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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I think the cell phone tower in question is the one that is pictured in this artice http://s4gru.com/ind...prints-network/ Edit: upon doublechecking it, the pic I used was from an elementary school in California http://www.mnn.com/family/family-activities/blogs/california-school-launches-cell-tower-study Sprint must like leasing space from elementary schools for their towers.
  2. Many times companies enter into arrangements that end up going sour thanks to the partner running out of money or not wanting to invest in something that they don't see much prospect of return on their investment. If, as you say, most people have Verizon, Swiftel may not want to invest millions in their network if there are not enough customers to return on that investment. It could take years to win customers over from Verizon.
  3. pyroscott


    That's one heck of a subsidy now then as the Rezound is selling for $50, LOL. I guess nobody cares about a phone where the ONLY feature they advertised was the headphones. Never mind that it had the fastest clocked processor and was a really nice all around phone and the radios have fared better than the RAZR radios which everyone seems to fall all over themselves about. I'm glad people are getting excited about the HTC One/EVO LTE. People have been pretty blah about HTC lately and its good to see some hype building.
  4. As do I. (I can't be left out of this monkey pile) LOL
  5. Have you tried pushing the volume button a split second before the power. Sometimes I get the same error because I am pushing the power button just a bit faster than the volume button.
  6. Losing sanity Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. pyroscott


    To each his own, I guess. Although I've been known to talk about creating my own rom...
  8. pyroscott


    Haven't touched Sense 4.0
  9. pyroscott


    What is it that you want added to the Nexus S? There are a ton of mods out there that can add anything from facebook integration into your contacts to changing the battery display.
  10. pyroscott


    I think something being referred to as "better than AOSP" is all in the eye of the beholder. If you like all the added features, yes, it's better. If you don't want some of those features, it ends up as the swear word for Android owners "bloat." Personally, I like to start with a clean slate and add what I want. That is just my personal preference though. And for many people, they lack the motivation or know-how to add the features of Sense that are missing from AOSP.
  11. pyroscott


    Am I missing something? I thought Sense was OK on my Hero and I HATED Sense on my 3D. I put CyanogenMod on my Hero and I liked that a lot better than stock with Sense. Then I upgraded to the 3D and it was a bunch of stuff that I never used, burning my battery and slowing everything else down. Seems like pure bloat to me. I always figured that if I want some widget or functionality, I will install it. The HTC devices have had excellent developer support though and I'm sure there will be a CynaogenMod or something that is AOSP for people like me that don't want/use Sense. What is such a draw about Sense though? Can someone help me understand this?
  12. Software update Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  13. Computer hacker Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  14. There are several quad core processors on the horizon, but who knows what moto has planned for the next offering on Sprint... Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  15. Serial number Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  16. The RAZR was supposed to be fall too, but they have an update coming soon to bring the RAZR up to ICS. I would think that the photon wouldn't be too far behind. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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