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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Weird combo but sounds good "@Bmagic81: I'm drinkin rum and redbull"

  2. Sprint should just sell the frederick market to shentel
  3. Article was disgusting and straight ignorance. S**t like that makes me want sprint and SoftBank come with a bang this year! Hopefully they exceed their deployment goals for 800. & 2600. Also I hope they start to deploy 20+ 20 end of this year. I kind of wish sprint waited to announce spark though. I personally think they should of started deploying it and then once they completed the 1900 lte rollout then announce spark.
  4. Can sprint obtain some of this Spectrum? and I wonder if Tmobile will deploy TD LTE with its acquired A licenses
  5. The FCC has approved deployment of Time Division Duplex (TDD) equipment in the upper 700 MHz A Block. Access Spectrum, which holds wireless spectrum licenses in the Upper 700 MHz A Block covering two-thirds of the United States, said in a statement that the decision confirms that TDD equipment, which uses a single frequency for both transmission and reception, can be deployed in full compliance with FCC regulations in the Upper 700 MHz A Block, without the worry of interference. Michael Gottdenker, chairman and CEO of Access Spectrum said the FCC’s authorization for the use of TDD equipment marks an important milestone in the development of the Upper 700 MHz A Block. "This approval demonstrates that the equipment complies with the regulatory technical rules thatapply to the A Block. The development of this equipment helps to illustrate the wide range and variety of technologies that can be deployed by technology companies, critical infrastructure enterprises, and government entities that are in need of wireless spectrum to deploy any number of cutting edge technologies – from machine to machine communications to smart grid applications, from hospital and health care connectivity to high-quality data processing,” Gottdenker said. The news should be encouraging to a company like Sprint, which has chosen to go ahead with a TDD LTE rollout, on hopes that committments from China Mobile to do the same will help scale the technology. However slowly, Sprint is deploying is "ultra-broadband TDD-LTE" network in its newly-acquired 2.5 GHz spectrum. Sprint’s TDD deployment will be the first use of the technology in a national deployment in North America. http://www.wirelessweek.com/news/2014/01/fcc-approves-tdd-deployment-upper-700-mhz-block
  6. Ok they might keep the name sprint but best believe SoftBank will probably keep tmobiles exec team over sprints or mix and match. Not hating on sprint but tmobile is winning they are doing something right. Sprint has all the tools they need but I feel they don't have a "sense of urgency" like the other 3 when it comes to their network
  7. I really think softbank will get rid of the sprint brand and just keep tmobile. People will be supportive if the two merge but keep tmobiles core philosophies and marketing strategies. Ill support softbank if they favor the tmobile brand over sprints
  8. RT @SheTwirlsMyKan3: A job is a job. Don’t let no broke person try to clown you because you work at a certain place.

  9. Did anyone get the update OTA?
  10. RT @XSTROLOGY: #Sagittarius don't like someone telling them what to do, or how to do it. They are the Universe's free-thinkers.

  11. Have anyone receieved the update over the air yet?
  12. RT @_LLexington: Why do y'all post picture of being in the hospital &don't answer people when they ask what's wrong? Y'all gotta stop beggi…

  13. So when will sprint add new customers? Is that the million dollar question?
  14. Yea you are right. I hope we get a more detailed plan about their network and marketing goals this year. Like I said before, for sprint to publicly say 2014 is their year and,not tmobiles,they must have something up their sleeves but of course they cant do anything until the network is decent enough for them to market their services. I just hope the final result will be worth the wait.
  15. Can sprint theoritically just buy Tmobile's edge only towers and just convert them to network vision sites with 2.5?
  16. Cant thwy still start the deployment on the network vision sites even though they havent finished the clearwire sites... I know they said 2.5 will be their main focus but i really hope they deploy it faster than the 1900 roll out. Seems like data demands increase higher and higher each day
  17. Supposedly they are starting in q2 with 2.5 deployment.
  18. 8-10 inches of snow -_-

  19. RT @PartyAtJs: My reaction to Richard Sherman callin out Crabtree was "ooooooooh this gettin good" http://t.co/aU9vfPHVDe

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