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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Ah, yes, the bowling ball genre. I'm sure you could fit it on there too. Otherwise you could swap out the SD when you are going to the grocery store.
  2. I just checked on XDA, and it appears that people are able to get the 64GB SD card to work with the galaxy player. So if you wanted the entire vault of Walt Disney Pictures and back catalog of Interscope Records everywhere you go, without the cloud, you could make it happen...
  3. I have come across an external antenna that should allow people to receive Clearwire 2.5Mhz signals on their phones. It is a little cumbersome, but the building penetration is excellent.
  4. Willy nilly Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  5. Or if you want to load it up with gobs of MP3s. The galaxy player has expandable memory. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  6. It is very important to have proper downtilt on their towers or people in the next state will be connected to that tower. I wonder what kind of ping that would have. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  7. PSA: woot.com is selling the 5.0 Galaxy Player (refurbished) for $149.99 today. That's $50 off the regular (new) price and $20 less than amazon's regular refurbished price.
  8. What are you using to try to connect to LTE or eHRPD? The E4GT is not capable of either connection...
  9. I nearly bought the Pre. I opted for the HTC Zero, which I suffered through for 2 years before I could upgrade. I really wish I would have waited for the Evo... I went through a few warranty replacements too. I guess it was that whole early adopter curse. The reason I went Zero instead of Pre was that I could have cared less about the keyboard. My giant fingers would just mash the keys of any keyboard, physical or on-screen anyway...
  10. I think I have a samsung uproar somewhere in my electronics hoarding pile. Do you want to include that in the test? It would only be able to connect to CDMA1x as it is pre-EVDO...
  11. I chuckled a bit when I wrote it. The article stated that they thought they could sell a firefox smartphone for $50. That would go a long way towards pushing dumb phones into extinction.
  12. It would be tough to do, I usually donate $10+ to the developer of a ROM that I use heavily, and I would pay for a MFG upgrade, but it would just be another point that people would compare Android with iOS WP etc. I can hear it now "I don't have to pay for my software upgrades, sucker!" Probably not something Google wants. They have been all about open source and the open community. Someone trying to make money off a software upgrade wouldn't fit with that philosophy...
  13. GSM Nexus One is still on Gingerbread... It is a copout in a sense, but the manufacturer knows the development community is large enough that if someone wants a buggy pre-release, they can load it on their phone themself. Manufacturers don't get paid one cent from the consumer for software upgrades. Any upgrades they push out are just to try to keep customer loyalty and keep their phones selling. Maybe they should start charging customers for software upgrades, but that would probably not go well.
  14. That is because the manufacturers can't release a buggy update to the general public. ROMs pop up right away and are full of bugs. Just like CyanogenMOD goes through months of "nightly" status, which is essentially alpha and beta releases, then however many release candidates before it is considered a stable "public release." Samsung would definately benefit by increasing their software upgrade personnel, but I applaud them for not pushing some buggy beta release out to the general public.
  15. I think there is a combination of factors that makes OEMs say a device is not compatible and refuse to push out an upgrade for the OS. It costs them a fair amount to write the software and beta test it. They have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before committing to an upgrade. It is not just a matter of plugging the new version of android into the code. It makes a lot of difference what the phone was designed to run on. A manufacturer doesn't really know for sure how the phone's hardware will mesh with the OS. If they can't work the bugs out, it would be disasterous to promise an upgrade and not deliver. One of the things that makes Android great is the wide range of hardware combinations that can be offered, but this also creates a nightmare for upgrading the OS and retaining functionality. Apple can continue to upgrade their old devices because they only have 4 phone models to deal with. The updates for the 3G and 3GS are not much more than changing the number of the software version in the "about phone" menu and maintaining functionality with itunes. Windows Phone has strict guidelines for the hardware used and doesn't allow OEMs to skin their operating system, making it easier for them to push out updates, much like the Nexus line for Android. It all comes down to open source, really. I was reading a Kindle Fire message board the other day and someone asked if Amazon would update the KF to ICS. I busted out laughing and the wife thought I was losing my mind. The kindle fire is perfectly capable of running ICS (I am running it on my KF now) but Amazon has literally nothing to gain by spending money to upgrade the OS. You can barely even classify the KF as running Android, but in the code, it is Android. I am more or less rambling at this point, but I wouldn't expect any phone over a year old to be upgraded unless it is an iconic device. The manufacturers will claim that it is a hardware limitation, when it is really only a cost/reward limitation. They don't want to have to go in and tailor the OS to fit the device. It only gets more time consuming and expensive as the device ages to rewrite Android OS to work on their older devices. Even Google refused to update the Nexus One to ICS. I heard that it was because of the RAM, but XDA has HTC Nexus One ICS ROMs. I'm sure that will be seeing JB ROMs too. Manufacturers just don't want to spend the money to update software forever and have to pull the plug sooner or later. They usually leave the device with a functional OS with the bugs worked out. (No, not the Epic with GB upgrade)
  16. This platform should be huge with prepaid and could scoop up a lot of the low end of the smartphone market. iOS, Android, WP Blackberry, webOS etc are all ultimately aimed at the high end of the market. If that article is correct, this platform could gain traction in the free subsidized postpaid market and the prepaid market and take off. That market is one of the reasons for Android's huge market share. Of course, as soon as Apple sees this platform as any kind of conpetition, they will claim it infringes on iOS and ban their sale/import.
  17. To quote Robert from another topic, So connecting to eHRPD doesn't necessarily mean anything about the tower to which you are connecting.
  18. HTC and Samsung have already addressed questions about their upgrade plans for Jelly Bean on their devices. PocketNow received the statement from Samsung saying: Android Central was able to get a statement from HTC stating: While this doesn't tell us anything really, there is speculation that any device that will see Ice Cream Sandwich, should also see Jelly Bean since it is a small incremental upgrade. After tinkering around with Jelly Bean myself, I would agree that it is not nearly the change we saw from Gingerbread to ICS. To me it seems more like JB was designed optimize the OS to run fast and smooth, as well as add Google now, and some other improvements. Hopefully we will start seeing the dam break open on ICS upgrades for all the Gingerbread phones soon followed closely by Jelly Bean.
  19. I saw his speed test results after he switched the radio from WiMax to LTE. He posted them here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/905-sprint-4g-lte-50mbps-max-out-lte-san-antonio/page__hl__planetearth 50Mbps download, maybe Sprint should be putting converted WiMax radios in all their new phones...
  20. Lol, sorry. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
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