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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I had to look it up on Wikipedia, lol Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  2. I have an on screen keyboard The shift doesn't have the option to use an on screen keyboard? The wife's moment had that capability, I can't imagine why HTC wouldn't include that with the shift... Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  3. I don't think I have ever seen two people say unkind words about iPhones in the same thread in my life. Especially without someone jumping in the middle and gushing all over how they love the iPhone and Apple and would turn into an apple so Steve Jobs' ghost could take a bite out of them and they would be the mascot for Apple.... It really tires me out. There are fanatic Android users, yes, but most Android users openly admit the faults/shortcomings of the OS or their device. iFans, however, 99% of them admit nothing and as far as any shortcoming is concerned, if it isn't on iPhone, it's not important. And I apologize to any iFans here, but I call it as I see it. We may have the entire 1% of iFans that admit when something is not perfect.
  4. Agree, I could see if it was the Lumia 710 or something like that, but this most likely won't be an improvement on the Arrive.
  5. Business class Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  6. ha, not really. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool this guy. That video was obvious. Did you figure out what I put in Morse code? Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. Most of iOS fragmentation is caused by the users not upgrading. http://theiphonefever.blogspot.com/2011/11/ios-fragmentation-is-it-worse-than.html http://www.androidpolice.com/2010/09/11/the-state-of-android-fragmentation-lookin-pretty-good-still-much-better-than-ios-fragmentation/
  8. Son of a... I can't find it in Google Play. I didn't spend all that time memorizing morse code for nothing! ••-• -- •-••
  9. The day that Sprint and HTC announce their most recent collaboration
  10. So much for the GNex+ or coming standard with the high capacity battery... Nice find!
  11. Another free on contract windows phone... They must be really trying to capture the first smartphone sales for people who want something cheap. Maybe Sprint just wants another windows phone to fail so they can stop offering them to customers.
  12. That would be pretty sweet for Virgin Mobile customers.
  13. I'll have to check it out. Not interested in going with the Lumia 900, especially on AT&Ts network, but it is almost like a beta test for what could easily be the best WP to date, releasing later this year.
  14. IMO if they do that, they will pigeonhole themselves as being aimed at juveniles and lose any credibility of being suitable for business users or adults. They'll open the door wide for WP to take their market share. I can understand bringing all your media offerings into one place like itunes or Amazon, but there is nothing wrong with the Android brand. They have become the #1 OS in a matter of a couple years, why mess with success?
  15. I agree, he is just trying to make waves and get his name out there. Android isn't going anywhere, and this "fragmentation problem" he talks about is not really a problem. iOS also has a whole lot of fragmentation, possibly more than Android, but as long as the unit can still provide for the user, it isn't a problem. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would like to be upgraded to a newer version of Android (some are up in arms about it,) but there are a lot that are happy with whatever version they are on. Froyo was really where I feel Android graduated from a fragmentation issue and any device that is running Froyo or newer is going to provide an excellent user experience. Yes, sometimes things can get buggy with age, but a quick reflash of the firmware can usually take care of that. I have a tablet that until a few months ago was operating Froyo. I didn't really notice much of a difference when I loaded Gingerbread on it. Then there are the developers that build ROMs and provide the newest version of android to old devices. Also, I think he is ENTIRELY off base thinking the new Google tablet will be called "Google Play tablet" I may be eating crow in a few months, but that name is flat out stupid.
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