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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. They need something fresh. I thought they said stale design was the reason for their drop in sales Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  2. Math problems Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  3. I'd rather pull the SD or copy and paste in an Android device Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  4. So, I admit this, the wife has a iPod. She wanted it to integrate with the Sync system in the truck... After many painstaking hours of putting all the music she wanted on there originally and then weeding out the stuff she decided she didn't want after all (this is all MP3s that I ripped from my own CD collection and hers) very few that were bought off iTunes. Now, she tells me she wants more songs on there from new CDs that we bought. I plug it in and am prompted to update the firmware on the iPod. It will completely wipe all songs off the iPod and I will have to spend all those hours putting the songs back on there because Apple decided that they want to encode everything on the iPod. Yes, I know I can jailbreak it, but I don't feel like learning how to jailbreak because this is the only piece of Apple technology I will ever own. I also know that there is software that will pull the songs off of the iPod but the free ones lose the embedded info and the pay ones are not free. Long story short. My wife's iPod is just another fragmented device on an old software version because Apple wants me to buy everything off iTunes. I will never update the firmware. That is part of their problem. They force you to delete everything on the device, not just update the software. They were a match made in heaven with the evil empire of AT&T.
  5. A couple keyboards you might want to try out to see if they are laggy on the EVo Shift Josh, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=inputmethod.latin.ported&feature=search_result ICS keyboard. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=942743 WP7 styled keyboard https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kpt.adaptxt.beta Adaptxt Keyboard Otherwise, there should be a couple already installed. The traditional Android keyboard and the HTC one and possibly more depending on what the ROM you are running has.
  6. Forgot about that kind of thing. It's flat here... don't have to deal with that.
  7. I have been using swiftkey, I got it during the 10 cent sale. I think there are other free ones out there. I'll look around. I think there is an ICS keyboard that is free and pretty decent that I was using on my E4GT
  8. Both. The RRUs will be installed with the antennas which will give the 1900 signal currently in use about 20% more range, and 800 will be used to extend coverage even turther. Depends, NV may solve the problem with improved 1900mhz signal, or it may solve the problem with 1900 and 800 if your device is capable of CDMA on 800, or you might need to upgrade phone if your device is not capable of 800 and the 1900 improvements aren't sufficient EDIT: it appears the HTC Arrive is capable of CDMA on 800MHz. It will be 2013 before they shutter the iDEN network and start using 800MHz for CDMA though.
  9. One of the reasons why the OEMs have a tougher time than Apple is because they all have to throw their bloat (improved user experience as they call it) on there. We would be seeing updates a lot faster without this. Unless Windows Phone caves and starts allowing OEMs to insert their "custom UI" they will be pushing updates out faster and more efficiently. Especially since they have taken steps to reduce the amount of different hardware used in the manufacture of their phones.
  10. And groups like CyanogenMod do it unpaid, in their spare time, to many phone models. They really make the manufacturers look poor with their upgrades. Especially when CyanogenMod builds their ROMs, they have to reverse engineer everything because they are not privvy to the propriatary information used to write the drivers for that model.
  11. OK, I had heard rumblings before about June and really can't see that happening. The yearly update, yes, I can see that happening.
  12. 2.9% according to this article http://www.zdnet.com...id-devices/7351 published today at that... as far as ICS being "ready for an annual update, The SDK for Android 4.0.1 was publicly released on 19 October 2011 and the source code for Android 4.0 became available on 14 November 2011 according to Wikipedia. That is not even 6 months ago that the SDK was published. The first ICS phone came out on 17 November. Google would only infuriate the OEMs that have worked feverishly to push ICS out to their handsets if they released a new version of Android this soon.
  13. I know the SOS morse code, that's about it. When I start sending telegraphs to my loved ones I will be in trouble...
  14. Have you tried using a different keyboard. Sometimes it is the actual keyboard program that causes the lag.
  15. Or they could be trying to add a slab to the existing slider for their windows phone lineup. The Arrive hasn't seen EOL has it? I think the verge was on the money when they said http://www.theverge.com/2012/4/3/2921894/lg-ls831-sprint-windows-phone-fcc
  16. Weird. I can't see them releasing it unless they need a new cheap phone. It could go straight to virgin mobile Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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