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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. So much for the rumor that it was going to be the Google Play tablet. I didn't care for the name anyway.
  2. I can see them sponsoring the Korean olympic team and having all their jerseys advertising the SGSIII. LOL
  3. Would-be android app developers need not be deterred from writing an app due to lack of code-writing knowledge. Google had been running an app inventor website until they announced they were dropping support for the project, but opening the source code to anyone who wanted to pick up where they left off. MIT took the challenge and has the app inventor running at the following website http://appinventor.mit.edu/ The app according to the MIT website... So has anyone used the tool when it was provided by Google? Or is anyone planning on using this program to take a stab at writing an Android app? I may, because I was never too adept at writing code. I just hope it isn't like some of those website designing tools that are so simple, it makes the whole thing look like it was designed by a 3rd grader.
  4. Samsung just came out with a tweet about the SGSIII: I think some of the meaning was lost via bing translator, but it states that they will be announcing it via twitter. This could tip off that it will be announced via twitter before CTIA...
  5. I read through all 41 pages of comments. What I found was that there are 2 people claiming that they tested the sound output before and after flashing the Beats MOD and it made a difference, and there are 2 claiming that it made no effect. There is also someone claiming that anyone running an ICS ROM will not see any difference because ICS already has improved sound codecs. That could be why there is a difference. Either way, if someone adventurous wants to take a stab at it, make sure you backup before trying it and know how to flash with ODIN because it may soft-brick your device. Also, I think it's funny that the tags for the thread are: beats audio, broken app, egomaniac, rockodev
  6. Yeah, I should have been suspicious when it said it was a universal flash for all Android 2.3+ devices. I guess I jumped the gun. Don't you need Beats headphones to take full advantage of the Beats codecs anyway?
  7. I was going to post something on that. I've been reading through the thread and while the first 10 pages or so are full of positive comments and people saying that it didn't flash properly, it gets negative from there. Not sure if it is a placebo effect or what. I would imagine that if it was ACTUAL "beats audio" HTC would be all over it and it wouldn't make it 3 hours on XDA.
  8. Maybe the government will give Sprint a bailout???
  9. XDA Developer RockoDev (the same developer that ported Beats Audio to the Photon) has released a recovery flashable MOD that claims to work with all Android 2.3+ operating systems. There were several threads with the MOD, but it seems to be consolidated to the following thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1525226 This MOD is supposed to port Beats Audio and Xloud and give better sound performance to all devices. Be careful if you are going to try this out. There are many comments about people soft-bricking their phones and being stuck in a boot loop, so make sure you backup prior to attempting it. Also see XDA writeup about it http://www.xda-developers.com/android/beats-audio-now-available-on-any-gingerbread-rom/
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