
  7. Robert doesn't get reports on 1x800 acceptances as often as he does the other acceptances. so in regards to 1x800 the maps will be behind what is actual live out in the field. for example around des moines here i'm getting 1x800 from 6 different towers but on the NV complete map all 6 are only showing 3G accepted and not 3G/800 accepted. this is because the report robert got only lists them as 3G accepted. the NV complete map is supposed to reflect the reports that sprint gets as to what is accepted. so in all markets there is probably a lot of 1x800 live but the only way you would know that is to actually connect to it since the maps here won't show it until it shows up on an acceptance report.
  8. were you using data the whole time? maybe streaming internet radio? i ask because if your phone is on 3G and starts an active data connection it won't try to look for 4G until data stops being used or you lose 3G all together.
  9. guess i never posted this pic in this thread, this is of them installing the antennas on the tower behind the sprint store in ankeny last week.
  10. welcome to the site! if you really want to see a ton more info consider becoming a sponsor, we have a thread in the sponsor section with a spreadsheet and maps of the IA and NE markets that we are using to track the upgrades and figuring out what towers are live and what not the past few weeks have flared up for texting, calls, and data issues. they are actively installing the new equipment everywhere right now (the tower behind the sprint store in ankeny got new panels last week!) there is currently 1 4G tower in des moines and in the central iowa market there are 4 total. we are over half of the towers in central iowa either having been accepted or have equipment installed and in progress so they are making headway. based on what i've seen so far end of october will be pushing it for being 100% done. i would hope that we will have more 4G accepted towers in the des moines area by then but the central iowa market as a whole i would think end of december would be more accurate for being 100% done. so while it does suck now being that it is so close to being done i would stick it out for a little while longer anyway also you put your phone number in the "phone" spot on your profile, might want to change that unless you want lots of random people calling you
  11. since its downtown its probably congestion. i know 1 tower downtown has had the new equipment installed but the other ones are in locations that its been hard to check on. usually actually installing the equipment shouldn't have an effect on anything though. its when they come back to fire up the new equipment and do testing and stuff that you see the most issues.
  12. there is a guide on how to get that info in this post here there will be 1 serving cell id for each sector on a tower. so the majority of the towers will have 3 serving cells. you will have to drive around the tower in order to get all 3. since you are a sponsor you can go to this thread here and see the spreadsheets and maps we are doing for IA and NE. when you get the serving cell IDs please post them in that thread as that is the one we are using to talk about and update our spreadsheets and maps. thanks a ton!!!!
  13. i unfollowed and refollowed again the other day and todays notification worked!
  14. new record (for me anyway) for 1x800!!!!!!! picked up a signal, in my house i might add, from a tower which is on the corner of I35 and hwy 20 east of webster city!!!! according to google maps, driving wise, thats 63.3 miles, take out a few for having to stick to roads and its still probably right at 60 miles!!!!!!
  15. was able to hit some sites over the past few days, seems like things are picking back up. we had a ton of towers getting done for a few weeks there and then nothing for a few weeks and now they are back at it this was a GMO site i saw workers at back in may but never confirmed they installed anything. went by and got a pic of the GPS antenna so BTS is installed (its a sprint/nextel/verizon site) this site is in the middle of grimes, i checked it on 09/15 and there was nothing installed or even sitting waiting at the site yet, went back by on 09/20 and literally everything is installed now this site covers the fair grounds and now has the honor of being our first (and only?) high capacity site this one is south of the 4G accepted site on 14th st, no panels/RRUs yet as they will have to modify the site to support them, but the BTS was installed. also drove by a few other sites but no work was going on. updated the no-work dates and added all of these to our spreadsheet and maps
  16. yep, guess i forgot to post that here, i had put it in the sponsor thread. there are 2 towers in indianola that are 1x800 live and another by carlisle
  17. ah, well if you ever are there, or your friend can follow those steps and get screens sent to you that you can post here we can add the serving cell IDs to our database
  18. nevermind its showing up accepted now if you could though, next time you are in the area, follow the steps here to get us the serving cell info so we can add it to our sheet that would be great!
  19. just remember, you have 1 4G tower live. that tower will be serving hundreds of more people on LTE then it will once all the rest of the towers around there are complete. so once more towers go live you will have less people sharing the bandwidth on each tower so speeds will go back up. Not only that but LTE is very signal strength dependant, so if you are at the edge of the signal you will have slow speeds even if you are the only person connected to that tower, thats just how LTE is.
  20. mine shows up in the notification list when i click the drop down menu to see other notifications, but the icon itself never shows up that there is a new one if thats the only new one.
  21. nice! what was the closest intersection to you when you had it? there are a couple of towers around there, would like to narrow down which one it is.
  22. same, i even unsubscribed and resubscribed last week and it didn't help
  23. thanks, i knew about that info but was hoping that with the size of the device and being a "phablet" they may have added it for this one.
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