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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. "The Verizon executive also touched on the company's 700 MHz A Block spectrum, which it has not yet sold after putting it on the block in 2012. "If a transaction makes sense, then we'll execute the transaction," he said. "If it doesn't, then we'll deploy it." Idk much about the 700 MHz spectrum let a lone the A block spectrum but I do know sprint has stated they wanted more lower frequency spectrum. Do you think it will be smart for sprint to obtain some of it? Or will it better if sprint waits for the 600mhz auction? Read more http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/verizons-shammo-lte-capacity-issues-will-be-worked-out-year-end/2013-11-12 Random: Didn't sprint and cspire sign a roaming agreement for the 700 MHz spectrum
  2. Lol you can just do a sprint chat
  3. Do you live in a Shentel area?
  4. This weekend is going to be very long

  5. Idk if Shentel land needs the 1gbps. But they will get band 41 probably not until late 2014 or early 2015
  6. Lmbo!! I plan on moving back to the DC metro area. I rather use my phone that will support 3x20 MHz.
  7. So I decided not to use my upgrade until 2015. I think that's when the spark phones will be out that supports carrier aggregation that can do up to 1gbps. Just going to buy the nexus 5 and let that hold me off until then. *i may use my upgrade for the iPhone 6 and then re sell it for profit*
  8. RT @Inspire_Us: All great achievements require time. - Maya Angelou

  9. Don't know if this was answered but why is it going to take up to 3 years to deploy spark to the top 100 markets/cities? Feel that's pretty long lol
  10. I saw something in their press release about hd voice. They made it sound like only spark devices can connect to hd voice. I skimmed through it so I'm not sure
  11. RT @ForzaCicala: Mango Simply Lemonade is the nectar of the gods.

  12. Oh “@infamousDONjuan: Dang corporate management call me bitch boy.. ????”

  13. Does anybody have a general idea what 100 cities or markets will get spark by end of next year?
  14. RT @Bmagic81: Dedication? I have that. Hard work? I do that.Successful? I'll be that.

  15. If sprint does participate in the H block auction and the 600 MHz spectrum? Will they aggregate those spectrums to Spark? Just curious
  16. Things are still early but as of right I am very happy about the future of sprint. I mean almost two years ago sprint was close to filing bankruptcy. So much (behind the scenes) wise has changed for the good. Without SoftBank we wouldn't have LTE 2500/2600 nationwide and we wouldn't have sprint "Spark" Overall I am very please with the SoftBank acquisition, their CEO is very adamant to take sprint to the next level and has the cash to do it. I know some people expected SoftBank to all the issues overnight but sadly they can't but them and sprint are working hard and with sprint spark I cannot wait and see what else they bring out.
  17. I hope this phone doesn't have the same issue as the g2 with connecting to lte
  18. True. I wonder how the other carriers will be with their carrier aggregation. Hopefully sprint can be fast with their deployment and be the first carrier with unlimited data to do so. I want us to win badly so the haters can shut up
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