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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I still hope Sprint/SoftBank acquires all of US cellular though.
  2. I hope dish is forced to sell its spectrum. And idk I'm guessing sprint will sell off the 1700 aws spectrum? I'm new to all this lol.
  3. Sprint still has eyes for tmobile?
  4. Awesome just can't wait until we get the news healine Breaking "SoftBank transaction was approved" and "Sprint/SoftBank owns clearwire" Sprint/Softbank definitely needs to up its marketing game next year. LTE advance & unlimited data will be a big keep sprint competitive
  5. And sorry I didn't really read the whole thing. I just read that sprint is increasing its offer
  6. You're right I just don't want this to become a bidding war but I'm sure we will get clear wire. I'm just ready for Triband, LTE advanced and then the 600mhz auction
  7. So when does the shareholders vote for this new sprint deal? I'm so confused lost and excited lol. Someone please give me the summary of this new deal
  8. Right I guess that's what happens when you fight dirty. Idk why dish won't pursue tmobile since DT is trying to leave the us market.
  9. I'm sure all would be fine. Dish is out the way for now so all we now is for SoftBank/sprint transaction to go through plus we need Clearwire
  10. How can I get the duraxt on the 800mhz band? I'm in a 800mhz Shentel area (hagerstown)
  11. True. So lets say if dish doesn't compete for sprint do you think sprint and SoftBank will make another offer for Clearwire or do you think they will just ride it out after the lawsuit and wait until November. I just hope this Clearwire battle doesn't delay Clearwire's rollout and triband lte phones in Q3
  12. Do you guys think Dish will make an offer tomorrow? At this point you never know with dish but I would think they would have made a decision today. If they do make a decision, can't sprint just deny the offer?
  13. We shall see. I'm hoping sprint and SoftBank does make a final offer that dish cannot compete with.
  14. You're right. That would be awesome for us to get that spectrum back. I'm just annoyed with all this arguing back and worth and endless bid wars. Dish has spectrum so it might be in softbank's best interest to work with dish maybe after everything is done
  15. Perhaps Dish getting some Clearwire isn't really a bad thing after all. Perhaps Son/Hesse/Ergen can make the 2.5ghz spectrum superior if they work together
  16. Honestly I just wish Sprint, Dish, Clearwire, and SoftBank can just merge to one company that is controlled by son/Hesse lol. No but seriously I wish they all can somehow work together
  17. It's to soon for sprint update their maps. If I were them I would wait until the Nextel is fully decommissioned
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