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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. RT @MissNessa4U: Headphones in till I fall sleep*

  2. Weighing my options

  3. And I know sprint is working to get customers off WiMAX to LTE. Sprint should just make those customers eligible for an upgrade and go ahead announce a WiMAX shut off date. I know they said 2015 but I wonder if they can bump it up sooner
  4. Random but I was checking the sprint WiMAX footprint on sensorly and I was kind of shocked to see WiMAX in a lot of markets in the US. Hopefully softbank plans to replace the whole WiMAX footprint with TD LTE. I know some markets don't need it as much but it would be awesome if they do.
  5. I really want to go to the Dominican Republic

  6. RT @RogerRabbs: This weather needs to STAY.

  7. Idk we'll wait and see. I can start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but we still have miles away lol.
  8. Taking vacation in October and November. Time to put my passport into use!!

  9. Like the person said above we didn't know what was going to happen with sprint. We didn't know if Dish was going to buy them and have the network be Dish's problem or if Sprint will remain the same but with Clearwire and Softbank. I'm sure sprint corporate decided to pause network vision in major markets until the bidding war was completed. I honestly don't blame them, why continue building out the network if dish was going to take over and redo everything Now that chapter is done, and we are under Softbank's control I'm sure sprint is really trying their best to hurry things up. Some things will take time but I know some things will be forced to speed up. None of us expected to have clearwire TD LTE turned on last week so that's a sign they are trying. I just hope we can get some sort of timeline to know what's going on but I'm sure we won't get one so I'm hoping softbank/sprint does a big press event that announces The New Sprint with their exact vision and goals. I want the other 3 to be scurred!!! Lol beware of global domination
  10. "@Bmagic81: Born as a clown And still a clown"

  11. True. I'm just going to say the next year iPhone will support Triband. By then LTE should be (hopefully) deployed nationwide and most of the major markets are above 60% competition
  12. I did my job and posted the link. Y'all could read the rest lol
  13. Thanks. I'm going to assume the next Triband phone will be the note 3. I doubt this years iPhone model "5s" will be Triband however rumor specs says the newer iPhone will have an upgraded LTE radio chip. Not sure what that means but I hope it means it will will support all of sprints LTE bands.
  14. Looks like the new LG G2 will be Triband for sprint. It was just cleared through the FCC today http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/discuss.php?ff=12696 Triband is coming y'all!!
  15. I don't care if its blazing fast. Just good enough so I can upload a photo onto Instagram, stream pandora, and load a web page at a decent rate
  16. I would check tmobile's coverage in your area first before I go to the big 2. But I'm in the same boat but my contract doesn't end until October of next year. Hopefully by then the DC metro area and Frederick MD area has sufficient LTE coverage.
  17. I know NV is delayed but didn't sprint say LTE advance will be out in 2013?
  18. So ready for Grand Theft Auto 5 and the new Batman Arkham game!!

  19. Man I'm ready for my Triband LTE phone next year!! And I'm ready to experience those 2.5ghz speeds
  20. I wonder if clearwire had LTE sites in the DC area? I want to buy the the new hotspots and test them out
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