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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. i spun through the thread and didn't see it mentioned, do we know yet if this one has SVLTE and/or SVDO?
  2. awesome! thanks for confirming that site is live and the screenshots! i'll add the info to our spreadsheet we are using to track stuff and credit you for confirming it! did you happen to run sensorly while on 4G up there?
  3. hey, just checking to see if you were able to get LTE in fort dodge while you were there?
  4. i'm not 100% sure on this but will post it just in case it helps. the only thing i've noticed is i will turn my volume down to vibrate sometimes with the app open. then later on i'll connect to 1x800 and it will only vibrate instead of playing the tone (i've already turned the volume back up at this point) and i'll go in to the settings and 1x800 and LTE audio alerts option is unchecked.
  5. gratz! and welcome to the site! if possible next time you connect to it, could you follow the steps here to get the serving cell info so we can add it to our spreadsheet we are using to track the upgrades? thanks!
  6. sure thing! i'll send you a PM in a few minutes with links to the different maps
  7. kind of along the same lines of what was just posted, i've noticed that, randomly as far as i can tell, the check boxes for LTE and 800 audio alerts keep getting unchecked. its not a huge deal since i can just go back in and recheck them, but figured i should mention it as you can't fix what you don't know about
  8. make sure you post anything you find, or don't find, in the sponsor IA/NE thread as we are keeping our own spreadsheet and map of the progress updated in there.
  9. thanks for the update, would you be able to attach the pic here so we can see it too?
  10. yep, physical cell id 225 is one of the sectors of the current 4G accepted tower in des moines. so gratz on getting some LTE but unfortunately not from a new tower
  11. see digi's post right above yours. if you get connected again try and post up some engineering screens so we can see if its coming from the 4G accepted tower or not. based on your location and that you mentioned it was brief i'm going to guess that you were.
  12. yep don't forget this is the central iowa MARKET thread, so its not just central iowa just in des moines. the central iowa market goes from north to south border to border and from just west of newton to just west of atlantic from east to west. there are 132 towers in the central iowa market, granted the majority of them, probably about 100 are in the des moines metro but there are still some outside of the metro that will get accepted just like everything else
  13. there are 3 LTE sites in the central iowa market. unless someone out in the field finds it and posts about it you have to be a sponsor to see the maps to see where it is. dems da rulez
  14. its definitely possible for the current 4G live tower to reach to that intersection, depending on down-tilt most towers have a reach of a few miles around here. my brother was at the QT on euclid right off 235 and connected to the 4G tower briefly. if you install signalcheck from the app store (free or paid version) when you connect to 4G and bring it up it will tell you the serving cell ID of the tower you are connected to. that would tell us if you were connected to the current tower or a new one
  15. welcome! glad you found some useful information here! LTE is a very signal dependent technology no matter what carrier you are on. So at the very edge of service with a weak signal you still may only get 1-2meg down even if you are the only person on that tower using it. Ankeny is one of those places that has outgrown the original sprint footprint and needs some help. hopefully with softbank at the helm that will happen. probably not anytime soon, but at some point. I would say that if you have 1-2 bars of voice signal right now you should have usable 4G service in the 3-6meg download speed range. of course if/when you upgrade to a phone that supports LTE on 800 you should have no issues. i've been picking up voice signals on 800 all around the metro from towers 20-30 miles away one time i was coming upstairs from my basement in my house in grimes and briefly connected to a tower south of Mitchellville!
  16. hey, since you are a sponsor, not sure if you saw this or not. in the sponsor thread here you can find links to a spreadsheet and a map we started in order to track the updates to IA and NE better. So take a look and if you want to pitch in on checking on towers to see if there is any work going on please do and then report what you find in that thread so we can update the sheet also any discussion related to that spreadsheet and map keep in that sponsor thread please
  17. i know! would take all the anticipation and guess work away! texting issues continue today, its been all over the board, text to android phones, iphones, and non sprint customers will randomly fail. none of my numbers have a +1 on them either. just about everyone i know on sprint has had at least 1 text fail. the only pattern i can see is that all the interstate towers (minus the ones between the metro and atlantic along I80) have been getting at least 3G accepted. so they are almost to the point where all the central iowa towers have been accepted except the ones in the metro. and the only reason i can think of that they are doing it that way is because those towers have had equipment installed longer that the ones in the metro here and the contractors are wanting to be paid for them. obviously no way to prove that since we don't know when work started on those interstate towers. going to see if there is a tech still at the lower beaver tower in a bit and if there is if i can get anything out of them. will report back if i do
  18. i will add that i did stop by the tower on lower beaver where everything is installed and there was someone there working and it looked like the sprint cabinets where open. i didn't stop though cause i didn't want my b-bops to get cold
  19. thanks for the reply, just wasn't sure if you had found/fixed something or if i was just in that 80% time where it was updating OK
  20. mike, sorry if this was posted and i missed it. where you able to get the EVDO sector ID not updating issue fixed? i was out driving around a little bit ago and as far as i could tell the sector ID was updating as i went from tower to tower.
  21. yep, same here, both in ankeny and in johnston/saylorville township area. i've had it twice where i get a text back saying invalid recipient. could be a sign of work, could just be network issues too edit: here is the exact message "Message sent to invalid destination. Please check your number and try again. Msg 2127"
  22. hopefully you get this in time, if you get connected to the 4G tower in fort dodge, please, please, please, take screenshots of signalcheck and post them here so we can get the IDs of the LTE sectors on that tower! also since the EVO can be picky you may have to restart your phone, do airplane mode, PRL update, and/or change your network mode from CDMA/LTE to CDMA and then back again to force your phone to scan for LTE.
  23. just look at the map in the first post of the link i posted. thats every sprint tower in NE and IA. so zoom in to where you are wanting to know and if there is a pin there then there is a sprint site there, no pin = no sprint site.
  24. just saw your edit, yep 2 4G accepted towers in the central iowa market. the new one was in fort dodge.
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