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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Oh that makes sense then. Didn't know that https://www.dropbox.com/sc/hc0ygap658u3bbg/m7qEksoHEO
  2. It shows under 1xrtt no connection
  3. I finally activated my g2 but for some reason under signal check bro the "1x" shows disconnected.... Help !
  4. Learned so much about myself this year

  5. Why aren't the big 4 buying out US cellular? I've notice Sprint, Tmobile and Verizon bought spectrum from them...Why not buy the whole thing? Just curious....
  6. RT @XSTROLOGY: #Sagittarius are very loyal to their friends and enjoy helping others.

  7. Finally got the g2. I'm going to activate it once they release the sprint spark software update
  8. RT @nbcwashington: A truck overturned on I-270 near Shady Grove Rd. this morning, spilling mail onto the highway. http://t.co/wTLohl6gHB ht…

  9. Excited for tomorrow's workout

  10. Lol at @AdielM_X Santa Claus Avi haha

  11. Lol I meant how many cell towers does tmobile have? I know sprint has 38k+
  12. If the deal goes through, how many cell sites does tmobile have? And I wonder if sprint can add LTE 800/2500 and possibly 1x 800 to them
  13. I'm just thankful we have SoftBank behind us. Without them I would of probably jumped shipped by now
  14. True but I wonder why sprint decided to partner with dish with Dish's fixed broadband service? Plus if sprint opens to a spectrum hosting deal with dish wouldn't that give sprint some $$$ they need. I know they are financially stable with SoftBank but if they can get more money why not? At the end of the day business is still business so if sprint can make billions I'm sure they will take advantage of that.
  15. True but I'm sure they will still partner with dish regardless. If sprint gets tmobile they can still do a spectrum hosting deal with dish.
  16. Hmm all of this is interesting. I still think dish and sprint are planning something Big! It will be in their best interest to work together to take down the big two.
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