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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Tough decision. I loathe Sense, but supposedly 4.0 is less involved. Touchwiz also sucks IMO, but I heard that you can elect to use the AOSP launcher on Samsung phones with ICS. If that is the casse, and the pictures I have seen of a nearly zero bezel SGS3, I might be all over that. Note would also be really tempting especially if they offer the AOSP launcher but I would have to try it out hands on to see if the size was good/bad/indifferent. Motorola could also bring a handset into the equation. Maybe something along the lines of the RAZR MAXX. But I chose the GNex over the RAZR MAXX once, and would do it again. I love my Galaxy Nexus and can easily see myself keeping the phone for a long time. Or 2 years until I can go back to Sprint.
  2. I would think Overland Park would have 3G speeds maxxed out. Towers every hundred feet. You can't be slow in your own back yard...
  3. I'm going to drive out to Newark. And that truck is better than a girlfriend. It has pipes coming out the top like a semi!!! AWESOME!!! But there better be some Krokus. Also acceptable, Molly Hatchet.
  4. Marigold bloom Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  5. I found the last 5 speed tests where I had written them down. Not sure what happened to the rest. Ping. Download. Upload 183 .31 mbps .18 mbps 860 .12 mbps .16 mbps 418 .04 mbps .33 mbps 1140 .12 mbps .11 mbps 252 .54 mbps .44 mbps They also had me get these numbers Rx signal strength 68 Rx power 68.5 dbm active set PN 279 After the last test, they couldn't get off the phone fast enough. The conversation was something like ".54 megabits per second is within the accepted range of .40 to .70 and the tower seems to be working perfectly" click. That is one reason my signature on tapatalk is: Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  6. They opened a trouble ticket on the tower nearest my house and had me run at least 100 speed tests over a 3 day period. Then I finally had 1 result over 400 kbps and they told me that was acceptable speed for 3g. I spent hours on the phone with them. I would say you got the rare CSA, not the other way around. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  7. I think Amazon has rental. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  8. They didn't offer me jack when I called. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  9. Or I order from Amazon and tell Google to eat it Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  10. It does look like that in the picture, but it is pretty small. It's about the size of a router or cable/DSL modem.
  11. I called last year because I was having a lot of dropped calls at work. They responded by insisting that they send me an Airrave to plug in at work. Needless to say, the government will not allow me to plug it in, but my sister's place also had no coverage inside and weak coverage outside. You could stand by a window and make a call. I set it up in the house on her 700KbPS DSL connection and it worked really well. The whole house was covered and it had about similar range that you would get out of a good WiFi router. It even allowed you to use the internet connection as if it was 3G data. I don't know if faster internet connections would function perfectly or if it would slow it down to the 3G max speed. I read extensively about it online before plugging it in and the only complaint I heard was that the handoff between Airrave and cell signal was not as smooth as desired and some people would lose their call when they left the house and went to cell coverage.
  12. What the................. Google needs to pull their heads out of their you know whats. I just lost access to Google Wallet because I'm rooted. Who is NOT going to root a Nexus?
  13. The $10 per month sucks but it's well worth it to dump that moment I bet. My wife had the moment and she couldn't wait to upgrade. She hated that phone with a passion. As far as the $10 per month being a "4G Charge," a lot of people erroneously call it a 4G charge. It began life as a 4G charge, but even 3G smartphones use mass amounts of data over feature phones. That is why Sprint decided to change the name of the $10 surcharge to a "Smartphone premium data charge." Customers have been flaming Sprint over that charge everywhere, but it really isn't that bad when you figure you have a smartphone with unlimited data. I agree that when you come from a smartphone that was grandfathered in without the charge, it stinks. I had the Hero, the wife had the Moment and my sister had the Hero also. All grandfathered in without the charge. Add $30 on monthly, when we upgraded and it was a tough pill to swallow, but well worth it to have a phone that wasn't buggy and running an OLD version of android. I heard of people who would bring their Hero/Moment/Optimus S in for service and replace it with a different phone (go from Hero to Optimus for example) because there were none of the same phone available and they had the $10 charge slapped on. That sucks, at least they could upgrade to a newer phone that isn't crippled...
  14. www.galaxynexusforum.com is my new favorite. I wonder if Sprint's GNex will be able to use the same ROMs or if it will be all different. I have kicked around the idea of doing a custom ROM. I'm guessing Sprint will be on it's own for ROMs.
  15. Just doing my selfless part. I'm a one man army you know...
  16. You know me too well already. LOL I don't consider myself a Verizon customer, I'm just alleviating the Sprint network congestion until Network Vision is complete. And from the tone of the rollouts it looks like my contract will be well expired by the time NV is complete in my area. Still not announced...
  17. I think it will sell more non-WiFi tablets if you can use your plan data for a tablet. A lot of people run a hotspot on their phone and access that with the tablet to get data rather than have a separate plan for the tablet. If I could access my plan data with the tablet, without running a hotspot and killing my phone battery, it would be money and make it worth the extra cost of having 4G/3G radios in the tablet. Of course when you have an unlimited plan, it is probably better to continue to run the hotspot on the phone.
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