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Everything posted by bmoses

  1. that BID is from a tower that switched a few weeks ago, its on the way south side of ankeny. you should consider becoming a sponsor. we have a spreadsheet and map in the sponsor section (link in my sig) that we are keeping track of all the upgrade and the BIDs in. that way if you think you found a new one you can check the spreadsheet to see if we have it yet. Plus it has the locations of all of the towers so you can go to them to verify which tower the BID you are connected to is coming from
  2. Thanks! That's still the legacy BID. Once the NV equipment fires up that will change to a 5 digit number that starts with either 11 or 12. So keep an eye on it this week! The BID in your shot is from the tower off 2nd ave south of oralabor :-)
  3. Can you post a shot of your 1x engineering screen so I can see if the base ID changed?
  4. Yep, that tower switched over to NV equipment a couple of weeks ago. I was there the other night and got 1.73 meg down on 3g from it :-)
  5. Sweet! You can either attach an image to your post or use a photo sharing site like photobucket to host the picture and link it here.
  6. i think you mean this week they are working on the towers all this week, no idea which towers will go which nights but they all should be done by sunday.
  7. I'm on my phone so I can't link it but I posted in this thread a day or so ago with the answer to your issue.
  8. its most likely coming from one of the 2 towers towards the east that have been 4G live for a while now. there is a lot of purple on sensorly downtown that is from those two towers.
  9. hello and welcome! if you have an android phone and can spare $2 please download and install signal check pro. none of the 3 BIDs you posted are currently in our spreadsheet, so that means they are new signals! once you get reconnected to those BIDs make sure the BSL location feature is on and take a screenshot and post it in the sponsor thread (link in my sig) so we can update the map!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. any site that is a full build will get 800 on voice at the same time its accepted next week. you can see what sites we know about are GMO or full build in the spreadsheet in the sponsor section. all sites that are the orange pin on our map are currently broadcasting 800 voice. just off the top of my head i would say 95% of the rest of the towers that get turned on next week will have 800 voice. (which means they will also get 800LTE whenever sprints decides to turn that on) if a site gets 4G accepted it will 100% for sure mean 3G is faster too since that means backhaul was hooked up. if it doesn't get 4G accepted at the same time then we won't know 100% for sure if 3G is faster as we won't know if they hooked backhaul up or are reusing the T1 lines until they come back to hook backhaul up and accept 4G.
  11. FYI Central Iowa! my little birdie sent me an update that as of yesterday they are still on track to flip over the remaining 49 towers in central Iowa to the NV equipment! Remember, during the next week you will be experiencing an increase in dropped calls, delayed texts, and data issues as they bring each cluster of towers online. Once they bring all of the towers online they will continue to adjust things like down-tilt and power output as they tweak the towers for a couple of weeks after that. We do not know if they will be turning on any 4G next week at the same time or if they will wait until all the towers are online before coming back and turning on 4G. We will be posting the acceptances as they happen next week, and if any of them are 4G, in the sponsor thread. You can find a link to it in my sig
  12. i've been posting some testing i've done in the sponsor thread, but all the call dropping i have experienced has happened when going from legacy towers to towers that have already been flipped over to network vision equipment. assuming they get things flipped over next week like i have heard the call dropping should be greatly reduced/go away. as long as me and the person on the other end of the line either stay in a NV area or a legacy area, and don't cross over the call doesn't drop, as soon as one of us goes from legacy to NV the call can't hand over and drops. sponsors can check out the maps in my sig to see what towers are still legacy and which ones are NV to see where the "boundary" line currently is.
  13. i tried to send one to multiple people this morning and either couldn't figure it out, or it is disabled for premier sponsors too.
  14. i posted in the sponsor thread about info a little birdie told me a few weeks back, you can find that post here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4711-nebraska-iowa-market-spreadsheets-and-maps/page-52&do=findComment&comment=242150 cliff notes, expect lots of issues but good things to come out of next week.
  15. As Nuke said already, you need to restart your phone, looks like it is suffering from the geocaching bug that android has. thats why it says "click here for map" instead of listing an address. We are keeping tack of the BIDs in the spreadsheet. so if you come accross a new 1x800 signal you can check the spreadsheet to see if its already been reported. if it hasn't we would need at a minimum a screenshot of signalcheck with the address listed so we can look it up. even better would be to click on the address and it will load up google maps and go to the exact location of the tower, zooming out a bit and posting a screenshot of that will help too since sometimes the address' that are geocached aren't 100%. the new one that we don't have i'm guessing is one of the 2 on the south side of des moines along I35 that got accepted last week, but you would need to connect to it again and get the screenshot of the map to verify which one.
  16. i remember that now too, i didn't remember anyone specifically mentioning 800 and at the time they were getting towers flipped over. i'll run a test with using a PRL that puts 800 at low priority and see if i have the same issue on 1xRTT.
  17. Because of the triband phone issue, there is an article about it on the wall of this site.
  18. anyone else having bad voice quality/issues while on phone calls on 1x800? they switched new towers on around me a few weeks ago and then today another batch got switched over. anytime i make a call while on 1x800 (and have verified that i stayed on 1x800) during the call it goes from sounding great to cutting in and out, to quiet, to even disconnecting. this is with mid 80's or better signal too. not sure if there is an issue with my phone, or something not right with the towers, or just because they are still working in the area or what.
  19. don't hold your breath based on what we have seen and heard most if not all towers should be running on NV equipment by then, but i highly doubt we will have any new, let alone all, towers with LTE by then.
  20. your hickman/MLK tower is broadcasting 800 and flipped over to the new equipment today for voice and 3G, no LTE yet. so that Ericsson truck was there doing acceptance the other day
  21. new batch of acceptances for central iowa posted in the sponsor thread this morning, plus i picked up some 800 from some new towers this morning so that means another batch of acceptances will show up tomorrow morning too!
  22. nice, i will have to check it out again and yes it is getting close, there is info and a date in the sponsor section of when things are supposed to be happening.
  23. Ericsson is who you saw? and what time was the equipment being delivered? i drove by there tonight just after 3:30 and didn't see anything new yet
  24. i was just being funny but it was also trying to point out that we have no idea. your guess is as good as anyone elses here on why they do the things they do. what Dk posted above is probably the most likely reason but even it is just a guess.
  25. why is the sky blue? the grass green? some things are just the way they are because thats the way they are.
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