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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I figured but if possible if there is a general PRL for each device may I please get that
  2. I'm sure there is an open thread somewhere but I really need all the PRL's that are getting 800/1900. I know the Samsung gs3 is 25015 and galaxy note 2 is 55015. But I really need all the other popular phones. I would greatly appreciate it friends
  3. If dish does get control over sprint then I'm switching. Maybe just maybe I might hold onto sprint to see what their plans are with sprint's network and plans.
  4. Does anyone know if the new sprint phone connect 2 (landline) is compatible with the 800mhz band?
  5. Yeah but let's say if it does go through and keep in mind sprint and tmobile are pursuing the 600mhz spectrum So their spectrum holdings will be 600mhz/800/1900/1700/2500 I mean that would be amazing but I don't see that happening. Plus how would sprint and tmobile consolidate the network so sprint doesn't repeat another iden crisis
  6. To be honest I doubt the FCC would approve a tmobile and sprint merger. I can definitely see softbank try and get that done but that would be to much spectrum and the big 2 will throw a big fit. Sprint/Softbank/Tmobile would probably have to sell off some spectrum
  7. Isn't sprint/SoftBank trying to get TD LTE on the 600 MHz? So is Clearwire really worth it? Maybe sprint can just acquire all of US cell and deploy TD lte on some of its spectrum
  8. But since Clearwire has urged to make the minority shareholders to vote for sprint I don't see them rescheduling the vote. This going to be interesting and I hope dish/sprint/SoftBank somehow make a super network that can take down the big red and blue *grabs popcorn*
  9. Man this whole thing is giving me a headache. I guess we shall see Friday how this will turn out. I plan to not look at the blogs tomorrow lol
  10. Please stop sending me candy crush invites or I would send a virus to your computer or phone. Thanks

  11. I'm ok if Clearwire is controlled by Dish/SoftBank(Sprint) maybe all 3 can work some magic on that spectrum. All I want is for sprint to be owned by SoftBank haha
  12. Clearwire's stock is at 4.23 a share now (after hours). Might have to make the switch to tmobile once my contract ends
  13. Honestly I really don't care anymore how this ends as long as the end result is better than what we currently have I'm fine. I'm still pulling for Clear/SoftBank/ and sprint
  14. This is getting ridiculous. Even if dish gets Clearwire sprint will still own more than 50% of Clearwire
  15. Do we needs crest's vote to have the transaction get approved? If not then I don't care what they say lol
  16. Might sell my nephews for the #XboxOne

  17. I hope the new iPhone is triband. If not then I'm holding off until next year or the Gs5. My upgrade is not until 6/1/2014 and I hope lte on 800/2500 is is rolled out to major markets (NYC, DC metro area) by then
  18. Maybe the vote got postponed so sprint can work up a better deal?
  19. I have a strong feeling sprint and Dish are going to go through. I just think if sprint is interested in softbank I would think sprint would just tell dish they aren't interested. Maybe Softbank wants sprint to act like they are interested in Dish so dish can stop pursuing clearwire. I just want Sprint/softbank/clearwire If for any reason Sprint does choose Dish I'm definitely switching to tmobile
  20. What kind of weed wer u on?"@RogerRabbs: Had a dream I rode a tiger patterned whale that could fly, but was afraid of frogs just like me ????"

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