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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. So when can we officially expect a turnaround for sprint? 2014 is supposed to be sprints year but I feel 2015-2016 is more appropriate Didn't SoftBank say they have a "secret weapon" to get sprint on top?
  2. Im worried about q1 2014...with the tmobile contract buy offer, im going to expect a major loss
  3. Just to give you a general idea http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Metropolitan_Statistical_Areas
  4. I hope the iPhone 6 will support the 2 carrier aggregation
  5. Can I get a link to listen to the call?
  6. Do you guys think Dan Hesse should really be fired? For some reason I hope they do keep him around but I don't know lol. I honestly haven't paid a much attention of his work at sprint so I don't really have an opinion of his "leadership"
  7. Lol I'm one of the top sales reps but majority of our customers work or commute to Frederick, MD on a daily basis so most of the complaints come from that area since it's pretty much 1x through out the county. Yes thankfully I work and live in a Shentel area but sometimes it is hard to sell new service to new customers especially to the ones who follow the blogs and listen to the negative press.
  8. I just feel as far as "network deployment" there isn't really a sense of urgency with sprint. Main reason why people are abandoning the ship is because is mainly due to the network. It's becoming a never ending struggle lol. I know for some of you you really don't care about it that much but for us Sprint reps it's hard because we constantly hear customers complain about their network experience and how sprint sucks etc. Definitely going to pray tomorrow and hope we have some good news. Like spark will be fully deployed by end of this year haha
  9. Wait didn't sprint lose 1.3 subs in Q2 due to the nextel shutdown which I understand but to lose even more during the holiday season that's unheard of. Buying tmobile should be softbanks and sprints last priority, they should really use that "45 billion" to expedite spark & network vison, buy a regional carrier or two, and use the rest for marketing. If tmobile & ATT can make a comeback I don't see why sprint can't. I just don't understand smh
  10. 2 million seems a stretch lol I'm expecting 350,000-500,000
  11. I hope we get a surprise tomorrow. Last report we learned about spark and the one before we found out sprint was deploying band 41 on all network vision sites plus more. I hope Sprint announces VoLTE coming late this year lol
  12. RT @History_Pics: Man rests after a night of celebrating the end of the Prohibition era, 1933. http://t.co/s4IuJUtZOm

  13. http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303874504579373242977741138?mg=reno64-wsj Sprint is rethinking their decision about T-mobile which I agree with. I'd rather sprint/SoftBank use the money for expediting the spark rollout and coverage. Also maybe buy us cellular or cspire
  14. RT @extremestar: its not how far you fall is all about how quickly you get up and show the world that your still here bigger and better tha…

  15. "@Juanyeee: It doesn't matter how many resources you have If you don't know how to use them, they will never be enough"

  16. Finally got the update!!! Thank you baby jesus
  17. Aeropascal though haha poor @Jeffgotjuice

  18. I kind of like Legere. He's like the Kanye West of all the CEOs lol
  19. RT @Anthonyjohnc21: Real situations expose fake people ... Pay attention ......

  20. Man after the SoftBank acquisition I feel there is so much going on with "New Sprint" I can't keep up. Not complaining but can they just accomplish one task then complete the other. Geez lol I don't even know what's going on now lol
  21. I wish I can call sprint technical support to have them push the update through my phone...
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