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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. It will be helpful in reducing strain on the network, but a lot of people will bypass it and do what they want. Some will get confused and upset and call customer service. Others may even appreciate the "smart" network management. I've never had WiMax (except for my 2 trips to Minneapolis), so I guess I can't "complain" about connecting to it...
  2. It would be better to have 100%, but they need someone to tell people to take the battery out for 30 seconds and start the phone back up, I mean, that couldn't be in place of hold music as people were waiting for the CSR... LOL it really annoys me when you give the outsourced CSR a really technical description of the problem and because they don't see it in the index of their CSR handbook, the good old default "take the battery out" "One of your cell phone towers fell on my house and now I don't have service." "Uh, Sir, please take the battery out of your phone and wait 30 seconds to put it back in. Then start it up and tell me when it is back on." "OK, it is back on." "Is your problem with service fixed?" "No the tower is still on my house and I still don't have service because your tower fell on my house." "Um, hold on" (talks to the manager) "My manager says that there might be a problem with your handset." "No, as I said, there is a tower that fell on my house." "I'm going to transfer you to technical support for your handset problem." Call a US CSR, "One of your cell phone towers fell on my house and now I don't have service." "I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I am putting in a trouble ticket at your address and technicians will be dispatched to fix the problem."
  3. Slim? There's the GNex, Viper, and HTC Jet out by June. Everyone always says that Verizon waters down their lineup with too many devices, and Sprint has 2 flagships and a decent mid/high range in a couple months and it's not enough? Or are you just saying that there isn't a lower case "i" in front of any of them? After all those years of iPhone famine, Sprint is still very Android centered. But I think people will still have the iPhone 4S as a choice and hopefully it won't be too long before WP comes back to town. Maybe a toilet RIM device.
  4. Naturally, they don't want to let their product do the talking, they have to use every possible way to make it impossible for their competitors to do business.
  5. Nice writeup Jeff. I consider myself a very loyal customer, but loyalty goes both ways. I still shop at a small hardware store vs. the big retailers because the small hardware store returns my loyalty. I am still loyal to Sprint, I was with them for 10+ years, but the loyalty has to go both ways. The network in my area was broken, data was crawling. I was met with two choices, downgrade to a (gasp) dumb phone until network vision came through or go to a carrier who had reinvested in their network and could offer me smartphone functionality. It killed me to leave Sprint, but I was addicted to my smartphone. Now it is up to Verizon to win over my loyalty or I will most likely go back to sprint for another 10+ years when my contract is up. (Verizon is currently doing an absolutely horrible job of inspiring any loyalty in me)
  6. lol probably not a good idea. I remember in college I went into a chat room inhabited by hackers and called them out, but that was in a computer lab. I saw the IP address published in the chat room and got up and left. Lol Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. I hope sprint has at least a slider and slab windows phone. Something like the arrive and a lumia 900 would be nice. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  8. Spotting scope Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  9. I'll toss 5 in to that pot Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  10. Android officer Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  11. I used to have that but I bought way too much junk on Amazon Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  12. I heard there would be a LTE version of the GS2. It would be a decent mid range phone. The development costs are paid and parts have gone down in price. Wouldn't be that dumb IMO Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  13. Rats, I'm out of town. Hope my neighbors enjoy their kindle I clicked super saver shipping though so I bet it doesn't leave Amazon till next Friday anyway Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  14. Yeah. I never thought it all the way through the process. Now I remember using a voip on my tablet and the lag was awful. But we had a voip home line and it had very little, if any, lag. At least I never noticed. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  15. I think it is dependant on the connection, router, and phone. I have done speed tests with Wi-Fi on my phone and had 17ms pings and I am also in mn. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  16. sorry duffman Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  17. It definitely will light a fire under their... That would be a huge bummer if they didn't support CDMA in ESMR. That is going to be one of the largest benefits of network vision.
  18. I thought about waiting, but I will probably replace my Galaxy Tab with a Nexus Tablet. Especially if they make a 10 incher...
  19. Never experienced that. You are not roaming right?
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