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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Yeah, I would probably chisel out a 2x4 and slap the hardware in there if I was making a phone, but maybe I should innovate and use a soup can, with the screen curved around the outside. It would be pretty glare resistant.
  2. That is a quickly aging phone. Apparently my GNex is a male because I just put it in a sporty new case...
  3. You said your phone was having heat issues right? was it dropping it like it's hot? LMAO
  4. Ah, don't make it a rectangle with slightly rounded corners.
  5. I'm in, should I build my own phone, or would that get me sued by both sides?
  6. I think it is tougher to keep it up to date than it was to build it initially LOL. Glad it wasn't wasted effort.
  7. Thanks for the reminder. I added that and the new LG phone.
  8. They are really making them realistic these days...
  9. They are trying to keep pace with Verizon in the PR "announce every podunk town that you upgrade like it is a separate market" game.
  10. It is just network maintenance. Doesn't have any bearing on Network Vision. You should see improvements until NV upgrades show up though...
  11. I was looking for something to set the bar for smart phones, but they didn't even keep up with LG. When LG has more innovative technology announced for a phone than the newest generational change of the almighty iPhone, color me unimpressed.
  12. 3GPP CDMA band class 0 is called "BAND_CLASS_0 - 800 MHz cellular band" so without knowing if band class 0 and 10 or 26 (if there is such a thing for CDMA) are supported by the iPhone, we can't know for sure if the iPhone 5 will support CDMA 800 SMR. Maybe someone can weigh in on this, is 3GPP band class 26 for CDMA operations? Or for LTE? Or both?
  13. Is this A6 chip built on a Cortex A-9 32nm process?
  14. See this comparison... http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-57510949-233/so-whats-new-comparing-the-iphone-4s-and-iphone-5/ Basically all that is changed is adding LTE, slightly taller screen to make it 16:9 instead of 3:2, and an A6 processor. Oh yeah, and 1 more microphone, better front facing camera, thinner, lighter, taller, new proprietary connector making all existing docks, accessories, chargers etc mostly useless. Yawn...
  15. Just another way to make the phone look competitive in price but squeeze out another $100 from the consumer for $16.80 worth of memory between the 16GB and 32GB NAND memory chips. Source: http://www.isuppli.c...-Materials.aspx Edit: Just to be fair and balanced, I am not picking on Apple with the memory price-gouging. The Nexus 7 has a $50 price gap between the 8GB and 16GB models. It seems obscene to charge $6.25 per GB for memory that costs about $1 per GB to the MFG.
  16. IOS 6 will be rolled out on 19 September 2012 to nearly all iOS devices
  17. 21 September 2012 release... Same pricing as the 4S (at its release)
  18. My suggestion was in the staff forum, so naturally you wouldn't have seen it.
  19. It is possible, but I would expect Athens to be completed first and Mabank to be after
  20. I had actually suggested something similar. Is this similar to what you were thinking Feech?
  21. Today, Patriot Day, I remember where I was on that terrible day. I remember being in French class at NDSU when the teacher grabbed a TV Cart and the class watched the live coverage in disbelief. This country wasn't torn apart in terror, but instead we honored those who were murdered by terrorists by banding together and defeating the terror organizations on their home turf. I pray for the families of those who were killed or injured in the attacks on September 11th 2001, the families of the first responders who were killed or injured bravely running straight into harm's way to help, and the families of the service members who were killed or injured far from home, protecting the freedoms we enjoy in the comfort of our homes. The terrorists may have succeeded in murdering innocent people, but they can never break our spirit. To quote Lee Greenwood, today I'm proud to be an American, damn proud.
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