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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Wow, you guys must think Robert is some kind of indentured servant... The man has other things to do...
  2. http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1Y3DADU_enUS490US490&client=chrome-mobile&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&q=lte+advanced Or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTE_Advanced Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  3. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    Where's the Android green? Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  4. We won't see 5G until about 2024 Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  5. pyroscott

    Nexus 7

    So I have two preorders now. One is the 8gb from Google play and the other is 16gb from J&R with free shipping, no tax and $15 coupon. They are about the same price all said and done, but I should cancel one preorder (I don't need two tablets.] I'm thinking that my Google play order will arrive first, but is it worth 8gb to wait a couple weeks? Hmm Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  6. Severed finger Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  7. That usually gives people gas. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  8. Did you have some spam? Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  9. Keep asking and I will create the "July Kevster1321 menstruation" thread where we take guess what day you menstruate. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  10. Breast feeder Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  11. Vegemite is made out of brewers yeast, which is an ingredient that I watch for on dog food labels. I refuse to feed that garbage to my dog because it is a low nutrient byproduct of brewing beer, but people voluntarily eat it? Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  12. Wow, I thought that with the smaller screen it wouldn't burn through battery so fast... Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  13. The only thing I ever wanted to change on my phone was the blasted plastic screen. The only phone I knew of that allowed that was a gsm only Nokia. Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner
  14. Since you are on the market page, can you check something for me? How's my Enron stock doing? Could you check my Kodak, Circuit City, Blockbuster and Hostess stocks while you're at it?
  15. I find it best to invest and ignore. The more you check your stocks, the crazier you get. I occasionally check to make sure that the companies haven't gone under, but I find it more therapeutic to set and forget.
  16. Troll 2. As bad as sequels are, the original is worse.
  17. Come on, get with the program AJ...
  18. I'm going to grill some this weekend. I have never tried it grilled. Straight out of the can is not great. I have had worse tasting military chow though. Sent from my CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  19. It's actually not bad. It does look nasty though...
  20. Covered in some weird goo.
  21. When you're on ten, where can you go? Nowhere. These go to eleven.
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