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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I agree but we didn't have SoftBank in 2010 and even then sprint wasn't in control of their WiMAX rollout clearwire was. Sprint was just piggy backing on their towers for 4g coverage. So I somewhat give sprint a pass on the whole WiMAX fiasco
  2. It really is. I didnt realize how badly damaged the name is until today. I actually hope they do that
  3. Great article of fiercewireless today http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-bye-2014-year/2014-01-08 I need sprint to really market new sprint hard!!! I know they can and I'm glad they are reframing unused evdo channels for LTE coverage. Random: But I have a feeling tmobile and sprint will merge but they will keep the name tmobile and get rid of the sprint brand.
  4. I've read it will be the end of this year and late 2015 or sometime in 2016 we will see 1gbps
  5. "T-Mobile today announced that its 4G LTE network now covers 209 million people in 273 metro areas. They also announced speed test results that indicate their network is now the fastest. In markets with 10+10 MHz LTE, they are seeing 72 Mbps. In markets like Dallas with 20+20 MHz, customers can expect up to 147 Mbps." Tmobile is looking quite good lol. Come on sprint let's get things rolling lol
  6. Was never confident in my own abilities

  7. RT @NandoGainz: Fuck pretty little liars

  8. I'm in the mood for Georgetown cupcakes ???????????? @MissNessa4U

  9. RT @DragonflyJonez: If this was my car I would text this picture to my boss with just "Nope" in the subject line http://t.co/XZPeNvXzQ9

  10. RT @BestSagittarius: #Sagittarius are future thinkers and always tend to worry.

  11. Got a good workout in! This cold weather ain't stopping me

  12. To be honest I'm very happy for tmobile. My only concerns are: Are they going to refarm their edge coverage into LTE? And are they making a profit with all these un carrier changes
  13. It's official they bought the 700mhz A licenses from vzw http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/t-mobile-buys-verizons-700-mhz-block-spectrum-24b/2014-01-06 Hopefully sprint can have 800 LTE turned on soon in the DC metro area
  14. RT @miilkkk: I can smell those W2's being printed out http://t.co/TBU6gpN2tH

  15. That conversation I had yesterday was an ???? opener

  16. There comes a time when you need to cut people out of your life. Not to be rude but in order to move on

  17. Not even trying to go outside????????????????

  18. Great seeing my sis yesterday @misselenibee ????????????

  19. I agree. I'm sure SoftBank is patient but I'm sure they will not tolerate any delays. I would think most of sprint smartphone customers will have a Triband phone by 2016 and onward considering all smartphones released in 2014 and onward will be triband. I just hope they have 2.5 somewhat nationwide by then
  20. Wasn't thinking. *faces the wall with my head down*
  21. Off tomorrow and Wednesday! I can dig that ????

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